
A Demon Lords Ambition

Mason, a criminal in his last life, came to a decision to live on with no other choice but within the domain of an entire new world. Believing just far and human evil will grow to be, his sole mission and drive is to commit mass genocide against an entire race. Suffering a great deal of pain in his last life: losing his family, a wife his two daughters as well a cop who attempted to help him and reform him. All in front of his very eyes, as they were so brutally killed, God listened to the words of his family in the afterlife, and spoke with Mason. His deads as a crimal cannot be ignored and even God didn't want to send him to Hell, for he blamed himself for not guiding him and even noticing his existence when his lived, the opportunity came to let him live on again. Although Mason was reluctant, angered with the God, he choose to live again, in another world. This new world was going to face a change, an anomaly like no other to challenge it. Humans in this world however, were far more cruel and unforgiving, Human at war with God's, great devils existed and all sort of life bared fruit to exist. As Mason set foot on this world, he would not be so forgiving and kind anymore. he no longer was human, but among demons. The world was in for a change and danger that needed to be corrected. whether it be Mason himself or the elimination of the corrupted humans like Mason believes. He would meet many, human, elf, merkfolk and al alike. To help him on his mission, while they may also offer up there body and soul to his cause and power. he had to know if his family was truly alive or dead as well in this new world with him. Gods last momemt with him, he asked his family if they should join him. if there was anyone who calm his anger, after someone broke his soul and spirt, they were out, for he wasn't going to be easily destroyed and do all he could to find them.

AkaneZero · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Ch. 8 - Atone

"your one fucked up bastered you know that..." Mason said, and walked over to him. blood dripped from his sleeves and fingers as he stared at the Archbishop.

"I make no deals with monsters vulger like you... and it's awfully hypocrite of you after the display your ju-" his breath and voice taken as he felt Masons grip over his neck and the sheer pressure he was under.

"I made me go back on two of my words... two things i promised Liz. the first was not taking life... and the second, to control my wraith... and the moment I stepped here it was taken in seconds. do you want to know why that is...?" he asked, and tossed the man like a doll against a pillar.

the Archbishop began to couch up blood from the sheer force he met when he impacted the wall and from his throat being nearly crushed. it was hard for him to speak as he listened anyways, not having much of a choice. "why...?"

"because my family... in my old life, were taken from me... in a manner similar to your unlawful sex ring and abusive torture home... your church. this church... is far from anything holy. and I'll be sure to correct that..." he walked again over to the Archbishop who was on the floor against the pillar and soon kicked hi. with such force even the pillar couldn't take it as it Crack behind the man.

the bishop felt his bones being shattered, and his organs being pushed to the limit until they burst. he was coughing up blood even mire until it was all he could puke out. "you... fucking monster"

Reaching down Mason grabbing his hair and pulled him up. "You gut and rape children... sell them too I bet. how else can you buy such nice things for this filthy church and yourself... remind me who's the monster here...?" Mason grabbing his chin and made sure he looked at him in the eye. "but if that's what you want to see... so be it..." Mason preformed holy healing magic, repairing his organs and skeleton as he was right back to normal. tossing the man again into benches along his church Mason walked over to him.

"how...? can you possess such magic... what are you, you fiend" the Archbishop said, as he was succumbing to his fears thanks to Mason very presence.

"I want to know myself... I was suddenly born here... forced to kill when before I couldn't stomach people in pain... but the world I came from helped me understand one thing. very clearly." grabbing the bishop by his chin and mouth he slammed him into the many benches as he spoke. "That Humans... Are Just Demons... The Good Are Left Too Rot... And The Evil Control The Weak. Only In Death... Do We See Our Gods... And Even Thought... Hell was too good for me..." Mason said, as he spoke loudly and firmly to him.

the bishop felt his body moving rapidly, and the streght of being smashed head first into the wooden benches. it was surprise seeing his head bleeding from his scalp. but also his body so unwilling to resist. he pleased in his mind, to get his body to move. but not a finger budged. "why would a god... entrust a new world to a monster like you..."

"because in mind... magic never existed. I want to know what you deal is bishop. tch... you don't deserve so a title when all you've done is abuse the words of your fake God and the minds of the innocent... I'll be sure to kill you a hundred time over before I let you rest in piece... and that army... I know what your thinking... I'll be killed right... that's what you are hoping for right... don't you worry, I'll be sure to rip them apart if they get in my way... what I'm doing now is an act of my own selfishness. I dislike... no... absolute hate your kind. your behavior and entire species. I can't stand it anymore. the horror I endured and my family endured, yet look at you, so happily going on about this sin and many others..."

