
(OLD) My Hero Academia: The Overdrive Hero!

(OLD! I HAVE A REVAMPED VERSION ON THE WAY!) Waking up and having a rather powerful Quirk? Check! Not knowing how to use it because of an injury sustained by a Villain? Also... Check... Bad luck is no stranger to Alyx Leonidus, but in this case, it took a turn for the worse. After waking up with no recollection of who he is or where he was, Alyx is seemingly thrown into the world of Quirks! Being forced into relearning the ropes of his Quirks, how will he stack up with the rest of the students at U.A. High? Through tough trials and experiences, Leonidus must retrace his steps in order to understand his past and embrace the future!

LeoLyonWriting · 漫画同人
228 Chs

Mind Games: A Master Illusionist's Specialty! (Part 1/4)

I couldn't concentrate for the life of me at school today. Everything was just so... Unreal.

"Leonidus, would you care to tell us your thoughts?" Ms. Midnight asked.

I looked up, what were we even talking about? I looked at the board and read the question: "What should you do against a Deception/Illusion type Quirk?" I froze, Arlen's devilish laughed echoed throughout my mind. I rubbed my eyes, and the question changed to: "Why are you fighting this, Leonidus?"

I took a deep breath in and then out, "What's the question?"

I looked down from the board, I tried to ignore it as best as I could.

"It's right there on the board, Leonidus." She replied.

I could've sworn I heard Arlen's voice within her voice. I activated my Quirk and shot up into the air.

"Vibraine!!" I shouted.

I felt Deku's Blackwhip wrap around me, "Alyx! What are you doing?"

"Don't you see the damn question on the board?! It says, 'Why are you fighting this, Leonidus?', right?!" I confessed.

Everyone looked at me, worried and confused, were they not seeing what I was seeing?

"Arlen Vibraine, correct?" I heard Mr. Aizawa say.

I looked down at him and nodded. He signaled Deku to let me go, and I dropped to the ground. After class ended, Mr. Aizawa wanted to see me. I sat down in front of his desk.

"What happened last night? You were outside in hysteria for a few hours from what Eri told me. If you aren't comfortable with telling me, I need you to tell me everything to the best of your abilities." Mr. Aizawa told me.

I sighed and closed my eyes, "Okay, here's what happened."

I explained to him everything that happened, how Deku turned into a child which was an illusion. Then, I told him about my second encounter with him, which was what threw me into a panic attack.

"I see. So, this guy's going around calling himself a "Master Illusionist?" Sounds like a bit of a Narcissist." Mr. Aizawa replied.

(I.R.P.: Listen to, "Sir Nighteye's Death"!)

"He's a lot more than that, from what it seems." I added.

Mr. Aizawa and I walked to Recovery Girl's office. I kept an eye out for anything weird or out of the ordinary, luckily, nothing was off.

"My goodness! I heard about what happened last night, are you okay, dear?" Recovery Girl asked.

"Yeah, I'm okay for the most part." I told her.

I crossed my arms and looked to the side; Mr. Aizawa shot a look at me.

"Are you sure you're alright? You don't have to hide anything from us." He cooed.

I bit my lip and tried not to cry, but I just couldn't hold it in.

"Am I really a hero? After everything I've done, does anyone truly trust me?" I asked.

"Whatever are you talking about? You've been more than just a hero, young man!" Recovery Girl tried to reassure me.

As much as I wanted to believe it, I just couldn't. I looked up at Mr. Aizawa.

"C-Can I talk to my mom, in person, please?" I sniffled.

[15 Minutes Later...]

My mother entered the room, "Alyx? What's wrong?"

She put her hand on my shoulder, I slowly looked up at her and her eyes widened. I broke down again and she quickly hugged me tight.

"I-I'm not a hero, am I?" I sobbed.

"Honey, what are you talking about?" My mother asked.

I buried my head in her shoulder, "I tried... B-But I couldn't save them! Dad, Momo, Kariya... I couldn't! I should've stayed dead in Jaku..."

My mother held me tighter, I felt tear drops go down my neck.

"A-Alyx... Please, listen to me. I'm so sorry I can't help you, I honest to god wish I could. Whatever's going on... I need you to be strong, not just for your teachers and friends, but for your father and I. Alyx, you can't save everyone, there's always that one person you won't be able to reach in time!" My mother cried.

Mr. Aizawa patted my back, "Whatever Arlen did to you, I promise he won't do it again."

"Mr. Aizawa! I finished the-" I heard Hagakure's voice.

She stopped, "O-Oh... Is everything alright?"

[10 Minutes Later...]

I laid in my bed facing the wall, I didn't feel like eating dinner so I just went straight to bed. Every now and again, I swear I could hear that damn cackling of his, but I didn't want to look. I heard my door creak open and I tensed up a bit.

"Hey, it's me." Kirishima announced.

I heard him make his way over to me, "Are you feeling hungry at all?"

"No." I quietly replied.

It was silent in the room for a bit, then Kirishima finally broke it.

(I.R.P.: Listen to, "You Can Become A Hero")

"Dude, you know you don't need to worry about that illusionist guy. Whatever he told you was just mind games, bro!" Kirishima reassured.

I sat up in my bed, not only was Kirishima in my room, so was everyone else!

