
A Book About Poems And Pictures

Everyday I'll upload a poem and a photo.. the photo will be on my Instagram: book.about.poems.and.pictures I hope you enjoy my poems and I also hope you can relate to them since I pour my heart into what I write

3u3u · Realistic
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7 Chs

The Sunset

Y'know, I look at the sunset

And I think about how beautiful it is

Nothing else clouds my mind 

All I think about at the moment

Is the sun finally going to sleep

I wonder what it dreams about

I wonder if it slept good

I wonder.. I wonder.. I wonder.

I haven't wondered enough; I say to myself.

I still haven't found out

How the sun's beauty captivates my soul, my mind, and my eyes

It reminds me

Of a time when I was a child

I was playing outside, and I looked at the sky

I saw something so beautiful

It was the sun setting

My eyes lit up as I saw this beautiful sight

I thought that maybe the heat on a summer evening wasn't so bad

If I could see this every time

(I cant upload the photo here but you can check my Instagram..! my username is book.about.poems.and.pictures.. please leave a like and follow♡)