
Student and Master

(One hour after Katar knocked out Gon)

"Wake up, Wake up," The Water bending master said, slapping Gon's face.

He felt sorry for the child and was starting to regret what he had done. All he had wanted was for his students to be safe, but he realized that they already were. They had each other. He watched as Gon was protecting Korra. He even beat thirty white lotus members who were dominant in their own right. He was surprised. He looked at Gon with a face full of remorse.

Gon woke up and immediately after he jumped up. He looked around to see his ex-master and then started to remember the events of an hour ago.

"Where is Korra?" Gon demanded, looking at his ex-master with eyes filled with hate.

"She has been taken by the White Lotus," The Water bending master said sadly, "It was my fault, I led them to you thinking that you guys would be safer with them, but I was wrong. I am sorry."

Gon immediately jumped ready to go and get Korra back from the White Lotus.

"Don't go, you are still injured and even if you weren't you would be decimated by them," The Water bending master said, "They have hundreds of soldiers plus legends like Katara, and you are one person. Give up on this."

Gon looked at odds but still decided he should go. Korra was his friend, and he needed to help her.

"I am going!!!" Gon said.

The Water bending master sighed, knowing that he would have to fight his disciple.

"Fine. But you can only leave this place if you can defeat me," The Water bending master said.

"Ok," Gon said.

Gon went into his fighting stance and attacked. He started by throwing ice knives at his ex-master. His ex master blocked by putting up a wall of water, stopping the blades from hitting him. The master then proceeded to us the water whip to bash Gon into a wall.

Gon flew through the wall. His body was already injured, and the injuries from this fight were adding on to his problems. His body was starting to fail him, but he wouldn't give up, he couldn't give up. He would never abandon anybody like his parents did to him. He would save her and come out of this victorious. She couldn't leave. She told him herself that anytime that she tried to leave the White Lotus, they would bring her back just like the people in his past life did to him.

Gon attacked his ex-master with his full power throwing a mass tidal wave of water in his direction.

The Water bending master saw the tidal wave coming in his direction. If it were anyone else, they would have died, but he had fought in many wars and had learned how to defeat this beast, redirection. He put his hands up and moved them in a circle, "Aaaaaaaaaargh," he shouted as he redirected the water towards his student. That task was the hardest thing he had ever done.

Gon looked up at the tidal wave of water coming in his direction and gave in. He watched as he got submerged into it and was near-fainting. He would have died if not for his ex-master dispersing the water. He had lost.

"I am sorry, my disciple," The Water bending master said as he picked up his old disciple and placed him on a bed.

Gon kept his head down depressed. He screamed at his uselessness. He couldn't do anything and was just a hindrance to everybody. The sadness drained him, and as time went on, he felt less and less like himself or the facade he had put on since reincarnating. He would put a smile on trying to hide the sorrow that he had felt his whole life. An entire life where he had gotten put down at every opportunity. His parents had taken a part of his mind when they sold him to bad people. Those wicked people had taken all of it though when they tortured him, breaking his fingernail and branding him.

He had thought that this life would be different, but it was not. This body's father left him for no other reason than he didn't have any power. Anger was searing throughout him like a pot about to explode. He was unstable; maybe that was why he had chosen fire and water. He was like a wave peaceful yet dangerous when pushed.

Korra was fixing him, picking bits and pieces of his psyche stolen by his parents and the malicious people. She was bright and hopeful like he once was, and he would never let that light go out.

Gon stood up. He couldn't mope around and do nothing. Gon decided to heal himself, a power that he had not used till now to hide his full capabilities. He walked into the freezing water of the tribe he was in right now. Green lights started to show in the pool, and once they stopped, a fully healed Gon stepped out. Gon decided that it was time to bring out his full power; he would show his fire.

The Water bending master watching all of this was surprised to see his disciple heal himself. He had never taught Gon how and didn't want to treat him as he knew that Gon would go to save Korra.

He watched as his disciple was about to leave but then spun into action. He attacked his student with a water bullet to the head, but it just evaporated.

Gon looked at his ex-master, trying to knock him out with a water bullet. He quickly used slight traces of fire to heat his surroundings, melting the water, then promptly used a water punch his ex-master. While his ex-master was blocking, he used his martial arts to Chi Block him. His master couldn't bend but still attacked.

The Water bending master was surprised. He had never seen Gon using martial arts and s never expected it. Even though Gon had Chi Blocked him, he was still able to fight as he fought in many wars and was used to these situations. He kicked Gon in the stomach and then continued with a hook to the head.

Gon spits out blood as he continued to fight his ex-master. He started getting back into the flow of his martial art and started to attack correctly. As he punched his ex-master, he was using water to hit his ex-master, causing the man to fall on the ground.

Gon looked at his ex-master and said, "I have won."

He walked away, going to save Korra.

Hey, guys so I tried to add a darker tone to the main character. Is this dark enough?

Powerstone if u like

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