
(Avatar: Naruto)

a mix between Naruto and Avatar there are some Clans such as Uchiha and Nara.

King_Arthur_2240 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Book 1 impression part 2

As we see Katara train to inspire the prisoners so that they can escape the guards watch as no one it tends to agree with her. We now see Aang, Sokka and Naruto picking up katara from prison as she explains: I'm not leaving these people behind they need help! As Sokka tells her to be quiet Aang and Naruto quickly agree as Sokka has no choice but to go along. Aang tells Appa to go hide only for two fire Nation guards to turn the corner and all they can see flying away was a tough of fur as they go to report this the commander he orders a search on the ship. We can see group Avatar making a plan as Sokka mentioned there bending Katara quickly says: But this whole thing is made out of metal. before Aang spots smoke and says: No it's not they must be burning coal in other words Earth. Bright and early in the morning their plan begins as Aang and Naruto close the ventilation systems leaving only one open they begin to air bend as all the coal leads to one place as we can see in the main Court coal bursting through the vent it left everyone shocked but to scared to use it as Aang and Naruto jump out covered in covered in Ash Katara tries to get them to use the Earth to fight but to no ues as the commander mocks her saying: Their Spirits have been broken for a long time oh but you still believe in them how sweet they're a waste of your energy little girl you failed. As he walks away a piece of coal was thrown at him bye Haru. As the commander turns around he throws fire at he but someone bended some coal to form a wall in front of him to block the flames as the Fire Nation sees this they start attacking as the earthbenders are using the coal to their advantage. As Haru and his father create a compact ball of coal they throw it brakes a hole straight through the wall and they start to escape as Aang and Naruto uses airbending to attack the fire Benders as they are thrown off the boat we can see Haru thanking Katara as she notices her necklace missing. We now see Zuko and Sasuke so they pick up katara's necklace.