
(Avatar: Naruto)

a mix between Naruto and Avatar there are some Clans such as Uchiha and Nara.

King_Arthur_2240 · 奇幻
17 Chs

Book One Winter Solstice Part 1 The Spirit World

Resume in on team Avatar as Katara starts talking about how soft the clouds look Sokka tells her to jump in it if she thinks it's so soft as she ignores this Aang jumps into the clouds and uses his glider to fly back up as he is left soaked before Naruto could get a chance to try Katara spots in the distance the tragedy that the fire nation has left behind as they land all they could see is burnt tree stump and grassless land. Karata: Aang are you ok? Sokka: Fire nation! Those evil savages make me sick. They have no respect for-- shh. What i'm not allowed to be angry? Aang: Why would anyone do this? How could i let this happen? Naruto: It's not your fault this is what war does it hurts not just people but the environment. But you are hear now so you need to train hard so you can beat fire lord ozai and stop things like this from happening to anyone else. Karata: Yea and that is why we are going to the north pole to find you a teacher. We can now see Zuko and Sasuke looking for uncle Iroh as they find him bathing in the hot springs Zuko begins to talk: We need to leave now we are closing in on the avatars trail and I do not want to lose him again. Uncle: You look tired prince zuko. Why don't you join me in these hot springs. And soke way your troubles? Zuko: My troubles cannot be soaked away. Sasuke: it's time to go. Uncle: You should take your teacher's advice and relax a little. With Team Avatar Karata: Aang are you ready to be chers up. Aang: No. She throws a acorn. Hey how is that cheering me up? Sokka and Naruto: hehe it cheered us up. She throws a acorn at them to. Sokka: Yeah we probably deserved that. Naruto: No we didn't so what's the big idea with throwing an acorn at me. Katara and Naruto begin to argue, Aang cheers up knowing that his friends are still the same knuckleheads and since there are acorns the trees will grow back then out of nowhere an old man approaches them asking for the avatars help. As we go to his village we can see how dilapidated it is as they enter the main building they are greeted by a villager they are told about the Troubles of the village and the spirit that comes to kidnap one of them. As they grow worried the closer it is to the winter solstice as the natural world and the spirit world grow closer and closer until the line between them is buried completely. As the spirit is already causing Devastation and destruction once the solstice is here there is no telling what will happen. Aang: So what do you want me to do exactly. Who better to resolve a crisis between our world and the spirit world then the Avatar himself you are the great bridge between man and spirits. In a sarcastic tone: Right that's me. Karata: Hey Great Bridge guy can I talk to you over here for a second? Aang you seem a little unsure about all this. Yeah maybe it's because I don't know anything about the spirit world it's not like there is anyone to teach me. Well can you help them. I don't know but I have to try. As they all support him in their own way we can see Uncle sleeping in the hot springs as he quickly wakes up hearing shuffling in the bushes only for it to be a little mouse in the background we can hear rumbling as out of nowhere uncle is encased in stone as Earth Nation soldiers surround him as the leader recognizes him as fire lord of his eyes brother and the dragon of the West. As Aang goes out to try to defeat the spirit. Sokka and Naruto try to convince Karata that it is wrong to just sit back and watch as he fights some spirit. As Aang walks back the spirit come out of the darkness and follows him. He turns around only to see the hei bai spirit, as he tries to speak to it it only screams at him and starts to look for people. As he tries the peaceful way he is knocked away by the spirit as Sokka and Naruto finally decide it's enough and go to help him. Sokka throws his boomerang Naruto launched it using his airbending as it makes contact penetrates it's fur it lets out a Screech as it turns around it begins to charge and attack but before it could Aang blast a large gust of wind at it distracting it long enough to cancel the attack as it is now has it's intention on him. As he runs in to the forest the spirit not far behind Sokka and Naruto follow behind. We see Zuko and some guards inspecting where uncle went missing. We now see Aang gliding through the forest as he tries to outrun the spirit as they get into an opening Aang tries to get away as Naruto throws wind attacks but it doesn't work as the spirit keeps chasing Aang. Sokka notices that it seems the spirit is leading Aang somewhere as he tries to tell him he is to late as the spirit disappeared Aang faints as Naruto and Sokka gets to him it seams he is in a deep sleep. As we now see uncle and the earth guards as he leves evidence behind so Zuko and Sasuke can find him. As Sokka and Naruto walks Aang back to the village the villagers take cear of him as he shows no sign of waking up. As we see Aang's spirit trying to get there attention in the distance he can see a dragon as he can not airbend in the spirit world he runs but he is eventually swallowed as he taken to a statue of Avatar roku he understands that the only way to meat him is on the winter solstice Aang: Ok but I need to get back to my friends. As the spirit dragon takes him to the place where he became a spirit he wakes up awesome because the village from where he opens his eyes he is met with Katara charging the rag on his forehead as Katara see this she scouts Aang is awake. As we see that earth guards are about to crush uncles hands before they can Zuko and Sasuke stop them as they free iro the guards start to throw rocks at them as Zuko starts dodging Sasuke attacks soon all the guards are defeated. We switch to Aang as as he waits for the spirit to come back has the spirit appears and touches its forehead and can see that it is the spirit of the forest and it's angry that it's forest was burned down. As Aang appeases The Spirit by giving it hope that the forest will grow back as it leaves the village it releases the people it has stolen as they begin to cheer for the avatar.