"Yeah, that guy doesn't know a damn thing about us!" Kaminari added.

Bakugo smiled at me, "If you think for a damn second that we don't trust you Amnesia, you really must be as smart as Dunceface over here!"

Jiro sat down a juice box in front of me and her stereo, "Besides, we've been with you every step of the way. Why in the hell wouldn't we trust you?"

"Yeah! B.F.F.'s for life, remember?" Hagakure exclaimed.

Momo sat down next to me and hugged me, "You've always been a hero to us, Alyx!"

"Now, it's our turn to be a hero to you!" Deku said cheerfully.

Eri burst into my room with Mr. Aizawa, "I drew you something Mr. Leonidus! Will this make you smile?"

She handed me the drawing, it was a picture of all of us, with me in the middle that said "My Heroes!" underneath. I looked at that drawing for what felt like forever. I smiled softly and tears hit the paper.

"T-Thank you... Thank you all so much!" I cried.

They all gave me a group hug, "I really don't know what I did to deserve you guys... But thank you so much!"

I felt a lot better about this situation, I wasn't gonna let Arlen get this best of me this time! I looked at the drawing, instead of it being "My Heroes!" it read "Worst Hero!" I smiled at it.

"Yeah, I'm the worst hero." I thought to myself.

I closed my eyes and the entire room went black, here we go again... I'm assuming when this happens, I'm still surrounded by whoever's around me, I just can't see or feel them. But I'm pretty sure they can still hear me!

"Everyone! He's back!" I shouted to the emptiness.

Arlen phased into the area, "You know, it's rude to share secrets, Alyx! I thought we were friends?"

"Fuck off. I mean it this time. Fuck. Off." I sternly growled.

He put his hand up to his mouth, "Oh my! Who taught you such strong language? I bet it was that blonde haired boy, he seems to be a bad influence on you."

"Unfortunately, now that those other so called "heroes" know of my presence, I have no choice but to eliminate you. I know, I know, this'll be as hard for me as it will be for you." Arlen continued.

(I.R.P.: Listen to Bliizit's cover of "Ultra Instinct" from Dragon Ball Super!)

I smirked, "Come on then, try it."


Arlen rushed towards Alyx! Without moving, he somehow dodged Arlen's attack!

"W-What? You're just standing there, how did I miss?" Arlen questioned.

Alyx's hair begun to turn white as he went into Infinite Mode! He turned and faced Arlen, instead of fear gracing over his face, Vibraine was smiling with glee!

"Ooo, what's this? I've never seen that before! You really have matured, haven't you?" Arlen complimented.

Alyx stared him down, "I suggest you leave; you won't touch me in this state and that's a promise."

"Is that so? We'll see about that!" Arlen yelled.

He rushed towards Alyx, striking at him, but not a single one of his hits connected. Visibly frustrated, Arlen's attacks grew faster, each strike grew labored. Alyx jumped away from Vibraine, he smirked at him yet again.

"What did I tell you? Are you some sort of dumbass? I said you won't be able to hit me." Alyx yelled to him.

Arlen scowled, seemingly out of options, simply stood there and laughed. Alyx tilted his head in confusion, what was so funny?

"Oh, my boy, this is much bigger than you could ever imagine! I hope you didn't think I was alone in this matter! I do have my own allies..." Arlen's voice echoed.

Behind him stood All For One, Shigaraki, Black-Heart, V.I. Vanilla, and Nine!

"I have gathered your greatest foes! I bet you miss them a lot, don't you? I know this place sure needs them!" Arlen shouted.

Alyx stood there, facing the greatest evils he's ever witnessed, what would he do? Could he take them all on at once? He got into his fighting stance and prepared to fight! This was going to be his toughest challenge yet!

"Bring it." Alyx challenged.

Arlen bowed and disappeared, leaving the five villains with Alyx. Alyx could tell something was off, however, and he was going to use it to his advantage! He knew who was the biggest threat out of the five, so he targeted them first, and was going to make sure that every strike would count. An eerie calm filled the space between them, but neither sides stepped down. Alyx didn't have to feel for their heat energies to tell that they were significantly weaker. He closed his eyes then shot them open, furrowing his eyebrows.

"BOOST FIRE!" Alyx shouted.

The rose-gold aura appeared around him!

"I'm not holding back, not like last time!" Alyx yelled.


I rushed towards them, but right before I could attack Shigaraki, a blinding white light shined in front of me. I felt hands pulling me forward and I hit my bedroom floor face first.

"T-Thanks! What happened?" I asked.

"We saw that damn magic bastard hop out of a tree and run off campus." Bakugo told me.

"So, it seems as if his Quirk doesn't take you out of the real world. We heard what you told us, which was why we were trying to wake you up." Mr. Aizawa added.

I nodded, maybe there was a way to beat Arlen, we'd just have to time it right. Now that Arlen was gone, Mr. Aizawa told us that he'd amp up security right away. A few minutes after he left, he placed the campus and the dorms on lockdown. All of us were on high alert, just in case he came after one of us, let alone me.

Hey! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far! If you'd like to support me even more, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next! I'd really appreciate your thoughts, ideas, and support! I really would like to see this rank high up in the rankings!

Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting various art from the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero

Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! <3)

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