
(Droped) This Young Master Have Had Enough

“Jin Hai you shameless bastard!” “Jin Hai you dog!” “Can’t you see that goddess Ning doesn’t want to see you, Jin Hai!?” “Jin Hai, go die!” . . . . Jin Hai, the most infamous man in the whole China Federation. At the tender age of 15 he became the laughing-stock of everyone due to his arrogant behavior, lack of talent, lascivious persona and dog licking his fiancée. However, Jin Hai couldn’t care less about what other people said about him. He is simply trying to finish his role in the plot so he can be free from the stupid protagonist and those brainless heroines. And finish he did. After gruesome 20 years of having to pretend once again, Jin Hai finally became free from his role and went to live his life as he wanted. This is a story about a man who was reincarnated as a villain into a novel’s world and followed his role. Now, he is free to do whatever he wants. ----------------------------------------------------------- Hello there! Hi everyone, I’m Kyle_Kingsmaker, a novice author and this is my first book. This is in truth just my side-project and not my main novel, but don’t worry, there will be a chapter once per two days (at least for now; I might post daily after my experiment). I would like to first say a few things: 1- I’m not a native English speaker, so I apologize for any grammar mistakes. If you find any, please point out, I’m grateful in advance; 2- This is a more different story from the rest. How so? I based the world in it with a combination of Shadowrun’s series, our classical Chinese novels and magic instead of our usual cultivation, so please give it a try, you might like it; 3- This is not a fanfic of any existent novel. I did take inspiration from other novels, however this is a completely original novel; 4- Although this novel isn’t my main one, it doesn’t mean I will do any sh*t and upload it to you guys read. No, I will put in effort in this and I hope you can give me your feedback, of course, respecting everyone (me, yourself and the other readers). Also, this novel has some themes that can considered dark, so read at your own discretion. 6- The cover or reference images are not mine. I do not own them in any form or shape and I am only using them with illustrative intent. If you are the owner of any of those images and wish them to be taken down, please message me and I will take them down as soon as possible. ------------ Also, the eaversdrop in this novel is more of a support than a main element. Anyway, here are the tags this novel has: #Action - #Advanced technology - #Cyberpunk - #Comedy - #R18 - #Reincarnation - #"Evil MC" - #Smart MC - #Handsome MC - #Calm MC - #Strong MC - #Beautiful Female Leads - #Strong Female Leads - #Female Leads That Have a Working Head Above Their Shoulders - #Magic - #”Cultivation” - #Business - #Faceslapping - #MC That Uses Logic - #Harem - #Romance - #Dedicated Female Leads - #Romantic Interest Falls in Love First - #Loyal Female Leads - #Chill MC - #Hardworking MC - #Several Races - #Wars - #Organizations - #Yanderes - #Milfs - #Oyakodon - #Gilf - #System - #Eavesdrop -

Kyle_Kingsmaker · 都市
88 Chs

Chapter 20: Settling some unfinished business [1]

Hello there, I hope you are having a wonderful day!

So, I am passing here just to say somethings before you start to read:

1- This chapter has some light t*rture (it isn't much by MY STANDARDS);

2- For the readers who don't like this kind of thing, rest assured, there won't be any real plot involved in those chapters containing this kind of thing. So, you're free to skip them if you don't want to read.

Well, that was all I wanted to say for now, having said this, have an enjoyable read! 🍷😎



This is something rather common yet rare on today's days.

Magic is something that can be divided into two main categories: outer and inner.

Right now, Hai is at the Core Formation rank, the step where he condenses mana inside himself to form a core and passively absorb mana and purify it for later use.

As Hai is a mage, that is, someone who do outer and inner magic, he has to worry about the control he has over his magic, how much mana he uses to augment himself and how much he needs to leave in case of emergency.

The classical situation where one should rationalize the little they have.

Hai was like this in the past, having to pay close attention so he doesn't deplete his mana pool midst a fight.

Now however, things are different.


Sitting cross-legged in the middle of an empty room, Hai's body started to emanate cold air.

Right now, Hai is forming his core but he is also trying something new.

He is trying to inscribe some spells or put in another way, trying to put other functions in his core.

This can only be done by someone extremely experienced or someone who is still forming their core.

Hai's eyebrows furrowed while he was focusing all his attention on his inner-world.

In the previously dark space that was his inner-world, now there is an agglomeration of blue energy slowly forming a circle while it keeps rotating around itself.

This is the mana he is using to form his mana core.

Willing the mana inside him, Hai started to use the mana itself to inscribe some strange words inside the sphere.


"Maiorem facultatem."

"Efficaciora effusion."




(A/N: Those words are in Latin. They respectively mean: "gather; bigger capacity; more effective absorption; regeneration; purity and fluidity".)

After inscribing those and some more words, Hai finally stopped.

