
A Boy She Once Knew

Childhood fiends reunite to find themselves in very different circumstances. An heiress to a media empire and a hero-in-training are caught between power, control and attraction. ShotoxOC.

Valentine999 · 漫画同人
21 Chs

I Really Really REALLY Like You

Shoto's breath caught in his throat but he tried to give nothing away to the girl in front of him. Ren was on her knees, tilting her head at him, unbuttoning her blouse, revealing her bare skin at an excruciatingly slow pace. She watched him shudder as she let the blouse fall off her shoulders and on to the floor. She watched with a small smile as Shoto tried desperately not to give away the changes his body was going through as he watched her, but the evidence was there in the blush that crept up his neck, the tension in the firm set of his jaw as he gritted his teeth, the almost imperceptible shudder of a shiver along his spine. Ren was confident and bold, not a single part of her was shy, it was as though she knew exactly what she was doing to him. But still, the boy next door refused to give in to her, refused to reach out and grab ahold of her. Instead, still hunched forwards, he nodded his head towards her bra, a clear instruction Ren was happy to comply with.

In the dim lamplight of Ren's living room, she removed her underwear as per his silent request but would not let him be entirely in control of her. She stood, the sudden action causing Shoto to sit up, rigidly straight, almost comically as though being held at gun point. He watched, unaware that he had stopped breathing, as the girl from the cove of magazines and TV screens stripped in front of him. His hands gripped his knees as his throat went dry, seeing all of her body for the first time. He had never thought about the colours people are made of before, strange as he was made up of more than average, but as Ren stood in the soft light, he noticed That she was all the colours of a night sky. Her dark hair, starlight coloured eyes, skin like a golden moon, pink lips like something out of the cosmos, was dazzlingly pretty. And he saw, for the first time, what he had heard other men say about her.

"Ah!" He gasped softly and lifted his ands from his knees as the girl next door moved on to him. She sat in his lap, straddling him, completely aware and uncaring that he had no idea how to react to her. She looked soft, her skin was glowing, the scent of her was drifting up in the heat between them. With a small smile down to him, she realised he still required a little instruction, instinct was not enough for Shoto to initiate. Before he could do anything, Ren took his face in her hands and watched him wince. His pretty face scrunched up sweetly as their same old dance was initiated; her touch controlled him. Shoto could feel it, deep down in his blood, the way she shifted his temperatures. In his anger, his left and right sides diverged in temperature more than usual; his left side became hotter, his right side became colder. Ren's touch brought them back to near-equilibrium.

He opened his eyes, his gaze focussing on her face as she watched him, a small malicious smirk curving her petal-soft lips, her eyes daring him to ask: is that you doing that to me? Or is this just sex? He closed his eyes again briefly, wondering if any woman's touch would be able to manipulate his quirk like that, somehow he doubted it. As his temperatures evened out, he felt his anger ebb away. After a moment, Ren let go of his face, she grasped ahold of his tie with both hands, the red fabric straining taut in her hands as she pulled him up to her. She leant down to his ear, her hair brushing his shoulder, her lips brushed against his skin as she spoke:

"Put your hands on me," It was all the encouragement the young hero needed. As Ren moved to kiss him, Shoto put his hands on the part of her he had been eyeing since she stripped. She smiled into their kiss as his hands grasped ahold of the soft flesh of her thighs. Opening her mouth a little, Ren let his tongue find hers as she began to undo his tie.

He felt her roughly, his inexperience and desire making him a little clumsy, pinch a little too hard, hurt her a little with the fluctuation in his temperatures as he got more turned on. He grunted in irritation as Ren pulled away from him to remove his tie, earning a small smile from her. She was already undoing his shirt buttons but he was irritated by how long it was taking before they could be all over each other.

"Ah!" He pushed Ren off of himself, removed his clothes hurriedly, sat back down and pulled her back on top of him.

Their eyes were caught on each other, on the parts they'd ever seen before, on the parts they had been fantasising about. On the curves, the lines, the colours that had been making up their dreams for the last few months. Shoto's hands gripped her hips, but his eyes were sweeping over her chest, his mouth was desperate to taste her. Ren's fingers outlined the lines of his abdomen, suddenly feeling a little out of her depth; while she was talented, to the point of being controlling, in seducing him, Shoto's pure physicality and aggression was deliciously intimidating to her. The way her body was weightless to him, the way the lines in his abdomen shifted as he breathed…if she lay down right here, he could do anything he wanted to her. Their eyes met.