"and what of it you vile monster! what give you the right to judge the dammed...!"

"because I have power. absolute Power" Mason squeeze his free play over his arm and began to pull ripping off his arm and tossed it away. he listened and watched him cry out in pain.

"you...! stop... fuck! AHHHH!" he was panting and in pain, and soon saw the flames Mason began to cast. he felt a sensation, a new world of torture and pain as he exposed flesh and bone were being cauterized.

the bleeding in his arm stopped completely and this confused him making his entire mind cloud. the bishop began to feel his limbs as he through his free arm to attempt resisting. "WHAT DID YOU DO?"

"I stopped your wound from completely bleeding you out. it's a method of healing. brutal. but used for medical practice if the situation demands it."

"medical? you call this healing? how dare you!"

"let me remind you who's superior here... bishop. by demonstrating just how much more power I am to you. and your army in comparison..." Mason said througing him to his arm that was torn apart from his body and on the floor. Mason walked over and stopped his chest crushing his ribs as he then connected his torn arm to his shoulder. "you'll miss it if you look away..." he told him as Mason soon healed his torn and burned limb healing his would like it never happened.

the bishop was beyond scared and froze up. "that... should be possible... not even relics can so such a thing.... what did you do... how did you?" he looked up at Mason. as it was clear how much of a monster he was. not only was he so good at taking life. he could easily give it back.

"your in no position... to resist anymore bishop... your but a helpless piece of flesh... one I will seek to experiment brutally.... after all... you and your men had fun right... taking advantage of the youth... corrupting the pure. and abusing your power in such a vulger way."

"no... no. no. no... please... let me be... I won't..."

"it's only fair... it's true here is it not..."

"What is...?"

"an eye for an eye..." Mason said, poking his thumb into his right eye socket destroying it.

"tooth for a tooth..." grabbing his mouth and forcing his jaw open. he forcefully with his own hand plucked a tooth breaking his gums and teeth.

"evil... for evil..." he finished as Mason was sat on his chest.

the bishop screamed in pain, fear and succumbed to Masons evil.

Mason curled his first as he began to beat down his skull and face. or it would be his ribs and direct attacks to his neck. he eyes or even more teeth being destroyed. all only to heal him again and again and continue. blood was everywhere on the floor from the bishop as ever time he grew close to death he would only be back and never would be let fall into unconscious.

Mason lost himself in the pleasure of the abusive nature he had developed. as the memories of his lover and children being defiled and killed ran again and again in his head like and endless tape forever on repeat. and how he so desperately wish to have done this exact thing to that man who caused his family so much pain.

with every hit his attacks only got much mire brutal nearly killing the bishop in one after hit. Mason grinned as he eyes glowed with a red and black ominous aura, and there were no sighs of stopping and for a while. the bishop spoke faintly trying to get him to stop.

"kill... me..."

"some... One... end... this..."


"i... am... sorry..."

"forgive... me..."

"no... more... no... more..."

"i-i... I'll set things right..."

the bishop pleaded through the pain, but nothing. Mason did not stop and showed no sighed of it. it wasn't until he came back to senses after hearing in his mind a voice that was all to familiar call to him. breaking him from his trace. the bishop ribs were crushed under him and his face deformed beyond recognition. yet he still breath only mouthing and breathing for he end.

"this... is your moment of attunement... for both you and your filthy church..." Mason said as he held his hands together and finish him bashing his head completely open across the floor destroying him head. Mason let out a final sigh, one of relief as he let out so much anger out. "not enough... and... I could have been a hell of a lot more sadistic..." he told himself, soon getting off the corpse as he let his palms hang by his side now relaxed as he stood up straight. completely forgetting about the woman who were around in the cloth, he took a soft glare into there directions seeing how scared they were. he didn't say a word, as it wasn't his place to reassure them. he knew very well he was a monster. one who enjoyed killing. looking at the male corpses, he reached into there bodies grabbing organs and kept them in a cooled and relaxed state using magic to pump oxygen them and give them the cells the organs sneeded to functions. he then walked to the back of the church were he left Liz, only for her to be in shock by the amount of blood he was covered in.

"M...MASON?! what happened?" she was confused and went to him but stopped seeing the organs only to her horror." i heard, what was going on... but... you didn't kill them did you... Mason... you"

"I know, what I said... and forgive me... sincerely."