His forehead was sweating profusely but there was a smile on his face.

After resting for some seconds, Hai started to form his core for good.




Cold air emanated from Hai, as if he was a glacier while the floor, walls and ceiling slowly turned into metal.

After spending some minutes forming his core and assuring that the mana was kept in a sphere format, Hai started the next phase.

Core Condensation.

He started to purify the mana, take out the impurities of it and let the purer mana, the most effective to use, be the only one left.


Letting out a long breath, Hai's mana started to get whiter in color.

After taking out all the impurities, Hai's previously blue sphere was now pale light blue in color, nearly white.

Deciding that this was enough, he started to compress his core.

The Core Compression phase is one where you will make you core be smaller but purer and refine more mana. It's basically being more efficient while occupying less space.


After 1 hour, Hai finally sighed in relief.

He was now at the Fountain stage, the first stage of a "true" mage.

And he did this in less than 2 hours.

Normally, this process should have gone on for about 12 hours or even a whole day.

Hai is quite happy with this speed.

However, this happiness wouldn't do much to increase his strength.

Losing his smile, he focused back again.

He isn't going to only turn into a mage today, he is going to at least attain his lost strength before dealing with Ye Chen.

He has 2 days before that, and he is going to set records for those 2 days.

Closing his eyes, Hai fell into a meditative state.


























(2 days later – Unknown location)

Hai is sitting on a chair while playing an FPS mobile game on his phone.

He is leisurely non-scooping everyone while using the worst sniper in the game and is constantly being called a hacker.

When he just killed yet another one, he heard the door opening.

With a quick goodbye in the chat that earned many cusses, Hai put his phone away and looked at the guests.

A burly troll with red skin, entered the room while carrying Ye Chen like a sack of potatoes.

Hai smiled and waved his hand at the troll.

"Hello big man. You can put him on that table and your job will be done."

The troll nodded and carefully put Ye Chen on the table like a bull trying to sculp a glass statue.


Ye Chen hit his head on the hard metal table and groaned in pain.

Hai picked his phone, tapped a few times on the screen and put it away again.

"Thanks for the trouble, man. I have paid you double and give you some more to share with your boys."

The troll smiled creepily and nodded at him.

"Say hi to your wife and children."

The troll nodded and exited the room.

Hai then turned to Ye Chen who was slowly waking up.

He waved his hands and the table molded itself into one more spacious and Ye Chen was shackled to the table.

Walking closer, Hai made a small ice spike and "melted" it into icy water.




Coughing repeatedly, Ye Chen quickly got up and turned his head to the side to get the water off his windpipe.


Meanwhile, Hai was making some tools with his metal affinity while he patiently waited for Ye Chen to finish his efforts in not dying.

After a minute, Ye Chen recovered enough to be able to think.

He started to look around the room and then his eyes landed on Hai's figure.

"You…. So it was you, you bastard." He growled with hate in his eyes.

However, in the next instant he smiled.

"Hai, oh Hai. You never learn, don't you? It wasn't enough to lose your fiancée to me, even your sister and parents have chosen to abandon you. The young master Jin is no more." He spat while smirking.

Meanwhile, Hai had a stiffy smile on his face, he was trying to not laugh at this idiot.

He looked at Ye Chen with a gaze of someone looking at a clown.

However, Ye Chen didn't fail him and thought that he was looking at him with rage, like he had hit the bullseye.

Ye Chen's smirk widened.

"Hai, how about this: If you let me off, I'll only break all your bones and beat your face until your mother can't recognize you. A good deal, right?" He asked while calmly gazing around the room.

Hai raised an eyebrow but said nothing.

He walked with unhurriedly steps until he was above Ye Chen.

Ye Chen seeing this, smiled.

"Yes, just like it. You don't seem so brainless anym-"



Hai ignored the clown and pierced Ye Chen's stomach with his hand.

"GURH-!" Ye Chen gritted his teeth in pain and looked at Hai with hate-filled eyes.


Hai pulled out his hands while holding something.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ye Chen started to frantically scream and spasm when Hai pulled his hand out.

Hai held in his hands a shining white sphere.

That is Ye Chen's mana core.

"Hum~ Although this is considered taboo, who cares~?" He said and started to absorb the core.

He firstly purified it from any and all impurities, including the world's energy.

After a few minutes of doing this tedious process, he finally could absorb the thing.

But he firstly looked at Ye Chen.

By now, he had calmed down and was breathing heavily while his eyes were unfocused.

Moving closer, Hai grabbed Ye Chen's chin and turned it towards his direction.

"Well, thanks for all those years you spent cultivating this delicious meal~" With a mischievous grin, he opened his mouth and dropped the core inside.

Ye Chen's eyes widened while he watched with horror as his core which he cultivated so hard, was simply eaten by the one he stepped over and over again.


