
The White Lotus

(White Lotus Organization Meeting Room)

The White lotus had been looking for Korra for over a year and had got nothing. No signs, no leads noting. The realization that they couldn't find her stumped them. They needed to find the Avatar.

Aang had given them this duty as his dying wish. He didn't want any other Avatar to suffer as he did on his journey. He wanted them to get trained and prepared for the outside world.

The White Lotus felt as if they owed it to him and the world to train the next generation. They were becoming desperate, and so, decided that they need to call all surrounding white lotus leaders hidden in the other tribes to see whether they could help them find the Avatar.

"We need to find The girl. She could be in danger," The White Lotus leader boomed.

"We've been looking, but we can't find her anywhere," The others said(Katara, Sokka, Tenzin).

"I am sorry that all of you had to leave your homes, but this is of the utmost urgency that we find the girl. The boy could have corrupted her. He stole her, after all!!!" The White Lotus leader shouted, "Hopefully, our spies could bring us intel."

The White Lotus leader turned to look at the four men standing before them. All of them looked powerful, but there was a slight smell of mystery on each. They were powerful, battle-hardened men who had fought some of the most frightening opponents, and though they had lost some of their strength with old age, they were still dangerous.

They looked at the White Lotus leader and bowed.

"What can we do for you, sir?" The four men said.

"I need to know if you have seen this girl," The White Lotus leader said.

The four men looked at the picture intensely. The first three didn't recognize the photo, but the last one did. He knew the girl as he was the Master who had trained her for a whole year. He was about to tell the White Lotus when he suddenly remembered something.

(Flashback Two Months ago)

Korra was sitting down and crying, but it didn't look sad at all. She was smiling as if she was the happiest girl in the world.

The Water bending master watched the whole scene and decided to ask her about it because she had never cried, ever. She was a strong and a bit brutish girl, but all round, she was okay. That was why he was so surprised. She never showed weakness.

"Why are you crying, girl?" The Master asked with intrigue.

Korra looked at the man reluctant to tell him. She wasn't sure she should.

The water bending master saw this and decided to say, "I am your Master, the person you trust to learn the styles of Water Bending. If you can trust me to do that, then you can trust me with this," The Water Bending master said sagely.

"When I was younger, I was kept in a camp, unable to see the world. My parents just left me there, and although they visited, I had no friends. I have been lonely my whole life. Gon saved me. He showed me the world. I am finally free," Korra said

The Water Bending master looked at Korra with pity. Someone so young should not have suffered like this.

"Don't people understand that kids at least friends, even Aang had friends while completing his duties. She is only fourteen," The Water Bending Master thought.

(Flashback End)

"Well, shit. What am I going to do?" The Water Bending Master thought.

He debated between saying whether he should inform the White Lotus about his info or not but, in the end, decided that he should. He knew that the Avatar was in danger and needed help.


"I know who she is," The Water Bending Master said, "She is my student at my tribes near here. I could take you to her."

"Go and get her," The White Lotus leaders said, "Take thirty men with you."

"Yes sir," The Water Bending master said.

He quickly left to go and get the crew.

After the man left, The White Lotus leader said, "Katara, we might need you for this mission. Follow him discretely."

(Back to Gon and Korra)

Korra and Gon were busy training unknowing of what was happening. They saw their Water Bending Master and decided to greet him.

"Hello, Master," They both said.

The Master's face looked grim as he greeted them back. A group of water benders entered the room. There seemed to be about thirty of them.

The Master looked at Gon and Korra and said, "Sorry."

After that, he moved to the side to watch the massacre.

The group of water benders started their barrage of attacks. Some were throwing water while others ice. Korra and Gon blocked the ice using phase-shifting to turn it into the water, but they couldn't prevent the mass of water from hitting them. Korra feinted from being hit, but Gon's situation was a bit better.

Although he had gotten some bruises, he was still up and ready to fight at any moment. He quickly bent a mass of water and phase-shifted into gas, creating a smokescreen blinding the opponent. He ran in and used his memories to go to the positions that he had seen the enemy.

He finally found one and started to use his martial arts with bending. His body began to flow like waves as he knocked out ten of the other benders with nothing but his fist. By this time, the smoke had cleared up, and the other benders had seen the damage that he had done. They were surprised but continued in their mission.

They start barraging him with attacks, but he continued forward. To him, this was nothing. He had faced worse in his past life; a certain amount of pain became nothing to him. However, he would still feel it if he got hit too much. He was coming close to that point.

He attacked like a wild man attempting to protect Korra. They had spent a year together, and now he couldn't think of losing her. She was his family. He threw weapons of ice at the men disabling most of them. At this point, there were only to men left. They were only two men left. He used a water whip to hit them, causing them to fly to a wall and then faint.

He looked at his old Master, ready to attack.

"Don't worry, I won't attack you," The Master said with regret, "You can go. I'm sorry for telling them your location. I just wanted to be safe, but now I realize it was a mistake. Go!!"

Gon walked up to Korra and picked her up. They soon walked out of the building but didn't go far as Katara hit Gon with a water whip and picked up Korra.

"I am sorry for this," Katara said as she picked up Korra and left.

"Waaaaaait!!!" Gon shouted as he fainted.

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