"this... is gonna... forget it, help me!" she pleaded.

to his surprised she still needed his help, and walked over to meet her over the child who was starting to have a seizure on his bed. "step aside..." he told her as he began to use healing magic but over his head. not just that but also set him in his side. he then explained to her. "I'm not sure what method has been developed here... in your world... but in mine... we've discovered plenty of things the human body can develop. for one, his brain... well the nerve cells are rasing and bumping around causing his body's natural electric current to act wildly. but there all not same... there to many similar and hard to predict which one... but this one I can at least understand and in this world... even see. so I'll help accordingly..." he used the knowledge he gained in his old world, to help this child. helping his nerves calm down as he was shooting out the excess bioelectricity from his the child body from out himself.

"no way! I couldn't ever do this... how can you understand the human body this thoroughly? where... your people... in your world... all necromancers?" she wondered and looked in awe at what was going on.

"when is comes to healing... it's common... to want the wound closed, and for the blood to stop. but I can't understand what your doing... your using a healing circle... but your much more thorough..." she observed trying to learn and understand.

"every living thing conducts some sort of electricity... but I'm guessing people here never gave a second though to how or why we think or able to move our limbs do they... it's a signal... a joke of nerves moving your muscles... all I'm doing is helping him release it through me, I'm acting as a conduit... but at the same time... I'm relaxing his muscles and nerves to kill or null the pain for it to stop... he's one of the few missing organ... I'll teach you... a who new world of medicine... if you can help pass the organs I have to those missing them... and if I need too... I'll use my own... I can heal and regenerate every part of me... I have yet to test that... but I'm damn well going to now if it means helping them..."

she smiled. happily more than anything, that she saw such a gentle side of him. one that cared for humans. even if he had to know it. "you'll atone... for killing those men, but fixing there mistakes. by saving these children Mason. thank you" she carefully used magic and began to operate on the living.

Mason listened, and shaked his head, but didn't stop the thoughts from coming in. 'atone... for my sins... by helping them... what a paradox' "dammit kid calm down already and sleep..." he said loudly next, and focused on helping the child.

both worked hard to help the young men and woman and children with of course most of them being successful. Mason was done with the boy sound asleep. grabbing Liz, he then looked around after a grueling hour of nothing but healing. a headache began to muster in his mind.

"good to know surgery is a thing here... maybe when it comes to stealing organs... putting them back is another matter... and you did good Liz. quite a fast learner" he praised her as he then looked around. "they seem to be all asleep... but after today they'll be functionally normal. but as for the trauma... not even I can help" he further explained.

"Let's meet the mayor.... and the town lord... they need to know about this..."

"I think they already do... it was the mayor who suggested you come heal them... and the lord isn't very friendly with strangers yet so close and fine with a church army passing through." he surmised and thought.

"no way... why...?! what would he gain...? both of them... money... the lord already has much of it... influence?" she wanted to understand and guessed

"we'll have to ask them. and don't think to hard on it... it could very well be a simple as pleasure and desire." he told her and she sadly nodded. "in any case. thus does need to be public... but I feel like there more to this large town... so many children. only to be raised here... look for a basement. I'm going to sort of the mess I made" he told her, as he left the back room going back to the hall.

"You ladies can stop cleaning... go to the back and help the druid" he told the two other nuns who were only other adults. "now... if you never want this hell to happen again... to you or them..."

the ladies were shaking, but when they listened. they dropped there brooms, and went in a hurry. the woman who was naked was stopped as her body shaked in fear. his grip on her arm as he the removed his coat. he left her with something to wear and hurried now happily as her body wasting to get any more abuse. Mason stood in an empty room now and sighed. "so digestible... I want to be diplomatic... but with that army coming... I need to make my authority known."

he smiled as he walked to the doors. "yeah... it needs to be know... that my power is absolute. If I want to put an end to this church... and find my family... I need my own kingdom. my own town. my people." stepping out he stood in the light of the sun as he told himself. "I will get rid of the human evil... and make sure they atone"

his goal was settled, with already a challenging task. first, to quickly get rid and destroy the lord and mayor. as well then appoint himself as this towns lord. Then take the human church's army head on in a day come. it was going to be a harsh first days. but on Masons face. was a smirk, a smile so thrilled for his power to be tested. as it was his first step forward. "they should be honored!"