
The Island of IB

Skagos, The North, 6th moon of 275 AC

It's been a moon since Ragnar summoned Castle Volkirar at the Plains. He announced to all that Castle Volkirar would be seat of power. Ragnar knew the castle wasn't that great but it was the only one he had, it was also the only woman he ever loved's birthplace , his plan was to rebuild what was broken and build extensions, he wanted to make the caste as big as Winterfell, and to do so he would need help from a builder who MASTERED his arts. It was one of reasons why he would go to Mereen after IB.

Ragnar was preparing his ship to sail to IB, he thought about flying that but in the end he decided to go by ship and let Midstinul take care of Skagos, Ragnar let his steward, who was the same steward for late Lord Magnar, in charge of his land, Ragnar used the Bend Will shout on him to make him loyal. He would've feel bad if not for the crimes the man had committed during his time as Lord Magnar steward.



This character only exists because I didn't want to leave Skagos without "supervision"


"I will sail for IB in a few hours, my dragon will stay and protect the Island." Said Ragnar, his hair was braided as if he was one of the Dothraki, he wore a red gibbon with a leather vest on top of it, black trousers and a ice bear fur cloak, which gave him the appearance of true Lord of the North.

"Yes, mi'lord, do you have any instruction?" Said the Steward, the man was old, he wore some heavy clothes to protect him from the cold and looked as ready to receive the sweet touch of death as any other person with a terminal disease.

"Yes, I want you to get as much builders as you can, from all around the island and being to build houses on Castle Volkiras surroundings, but only to the north of it. I already sent a raven to Lords Crowl and Stane ordering them to send the builders… pay them 70 silver stag a month,here's coins I left for this task" Ragnar said as he handed the man a massive sack of silver coins

"when I get back from my trip I want to see at least 100 houses.. if you need any advice ask Midstinul, he is a thousands of years old Dragon after all" Ragnar joked. The old steward chose to remain silent and simply nodded.

The last person Ragnar needed to talk was the Maester.

"Drem yol Lok, greetings, joor! Before I depart for IB there are some things I need to clarify and delegate." Said Ragnar, his face held a contemplative expression, some would say it didn't match his character, brute man don't contemplate after all, these people would be wrong, Ragnar was one of the greatest scholar his world has ever seen, his domain and mastery over magic was legendary, feared by his foes and welcomed by his allies.

" Midstinul will held court during my absence" Ragnar informed the man

"The… the Dragon my lord? Are you sure this is wise? " Inquired the not so old but still past his time Maester.

"He's as old as human civilization itself, he is probably the wisest of us all." Answered Ragnar, and he truly believe that, his time in Soul Cairn was a humility lesson for the dragon, he was now keen in judgment and his time by Ragnar side in Skyrim taught him of the ways of man.

"If you wish so my lord" the maester said…

"One more thing… If I get summoned to Kingslanding because you informed your order of my magic and might I will kill you in the most painful way possible and will imprison your soul in a world of nightmares and profanities… I WILL burn the Citadel to the ground and erase it from the history.. you have seen what I can do… the time for the south to know about my power is coming but it has not arrived yet." Ragnar said, his whole face had changed and so had the air inside the room, it was heavy, it was if they were on the top of the world's tallest mountain.

"Are we understood maester?" Asked Ragnar after the Maester lack of answer…

"My Lord I… I already…" before he could finish his sentence he was interrupted.

"No, you haven't, I intercepted your ravens, all of them. I hope you haven't forgot about the contents of your oaths… " Ragnar said, he then left the room and headed to the docks.


When Ragnar got to the docks there were people waiting for him, they wanted to send him off and pass on their good wishes. It was a surprise for Ragnar, he underestimated his popularity, but he welcomed them regardless.

Ragnar then got to his ship, there would be only one more man with him, a sailor who would navigate the ship.

"M'Lord…" said the sailor as he slightly bend his head. Ragnar nodded at him but said nothing.

"My name is Dig of Kingshouse and…" the sailor then proceeded to talk about their trip and asked Ragnar if he wanted to set the ships's course, Ragnar denied and just told the man to do what he usually did when he sailed to IB.

They departed from Skagos to IB a few minutes after that.


Ragnar's trip was rather boring, Clean skies and Cyclone ( only the fist word) made the trip as easy as possible and they got to IB in the record time of 5 weeks.

Dig would always remember the time his Lord made the shivering sea yield to his voice, this would later on become a legend among the sailors and pirates of the world.


Ib, the Ibben Isles, 7th month of 275 AC

The island of IB was a cold island, not colder than Skagos but cold still. Their geography were interesting to say the least, they had mountains and Forrests as well as plains. Ragnar found the Island extremely pleasant, the forests made him remember of Falkreath.

"The Port of Ibben" was one of the Largest cities Ragnar has even seen, when he docked the in the port, before he could even leave his ship some man of the city guard came and asked some basic questions, Ragnar answered them to the best of his knowledge. He told he was the High Lord of Skagos and that he was there to buy whalers ships and convince some man and woman to immigrate to Skagos.

The guards allowed him entrance and gave him some instructions to follow, they even recommended some shipwrights and inns. Ragnar thanked them and walked away to one of the shipwrights the guards recommended


A/N: Here's today's chapter. I hope you guys like it, I'll try to post another one soon but I can't promise haha thank you!!