With one audible gulp, Hai swallowed the core and his body emitted a faint blue light.

"Oh, I broke through. Anyway-"

Ye Chen didn't let him continue as he exploded in fury at this waste eating all of his hard work just like that.


Hai put one hand on his ear and raised the other which held a hammer off Ye Chen's face.

"You're too loud~" He said playfully.

"You- Grluh!"


"Oh dear, I think I broke his nose." Hai looked inside his storage ring and brought out a recovery potion.

He popped out the cork and splashed the potion over Ye Chen's face.

Ye Chen's face started recovering at visible rate.

Hai threw the flask inside his storage ring again and waited for Ye Chen to recover.

"Hum~ Hum~ Hum~" Humming a melody, Hai's eyes lit up when he saw that Ye Chen had already recovered.

"Argh…." Ye Chen was trying to process what happened but when his eyes landed on Hai, he exploded with even more fury. Right now, all he wanted was to tear apart this bastard before him.




"London bridge is falling down~"


"Falling down~" Hai started to sing while repeatedly hammering Ye Chen's face down.




"London bridge is falling down~"


"My fair lady~"

Hai's face was slightly tilted to the side, his eyes were like two crescent moons, his mouth was forming a lopsided grin and from above the edge of his nose, his whole face was hidden by the shadows, making he look like a really scary madman.

"Hum~ Hum~ Oh!" Hai stopped moving his hand.

He looked at Ye Chen's disfigured face and took out another potion and splashed it over his face.

"Lalala~" Right now, Hai is nearing his sanity limit. When he finally got the chance of settling his business with Ye Chen and venting out all of his hate, he is feeling so much euphoria right now that he might as well be doing drugs and he doesn't know.

However, Hai is being careful to not get lost in this feeling. Too much of anything is bad.

After waiting for Ye Chen to recover, he threw the hammer away and picked a scalpel and a small hook.



Ye Chen was panting heavily after he recovered his senses. He was starting to lose himself because of the pain.

Never in his life had he felt so much pain.

Not even during his master's training.

However, as he was in the middle of recovering himself from being hammered in the face, his eyes suddenly shot wide open.

"GUUUUUUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!" Letting out a scream and flailing his body, Ye Chen started to struggle against the new pain he felt.

While Ye Chen had been recovering, Hai was calmly cutting Ye Chen's skin with his scalpel, holding it open with his hook, picking salt from a pot he had on the side and putting the salt under Ye Chen's skin, before using a bit of fire to cauterize the cuts.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Ye Chen's mind started to get hazy.

He could only feel pain.

He couldn't think anymore.

He was wishing with all his strength for Hai's death.

But he was also wishing for this hell to end.

Meanwhile, contrary to Ye Chen, Hai was disappointed.

'Just this?' He was honestly skeptical about how little pain the protagonist could endure.

He had gone through way worse you know? You're the damn protagonist, have some ball, will you?

Shaking his head in disappointment, he decided to progress to the next phase.


And right on cue, the door was blasted open.

"Big brother!" Ye Zhen entered the room accompanied by a beautiful and seductive woman whose aura screamed "strong".

Hai took out a piece of cloth from his storage ring and turned to them while wiping the blood off his hands.

"You two sure took your sweet time. I had even purposely let Ye Chen's tracker activated but you still took this long *SIGH*"

Ye Zhen's eyes burned with blazing fury when she heard Hai so casually talking about how he wanted her to arrive sooner.

Previously, she only had mildly dislike for him, now, it is full-blown hate.

The woman who was besides her vanished and appeared near Hai while piercing his stomach with a sword made of mana.

That was what was supposed to happen.

The woman looked downwards with wide eyes and saw she was completely frozen from below her head.

She couldn't move an inch.

"Now, we have the whole family here~ Ye Chen, his little sister and his master~" Hai lazily smiled and waved his hand.


Ye Chen's master and Ye Zhen suddenly found themselves butt-naked.

"Now, shall we start the next phase~?" Hai asked while his smile stretched from ear to ear.





















A/N: So, what did you guys think about this chapter? I only did light things in this one as it was just the beginning.

Now, I have a question for you all: Would you like me to continue this t*rture or not?

Because, if you choose "yes", next chapter there might be some real heavy things (or not, depends on you) but not all readers like this kind of thing, so I'm asking just to be sure.

Once again: For those who don't like it, rest assured, there won't be any real plot involved in those chapters.

Well, that is all for today, I hope you have liked it.

If not, comment it, I want to read your opinions and interact more with you guys.

That was it, thank you all for reading! 🍷😎

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Your feedbacks motivates me even more to keep writing.

Thank you all for reading and I wish you all a wonderful day.

Kyle_Kingsmakercreators' thoughts