"Hi," she said shyly, a sweet smile on her face.

"Hey," he whispered back and she could see, he was still waiting for instruction. Ren lifted her hand, placed a finger gently beneath the gold pendant of her necklace, between her breasts.

"Kiss me here," she instructed and put her hands in his hair as he leant forwards to kiss her skin. Reaching down, Ren took his hands in hers and placed them on her breasts. Grasping a handful of soft, plump flesh lit up something in Shoto's teenage boy brain and instinct kicked in. In a moment, the world changed.

Ren was whispering his name, tilting her head back and sighing sweetly, giggling and gasping at the feel of the different sides of his tongue against her nipples. His hands grasped at her a little roughly, her mouth was watering, desperate for the feel of something. Her skin turned pink and warm as he, to her delighted surprise, bit her. She could feel herself getting wetter as Shoto kissed and bit and licked in his exploration of her. Reaching down between her legs, Ren wet both her palms on herself and grasped ahold of his dick that was aching, throbbing, waiting for her.

"Ah!" Shoto gasped as she took him in her hands and began to work his dick in the way he had been dreaming about. Ren watched him move away from her, tilt his head back until it hit the back of the sofa, his red and white hair falling away from his forehead. He moved his hips a little into her, fucking her hands back, getting desperate for a little more. The feel of her breasts in his hands, the scent of her, the small sounds of want that escaped her lips, were almost a sensory overload for him.

Feeling him, strong, rigid, solid in her hands, pushed up against her, Ren couldn't hold out much longer, she released his dick and lifted herself up, ready to slide down onto him and start screaming. But before she could, Shoto put a hand on her shoulder to stop her. With a small gasp of indignation, Ren looked him in the eye as he brought his head back to face her.

"Are you serious?" She asked, all pretence of seduction forgotten, as she saw that he was still angry. He stared back at her, his grey and turquoise eyes still a little upset with her, not wanting to give in to her. With a small whimper, Ren bowed her head and pouted, her dark hair falling in front of her face. "I said I was sorry," she said quietly. Shoto took in her face, the way her pink lips became full, her eyes became round and luminous as she looked at him, half apologetic, half begging him to fuck her.

"You're really pretty when you're upset," he said suddenly, earning a small smile from Ren.

"Thanks," she said softly before she realised exactly what he had said; "you fucking sociopath." Smiling, Shoto reached between her dark curtains of hair and put his hands on either side of her face.

"Let me fuck you," he watched her bite her lip and nod at him before laying back on the sofa and welcoming him into embrace. As Shoto moved over her, Ren watched completely shamelessly at how the lines in his muscled shifted and moved as he did. Grabbing hold of his shoulders, Ren parted her legs, lifting them up a little, and realised that he was the only person she ever took instruction from. Usually, being the rebellious teenager she was, she would do the opposite of anything that was asked of her. But Shoto could always, since they were children, tell her what to do and she would follow gladly.

"Go slow," she asked him. He nodded down at her, his eyes skimming over her body, as he pushed up inside of her gently. "Ah!" Ren gasped at the last inch of him, as he reached a spot she had never felt before. Last night, their first time, had been too painful for her to really feel him, but now she could and shuddered as that small bolt of pleasure ran up through her entire body. She rolled her hips beneath him, Shoto nuzzled into her neck, fucking her slowly, wetting his dick with her juices, gasping at how warm and tight she felt. After a few moments Ren said something surprising.

"Put something in my mouth," Shoto's hips buckled as a sharp jolt of pleasure ran up his dick at her request. He pulled away from her and reached up with his right hand to her mouth. Against her lips he held two fingers gently. Ren gasped as she felt his fingers were cold, fused together with ice, melting against the warmth of her lips. He watched with anticipation as the ice around his fingers melted and a small stream of water ran along her lips, dripping from the corner of her mouth to her jaw. Her grey eyes became heavy lidded with lust as she opened her lips and let his fingers into her mouth. Ren moaned onto his fingers and reached down to his rear, pushing him into her, telling him to fuck her more. He watched with a feeling he had never known before as this beautiful girl sucked on his fingers like it was the most delicious thing she had ever tasted. It was purely physical, completely animalistic as she swallowed the water that melted from his hands.

