
(Un)Forgettable Love (KSJ FF)

Y/n a normal girl and Jin, a fashion model, both fall in love. But Jin ends up in an accident and everything changes, since then. Wanna know what happens? Jump in and get to know!

Ruby093 · 音乐组合
23 Chs

At the party

"Y/n, this is Soo Yun.... my cousin."

"Oh, sorry. I didn't know." Y/n said.

"You should be sorry." Soo Yun said.

"Yun, that's not how you talk, to a friend of mine." I said, defending Y/n.

"Ah... Seok Jin it's ok. I'll leave you guys to talk." She said and was about to leave. But I held her hand and stopped her.

"Y/n, noona asked you too, to take rest. And I am not allowing you to work alone." I said.

"Seok Jin, you don't need to." She said.

"I insist." I said and held her hand and took her inside.

"Soo Yun, what are you here for? I'm pretty sure my mother might have asked you to come." I asked, as I looked at her.

"Ani. Why would you think that? I came here to meet you." She said.

"Yeah, yeah. I know you well." I said.

"Well, think whatever you want. But I came here to meet you and spend time with you." She said and sat beside me.

"Y/n, you were about to tell something. What was it?" I asked.

"Well.... that was nothing important. Jungkook just wanted to know when you are free to discuss about the new stocks that have come in."

"Oh... Ok. How about you join with me?" I asked.


Y/n's POV

"Me? Wae? I know nothing about it." I said.

"I would like you to come. No buts or anything. You are coming." He said.

"Won't listen, will you?" I asked and he smiled.

"So Jin, how about we go out for lunch?" His cousin asked him.

"I have work to do. I'll see." He replied. I just sat there doing nothing.

Meanwhile, his cousin was asking him what they can do. And Jin only replied to her, in one word. And most of them were; no, later, or maybe. She got pissed and left. So, it was me and Jin left.

"Y/n." I heard a voice. I raised my head up and was surprised to see Hyung-sik.

"Hey. How are you doing?" I asked, as I walked up to him.

"I am doing good. How about you?" He asked.

"I am doing good too. Come, have a seat." I invited him in.

"So, what brought you here?" I asked.

"Um... I am having a party at my house tonight and thought I'd invite you." He said.

"I would love to... but you know there's work."

"Don't worry about it. I have talked to your sister about it and she accepted. And, you too can join." He said looking at Seok Jin.

"Ah... ani. I don't want to disturb you both in it. You guys can carry on." He said.

"Hyung-sik, don't worry about it. He'll come. Then.... I'll see you at your house tonight." I said.

"Ok, see you at 8. Bye." He said and left.

"Why did you say yes? He is your friend. You guys have a lot of things to do together." He said.

"I met him a few weeks back. We're not that close, but he's sweet and kind. So, you are coming now, ok?" I asked. He nodded and I smiled.

-----time skip to 7pm-----

I was still working. Unnie pulled me suddenly and I looked at her confused.

"What are you still doing here?" She asked.

"Unnie, I'm in the middle of work."

"What about Hyung-sik's party? When are you planning to go there?" She asked.

"It's at 8. I can work till then." I said.

"It'll take time for you two, to get ready. Better to be ready at the earliest." She said and pushed us both.

"Ok, but I don't have any good dress to wear."

"That's all. I'll get you one. Jin, you can go get ready by that time." He nodded and left. Unnie took me to our room and she opened her closet.

"Here." She said and handed me a dress.

"Unnie, how can I wear this? Oppa gifted it to you, on your birthday."

"Y/n, Sung-ho was the one who told. He wants you too, to look good. Better wear it fast and come down." She said and left.

I looked at the dress. It was a black off shoulder kinda top.

I wore matching earrings I had and wore flats. I came out and walked down. I spotted Seok Jin leaning by the staircase. He wore a white shirt and a black coat/jacket with matching pants.

"You look gorgeous." He said.

"You too look handsome enough, for someone to fall for you immediately." I said.

"Shall we go?" I nodded and we both walked down.

Unnie and oppa noticed us.

"You both look wonderful in this dress." Unnie said.

"You both look great. Hope you have fun there." Oppa said. I hugged them both and headed out.

"We can walk as it is quite near." I nodded and we both walked.

The walk was silent. Neither of us talked. We soon reached his house and we entered.

As I saw a lot of people, I was tensed and nervous. I had never been to a party before nor seen a lot of people.

"You ok? Why are you sweating?" He asked, worried.

"Uh... um... I'm not used to partying and seeing a lot of people." I said.

"Don't worry about it. You've got me." He held my hand and I walked along with him.


Third person's POV

They both entered in and Y/n was quite shocked to see he had such a huge house. As she entered, she dashed into someone.

"I-I'm sorry." Y/n said.

"You should be." She said and left.

"Don't mind it." Jin whispered and they headed in. They spotted Hyung-sik and waved at him.

He walked towards them.

"Hey guys. Thanks for coming." Hyung-sik said.

"Thanks for inviting us." Jin replied.

"Enjoy yourselves. Feel free to ask anything." He said and headed to his friends.

Y/n and Jin headed to the backyard and seated themselves. They both grabbed a glass of wine and sipped on it.

"I always wanted to ask you one thing." Jin said, as he took a sip of his drink.

"What is it?" Y/n asked.

"Why do you call me Seok Jin?"

"What do you mean by that?" She asked confused.

"Everyone I know, call me only Jin, but you're the only one who calls me Seok Jin. Why is it so?"

"Seok Jin is your name, right? I called your name, that's all." She said and sipped her drink. They talked for sometime and got to know each other well. Their drinks got finished.

"Want one more?" She asked. He nodded and she went for a refill.

