
No One Breaks Mine

I've seen many people tell their stories

I've seen many people looking sad, angry, frustrated, alone, and many more.

They wanted something

Wanting something someone could've offered to them

But they thought no one cared

Wanting something no one knew about

But I knew

I knew what they wanted

I know they want someone to ask if they were okay

I knew they wanted to cry after being asked that

But asking them once just gives them a little knudge but asking more than once more than twice

That's what people want

And I give it to them

I make them break I take their wall down


No one takes mine down

No one knows what I want

What I need

So I stay like that

I stay with my wall up

(I cant upload the photo here but you can check my Instagram..! my username is book.about.poems.and.pictures.. please leave a like and follow♡)

this chapter got me really emotional lol

3u3ucreators' thoughts