"Fuck me harder," Ren, clearly experiencing this sudden heightened awareness of the utter physicality of what was happening between them, begged Shoto, grabbing any part of him she could, tilting her hips up to him to take him deeper. He groaned as he realised his dick could put her out of her misery. Grabbing onto her hip with one hand, one foot firmly on the floor, Shoto fucked her until it hurt. But she relished it, Ren moaned and whimpered, thrashed around in ecstasy, begged him for more until he couldn't contain himself any longer. He felt something in his dick pulse with complete satisfaction as he came.


An hour later, Ren was stood in her kitchen, the bright lights of her apartment shining down on the cosy scene. The aroma of simmering Oyakodon filled the air, a comforting blend of chicken, onions, and eggs that made the space feel more like home than it ever had. Although she had a feeling it had something to do with the boy next door, not the food. Ren stood at the stove, her dark hair damp and pulled over one shoulder, occasionally glancing at the clock on the wall.

She wore a soft, oversized sweatshirt that hung loosely on her frame, paired with comfortable shorts and slippers. She could hear the little taps of water from her hair falling onto the floor as she crossed her arms, stifling a yawn.

The sound of the shower turning off in the adjacent bathroom caught her attention, and a small smile played on her lips. She and Shoto had attempted to shower together earlier, but their vastly different temperature preferences had made it a comical and slightly frustrating experience. The memory brought a quiet laugh from her as she stirred the contents of the pan.

As Ren began plating their dinner, she heard Shoto's footsteps approaching. He entered the kitchen, his dual-colored hair damp and tousled, a towel draped around his neck. He wore a simple t-shirt and sweatpants, his usual guarded expression softened by the comfort of the scene in front of him. He had no idea Ren could cook, had never seen her in anything than her usual polished appearance; seeing her by the stove in her pyjamas warmed his right side a little.

His eyes fell on Ren's fuzzy sweatshirt, and he tilted his head slightly. "That looks soft," he commented, his voice carrying a hint of curiosity but Ren was barely paying attention, she was focused on arranging the bowls and replied absently:

"It is soft. Ah!" She let out a small gasp of surprise as Shoto suddenly wrapped his arms around her from behind, burying his face in her shoulder. The gesture was unexpectedly affectionate, something they had never actually ventured into.

"Sho, I have to-" Ren began, but her words trailed off as she caught sight of their reflection in the living room window. The image before her made her pause - Shoto holding her so tenderly, his face nestled against her shoulder, his arms secure around her waist. It was a picture of genuine affection that went beyond their physical connection.

Something shifted inside Ren at that moment. She turned in Shoto's arms, cupping his face gently in her hands. Their eyes met, and for a breath, the world seemed to stand still. Ren leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to Shoto's lips. Unlike their previous passionate encounters, this kiss was tender, filled with an emotion that neither of them was quite ready to name but both were happy existed.

As they parted, Ren's voice was soft. "Dinner?"

Shoto nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. He took the bowls and moved to the living room, settling on the floor by the coffee table. "Coming?" he called back to Ren, who still stood in the kitchen, looking slightly dazed.

"Yeah, just getting a drink," Ren replied, opening the refrigerator door. "You want one?"

But she was no longer listening. As she stared into the cool interior of the fridge, Ren found herself lost in thought. The image of Shoto hugging her so affectionately struck something inside of her. The way he had looked at her, touched her - it spoke of something deeper than just physical attraction or a casual fling.

The realisation hit her like a punch to the gut: Shoto really cared about her. And what terrified her even more was the knowledge that she cared about him too. Had she really been so stupid, so caught up in the superficial physical aspect of things, to not realise this could happen? And if it was happening, if they really were falling for each other, if this was real….

Guilt began to build in the pit of her stomach, a heavy, nauseating feeling that threatened to overwhelm her. She gripped the edge of the refrigerator door, her knuckles turning white with the force of her grip.

Because the truth was, Ren, raised in the world of media and TV, used to the polished appearance you showed to the public, had become so used to being something she wasn't. And what she really was, deep down, was a liar.

I feel like I'm making Ren too unlikeable, I mean of course I'm going to give her a whole backstory and explanation and try to justify it but…against Shoto's 100% lovely personality maybe she comes across really badly?

What do you think?

Valentine999creators' thoughts