Y/n poured some wine in her glass and then in Jin's. She was heading back to the backyard, when she again dashed into someone and the drink spilled on that girl.

"Are you blind? You spoilt my drink." The girl shouted and everyone turned towards them.

"I-I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to do it." Y/n said.

"Sorry? You spoilt my dress. Do you know how my it costs? You won't even be able to afford it." The girl said.

"I apologised for my mistake." Y/n said.

"So now you're back answering."

"I am not back answering. I am just standing up for myself. I apologised for the mistake I did and you could just say that it's ok. There's nothing to argue over this."

"I have seen you somewhere." Another girl said.

"She's the one at the bakery." One of her friends said.

"*looks with disgust* After all, you work at a bakery, how would you know about this? You don't even have the right to be in this party. How did Hyung-sik even be friends with a bitch, working in a bakery?" She asked, looking at her friends.

"How does it matter to you, how I met Hyung-sik?" Y/n asked.

"You are really getting on my nerves."

"I did nothing. If you had been a good person and said it was fine and left it, I too would have left it there. But it was your mistake, pulling it long."

"You bitch, know your place. Do you know who her father is?" One of her friend's said.

Jin wondered what took her a long time to refill a glass of wine. He headed out and noticed Y/n talking with a group of girls. Well, not talking. He was watching everything.

'She looks familiar.' Jin thought.

"Don't you know her father? Or doesn't she know who her father is? If you can't find him, ask the cops to help you out, not only in finding your father, but also your place. Guess you don't know both." She said and turned but got stopped by the girl again.

"You are talking too much. Mind it. Or else I don't know what I'll do." She said.

"*smiles* Calm down. Next time, add less salt to your food. You're blood pressure is increasing. Then you might end up in the hospital."

"You!" She said in anger and pushed Y/n. She lost her grip and fell in the pool that was behind.

Y/n didn't know how to swim. As she fell, she suffered. She couldn't breathe.

Jin pushed past them and jumped into the pool. He got a hold of Y/n and brought her up. Hyung-sik too noticed the girls push Y/n, into the pool.

Jin carried Y/n in bridal style and placed her down. Hyung-sik helped him.

"Y/n? Y/n?" He called her and shook her. There was no response.

'Maybe she would've gulped in some of the water.' He thought and pressed her stomach, so the water would come out. Only little did.

He had no other choice but place his mouth in hers and give her air. Without hesitating, he placed his mouth in Y/n's and gave her some air.

Y/n choked and slowly opened her eyes. Jin calmed down as she woke up. Hyung-sik and Jin helped her sit up. She was still choking. Jin patted her back and assured everything was alright.

He removed his jacket and covered it over Y/n as she was shivering.

"Y/n, I'm sorry for what happened to you." Hyung-sik said, worried. He never knew something like this would happen.

"I-It's ok. I'm fine. Don't worry about it." She said.

They both helped Y/n get up and Hyung-sik got a towel for Y/n. She thanked him.

"Jin? Is that really you?" They three heard a voice.

"Do you remember me? I'm Soo-won, a family friend of yours." Jin just nodded his head.

"Y/n, you're ok right?" He asked, worried. She nodded her head.

"What are you doing here, especially with that girl?" She asked.

"I'm here with her. Any problem with that?" He asked.

"You know her? Do you know who she is?" She asked, as she looked at Y/n with a disgust look in her face.

"I do. She's my friend."

"How can you be with her?" She asked.

"Listen, you don't decide who I should be with. I would've slapped you for pushing her, but just because it's a place where people have come to enjoy, I didn't. Better mind yourself next time. I won't even see if it's a public place." He said and held Y/n's hand.

"Thanks for inviting us. See you later." He said to Hyung-sik and left.

On their way, Jin looked at her and said,

"Noona and hyung will be worried if they see you drenched. Let's stay at a lodge for tonight." Y/n nodded her head.

"Seok Jin, thanks for saving me tonight. I don't know what would've happened if you were not there." She said, in a low voice yet audible to Jin.

"Don't talk about things that didn't happen. You are safe now, so don't worry about it." He said.

They spotted a lodge and Jin booked a room for tonight and got to their room.

Y/n sat down, shivering from getting drenched. Jin noticed it and brought a towel and wiped her hair.

"First, dry your hair and then I'll ask if they have any spare clothes. Then we can have dinner." Y/n nodded and let him dry her hair.

After he dried her hair with the towel, he headed out to get Y/n some spare clothes and food to eat.

He soon came back with a dress and some ramen.

Y/n headed to the bathroom to change her dress. She came out and they both sat down and had their food.

Neither of them talked. It was silent. The ticking of clock was heard well.

"Thanks for helping me again." She said.

"You don't need to say thanks or sorry." He said and smiled.

They finished eating and Y/n sat on the bed.

"I'll sleep on the couch." Jin said.

"You don't need to. The bed is big enough to fit two people." Y/n said. He had no option but to agree.

They both lay down and slept.

---at 1am---

"Give me money!" He shouted.

"I don't have.." She cried.

"Give me money now or else I don't know what I'll do." He shouted again.

"I don't have. Please leave me appa." She cried.

He didn't listen and put her face in a bucket of water.

"I...I can't breathe. Le....leave me." She wanted to tell this, but wasn't audible.

"Leave me, appa. Leave me." She shouted and got up with a jerk.

She touched herself. She was sweating and tears were flowing.

Jin got up as she screamed.

"Y/n, are you ok? Why are you sweating? Shall I open the windows?" He asked.

Without saying anything, she hugged him tight. Jin was shocked but hugged her back.

"Everything's ok?" He asked.

"Just a bad dream." She said in a low voice. He stroked her back and Y/n fell asleep in his arms.

Jin placed her down and covered her in a blanket. He lay down and slept soon.