
Game of Thrones: Dovahkiin

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This is a story about a man who reincarnated in Westeros 7 years before Robert’s rebellion… No harem

5 標籤
Chapter 1You, You’re finally awake

*Wolfswood, The North, 1st moon,275 AC*

It was a beautiful day in The North, well as beautiful as a snowy day could get, the wolfswood's ancient tree stood tall and proud, like the man of the North. A gust of wind, warmer than normal shook those ancient trees in a way never seen before, it was if the goods were welcoming a friend. The fallen leaves, that made of the ground it's residence, formed a surprisingly gorgeous "carpet" in the forest.

The calmness in the wolfswood was a given from the old gods e most often than not undisturbed.

Fortunately, as history would show later, today this calmness was briefly disturbed. Near a archway, made from two trees that ages ago were bent and interlocked naturally, a blue portal appeared and a man stepped out of it, as soon as the man got out of the portal it closed and the man, who had taken a deep breath as he looked those ancient trees with respect and a little bit of confusion said:

_ So it begins…



My name is Ragnar Dovahkiin, and as improbable as it seems, I was someone else before I was me, someone less important and less… just less. I died from ways I couldn't remember and got the opportunity to be reincarnated and was given 2 wishes. My first wish was to have the memories, experiences, riches, items, determination, body and heart of my Skyrim character, my second wish was to have Kratos' ( GoW) strength, henceforth I became me, warrior, a demigod with the strength of a god, someone who mastered all schools of magic, all styles of fighting, all assassination techniques, a hero worthy of sovengard.

Fortunately I got to choose the world I would be sent to. I chose the world of Game of Thrones ( ASOIF more precisely). I don't remember why anymore, it seems old me just thought it would be interesting… I have a few memories of the plot, but apparently the memories of Ragnar, my memories, overused "space available" in my mind…

My plan is to become a Lord of a good amount of land and rule it, make it prosperous… to help the people of this land.


General POV

Ragnar would like to think of himself as righteous, everything he did till today was for the good of someone or the realm ( even before he became Ragnar) and he liked it. So when he heard the sound of fight and saw a group of 10 wildling men surrounding a single man and his wife he didn't think twice before he decided to help.

The direction he was coming from was coincidentally at the couples behind, so they probably didn't see he coming till he side by side with the man. The man, seeing Ragnar wasn't dressed like one of the Wildlings assumed he got there to help, a dangerous assumption but a right one nonetheless.

Ragnar by chance noticed that at the ground laid 5 wildlings and 2 man( soldiers if the letter armor and sword were any indication) all dead. Ragnar then looked at the man, he wore a rather expensive looking letter armor, and a fur coat over his shoulders… he was a Lord,of that Ragnar was certain. The Lord looked at Ragnar with hope in his eyes. The wildlings looked at him with fear, how could they not? At 7'2, black latter amor and a very angry face, Ragnar was rather an imposing figure. Before he could say anything a wildling beat him to it.

_"So one more kneeler has joined the fight? Do you think we fear you big guy? We are 10 and you are 2!"

Ragnar raised an eyebrow at that comment and simply pointed out:

_ "A few minutes ago you were fifteen and they were three… it seem your people don't know how to fight that well… a few minutes ago I wasn't here, if I were, you would be 0 and we would be 4…" Ragnar then smirked at him "Before we begin, does anyone want to leave?"

Ragnar unsheathed his sword, as he did that one of the wildling shoot an arrow at him, which he caught with his free hand…

_ "By the old gods" said the unnamed Lord

_ "I'll take that as a no" Ragnar said as he trows the arrow back at the man, right in left eye killing the man instantly. Then hell broke loose… Ragnar run to group of wildlings… they tried to fight, they failed… the speed which Ragnar spun and slash his sword was otherworldly, quite literally, and the speed which he avoided the eventual sword slash or spear thrust was even greater… they died in less than 30 seconds.

The Unnamed lord meanwhile was taken aback by Ragnar's display and rather grateful for his help.

At this time eleven armed man arrived coming from Ragnar's and the Lord's left side, as they looked at the scene they saw fifteen dead wildlings, 2 men of their house's household dead, a giant of man in the middle of the dead wildling and their lord with a awestruck expression on his face. They marched to the Lord's side and saluted

_ "Lord Stark! We didn't find any other wildlings, apparently it was a trap, when you sent us to after those 5 wildlings these fifteen were waiting for you here! We managed to kill those 5 wildling we came back as soon as we heard the fight…"

_ "And it seems you were beaten to it…" The now named Lord Stark said and surprisingly his wife smiled a little.

_ "Who are you? I never heard of a warrior of your talents in this lands" Lord Stark asked curious of the man identity

_ "My name is Ragnar Dovahkiin…"


A/N: So that's it for now… I'll try to get another chapter in today… not sure! Leave a review… and sorry about the English, it's not my first language, if someone wants to be my editor lmk and we'll talk. Thanks


The Unbound (Multiverse: The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones?)

'What happens to you after a truck smashes you to death? A question I’ve asked myself a thousand times, as I read stories or watched animes involving Truck-kun. I’m sure many of you would have the same answer as me: ‘You get reincarnated silly.’ Or even those who’d say: ‘You meet an ROB and get a zillion wishes and go to your favorite world to build a harem and have cock measuring contests with everyone who looks wrong at you, DUH.’ I was surprised when I got to test it first hand. Scratch that, the only thought on my mind as I faced the enormous monstrosity, if there was any, was that I didn’t want to die, while my body thought it would magically solve the solution if I pissed and shat myself. Turns out that men shit themselves when they die, who knew?' This is a story about an ordinary man who suddenly found himself in a different world with a GAMER system! Or at least what appeared to be similar. Current World: Game of Thrones First World: The Walking Dead Second World: Game of Thrones I wish to do: Harry Potter, Danmchi, Marvel, DXD... Nothing is fixed yet, and I will be taking requests into consideration. ------------------------------------ Support me on Patreon and read up to 5 chapters ahead: patreon.com/xenongraves RELEASE RATE: I'm aiming for 10k words / week. so 1 chapter / day , with 2k words, though for now, I just post wherever I've reached. I haven't stockpiled chapters yet. ------------------------------------ Disclaimer: I do not own The Walking Dead. Thanks to LordValmar for the cover! ------------------------------------ This part is to help you decide if you want to read this or not. 1- Is this a HAREM story? I understand this is a deal breaker for a lot of people. So I'll avoid wasting your time. I didn't add a HAREM tag because it's not a HAREM story just yet. However, if you are ABSOLUTELY against the very idea of Harems, I suggest you avoid reading this, because as the author I am open to the possibility. However, at no point will this become a story where the MC gets any girl he wants just because he looked their way. I wish to make the interactions as human as possible. Needless to say, with the system, it might tip the scale in his favor. 2- Is the MC OP? At the start? Nope. he is as ordinary as they come. I'm trying to maintain a balance in the story. if he can speed run the world, there is no point in writing about his adventures at all if he's already a god. he will EVENTUALLY be OP, but not right off the bat. 3- Does the MC get wishes? No. If you have more questions, ask me in the comment, I'll give you an answer as soon as I can.

Xenon_graves · 电视同人
116 Chs