
News in Kingslanding

The Red Keep, Kingslanding, 11th moon of 278 AC

The Red Keep was one of the most impressive castles in Westeros, built by Aegon The Conqueror and improved by Maegor The Cruel and Jaehaerys The Conciliator. The castle was where the most critical decisions were made and where the future of Westeros was decided, which meant that usually, the castle was the definition of eloquence and civility… as well as backstabbing and corruption. People playing the Game of Thrones in Kingslanding were as ordinary as a whore with diseases; every noble wanted to be more than they were, being more powerful than they were; as the old saying goes, "everybody wants to rule the world." Something that King Aerys Targaryen knew rather well, but at the end of the day, he was King, and nobody was more powerful than him, which was why he hated the Game of Thrones and its players, which consequently made him dislike most of his small council members, who led by Pycelle called an emergency meeting. Something that surprised the King, as other than him, Tywin was usually the only one who called for meetings.

King Aerys, followed by two of his Kingsguards, Lewyn Martell and Baristan Selmy, walked inside the small council chambers, where the small council members and Rhaegar were seated quietly. Even in his mad state of mind, King Aerys saw how distressed Pycelle seemed.

" Your Grace," Everyone said as they stood up to greet the King

The King said nothing and sat, scorn dancing on his face.

" Talk… and it better be important as I was interrupted when I was about to… entertain my wife.." The Mad King said, his lack of sanity showing in his eyes, and then a little fear as he saw Prince Rhaegar's hands twitch at the mention of his mother.

" Y-Yes, your grace… I bring dire news from the North… something horrible happened!" Grandmaester Pycelle said, his eyes showing how distraught he was, something that alarmed everyone as the man wasn't known for his acting skills, which concerned Tywin Lannister more than he would ever admit

"You dare bother, Your Grace's and ours day with news about the North? We have important things to do and places to be Grandmaester" Tywin said, applying his reverse psychology to the King as he knew the king would do precisely the opposite of what he would suggest, independent of what it was

" No, Tywin, I'm the King, and I say what is of isn't important! Say it, Pycelle!" The King said with a smug look on his face; pissing Tywin was one of his favorite pastimes.

" Your Grace, House Bolton is no more! House Dovahkiin destroyed them; He killed Roose Bolton the same way he killed that man at the Gates of Duskendale! It was all supported by House Stark!" Pycelle said fast and nervously.

" That's a problem, indeed; the Boltons were the only House with a grudge against the Starks in the North… but if Lord Stark allowed it, then Bolton must have done something…" Rhaegar mumbled to himself mostly.

" Why did Lord Dovahkiin attack the Boltons? He seems to be a very decent man." Rhaegar asked no one in particular

" My little birds told me that he Raped a peasant woman after killing her husband, and Lord Dovahkiin took personal offense on it; he declared war on The Boltons after that." Varys said calmly.

" That is against the king's law! The punishment for Rape is castration or the wall! A noble cannot be killed for murdering a peasant!" The master of law said heatedly!

" According to the Maester of Dreadfort, he offered the wall or castration; Bolton refused both, and Lord Dovahkiin decided to kill him." Pycelle quickly said.

" But that's not all… the Maester of Dreadfort reported some grave news… Your grace, according to him, Lord Dovahkiin has a giant white Dragon under his command…." Pycelle completed, and the room went silent.

" What? He has no Valyrian blood! That makes no sense at all! Dreadfort's Maester must be crazy or was too dizzy from the battle!" The master of ships said; Aerys was surprisingly quiet, but his eyes shone with a glint of madness

" That's probably right; as much as his house's name sounds like, Lord Dovahkiin doesn't have Valyrian blood which doesn't matter as his Dragon isn't a Valyrian one… my little birds told me his dragon breathes ice or cold. It's probably an Ice Dragon from the shivering sea." Varys said and Rhaegar, who was too shocked to say something, nodded absent mindedly

" We must do something! We must find a way to tie his house to ours! We must find a bride for Rhaegar as quickly as possible so we can marry a daughter of his to my son's and heir! Yes… Yes! I will be known as the King who brought the dragons back to the crown!! Yes! Summon Lord Dovahkiin here; we must discuss this personally." King Aerys said hastily; his smile was feral, monstrous, and mad

" Your Grace! Are you sure? House Dovahkiin isn't worthy of royal marriage! They are five years old!" Pycelle said trying his best to make the King change his mind, the Citadel worked hard to kill all the Targaryen Dragons and it would be rather unpleasant if the Dragons got back to the Targaryen hands. Killing a small lord is easy, but killing a King is extremely hard, especially one as paranoid as Aerys or worse, as intelligent and loved as Rhaegar would be.

" House Dovahkiin is a young house, but it is the richest one in the North and probably the Third Richest house in the realm. Winterhold, Skago's city is as big as Lannisport but it lacks the horrible smell of a city. It has trade agreements with Ibben and Braavos, House Dovahkiin had the third biggest battle fleet in Westeros, 400 whalers-ships. House Dovahkiin future seat of power will be just a little bit smaller than Harrenhal's. Ragnar Dovahkiin can forge Valyrian Steel weapons! House Dovahkiin is the second most powerful house in the North…

That's not counting the Dragon, of course, with the Dragon, they are the most powerful House in Westeros." Rhaegar said; his face was blank, but his voice showed a little of his eagerness.

"Excuse me, my prince, but how do you know all this? The citadel doesn't have any record about any of this!" Pycelle said he was in a mix of being taken aback and angry… he didn't want Dragons back, and the Targaryen, instead of waging war against Skagos, chose to make an alliance

"I saw it all myself,Grandmaestet. I was invited to Lord Dovahkiin's wedding; I saw the city and how well maintained it was, how clean it was; I asked around, and I talked to Rag- Lord Dovahkiin himself." Rhaegar said quite nonchalantly.

" There will be no discussion! Do as I say! Summon Lord Dovahkiin here! You fools don't you see? He has a Dragon and knows how to forge Valyrian Steel! He must be a sorcerer! I've always wondered about it when he told me he could forge Valyrian Steel… he will hatch a Valyrian dragon for me, and once his Daughter marries my grandson, we will be the masters of Ice and Fire!!! Rhaegar! Elia Martell, it will be Elia Martell! Although dirty by Rhonysh blood, she has a little bit of Dragon Blood! Summon Princess Marya Martell here!" Aerys said, and Rhaegar nodded; nobody said anything as the King's orders were already given


A/N: Look who's back! Me!

Thank you guys for the support and I hope you guys are still here!


Hagrid vs The Mountain, who wins? Both of them are berserk mode!
