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MercuryDrone · 奇幻
20 Chs

Chapter 9: Amnesty

Although humans here have lived for about 5 thousand years and dominated a supercontinent equal to the size of earth's entire landmass combined, it's still stuck in the Medieval Age. The only thing that is progressing here is magic since people here focus more on magic research than science.

Amnesty is located in the center of the city I specifically ask for this location since this maximizes our patrolling in the city and act more quickly when something happens. Clearing the land wasn't that difficult as we just ask the residents to relocate somewhere else since it was their lord's order no one dared to object we did compensate them though and gave them new houses some even got a job here on Amnesty.

We arrived at Amnesty Headquarters. The headquarter look as big as a Coliseum it has a dome-shaped wall that prevents any trespassers that might come it's way. Inside there are 4 buildings which are the sleeping quarter, training ground, rehabilitation center, and of course the Main Building where all members discuss all their meetings.

When we arrived people immediately greeted us, especially Vlad.

"Chancellor Vlad, welcome back," A knight said

I made Vlad became the chancellor after making Amnesty, so as to manage the organization whenever I'm gone, also cause people might think I'm abusing my power even though I'm the second son of the Marquis I'm still a kid.

Making a kid run an organization will just be treated as a joke people won't take it seriously thinking it was just a spoiled noble brat wanting to flex his power.

Also since Vlad is a Master Mage people will surely flock to his side making him a perfect puppet.

Vlad just waved at them and shooed them away.

We then arrived at Vlad's office

"Vlad as you know our finance isn't doing well, get me a report on how much we're losing" I said as I look through the files of some criminals.

Vlad then went out of the office.

I got interested in one of the documents the leader of the bandit troupe they raided is a Shadow User who knows how to cast Tier 3 spells which also means his an Official Mage up until now he was the only shadow user I've encountered.

Mages are ranked by how much mana and magic power they have but the real requirement was to cast spells based on the rank of the mage. Apprentice Mage can only cast tier 1 spells while a Disciple can cast tier 2 spells and so forth. This means that an Ancient mage can cast Tier 11 spell which could potentially destroy an entire continent or bring it to ruin.

'I smiled maybe I can learn new spells by extracting his memories'

Right now I only know of 6 spells even after a year has passed not to mention I even have the help of the library and Zilla. I come from a world without mana and also I managed to control it after a year which is already considered great progress. Controlling it is like solving a math quiz or something every time I tried to move it a problem will always occur and sometimes it will even do its own thing wandering around aimlessly at that point I even wondered if it was even alive.

By getting the memories of others I did know a thing or two about other spells but I have no affinity with them so I can't use them. I even know a tier 2 fire spell but it's such a pity that I don't have the capacity to cast it.

There are two ways to use magic; one is to construct the spell itself, second is to make a magic circle where the spell will automatically activate once it's done it can also be delayed and used as a trap.

The reason why I was going with the first one was cause it will be more effective in launching a sneak attack, definitely not cause I'm bad at drawing.

Drawing a magic circle in front of your opponent is like saying "Hey I'm gonna launch a fireball at you watch out". As such it's only useful when used for a trap or instant cast by drawing a magic circle beforehand.

The door was then open, and this time Vlad came back with papers in hand.

"We're currently losing about 1000 gold coins mostly comes from the salaries of our knights and mages and also maintenance from equipment and buildings. Although we did manage to get the bandit's treasures we last raided it's still not enough to cover our expenses" Vlad said solemnly.

"How about signing a contract with the merchants for security would that work?" I ask since it's the most effective way I could think of right now.

"That would be difficult as the Adventurers and Knights also take those jobs, most merchants also hired mercenaries"

"Well think of this another time then, show me where this person is" I handed Vlad the file of the bandit leader.

We went to the underground prison where we kept them until I erased their memories.

Inside the prison I saw a man with a bulky body and tattoos all over his arms, he has black hair and black eyes. He got chains on his arms legs and neck.

" Knock him out," I said looking at the man.

For now, Vlad can only use Tier 2 spells because of memory loss. Despite that disadvantage, he still has the strength of being a Master due to his mana volume and density, so no one dared to underestimate him.

"I never would've expected this, a child leading this messed up group" The leader was shocked seeing me order Vlad because this was the person who easily defeated him.

"You might think that what your doing is right but your clearly no different from us" The man said glaring at us full of hatred.

" Oh, it isn't for you to decide that, it's the masses outside that decide that as long as you make them think your right then your right no matter how crazy it may be, in the end, all we ever care about is our own," I said remembering the corrupt politicians in my previous life.

The man was dumbfounded hearing what the boy who wasn't even 10 years old said. He was about to speak when suddenly blood was gushing out on his orifices even his eyes weren't spared as blood dripped down his face soon he fainted due to blood loss.

'I will never get used to this'

Seeing this happen every time I went here really made my skin crawl and my hair stand on its ends. How could I not I mean look at this shit, the floor was covered in blood, and his face which was already ugly now look like it came straight out of a horror movie, what's more, is that he was just wearing transparent clothes similar to a patient gowns they use in the hospital.

" Ehem can you get rid of the blood now," I told to Vlad as I don't want to get anywhere near that bloodied body.

" Oh right, apologies master I almost forgot" Vlad vowed then he waved his hand

All the blood then went into the corner of the room.

I then walk to the unconscious body of the bandit leader then pressed my hand on his forehead.

I saw fragmented memories of him stealing, killing this bastard even involved in trafficking, kidnapping children on the streets, and selling them off like slaves. What's worst was that this horny bastard even raped those children even before selling them off.

[You gain 7 Chaos Fragments]

With rage and fury in my eyes, I grab a knife in my pocket and then slit the throat of the bandit leader. I wasn't like this before but after getting more and more fragments even small things can affect me now.

When I regain my clarity I saw myself grabbing the man and a bloody knife in my other hand. Once I saw this I then threw the knife and body.

I look at my hand stained with blood as this was the very first human I have ever killed.

Vlad wasn't bad as him since at least he killed his victims swiftly making it painless the bandit leader, on the other hand, tortured them until they break especially the children.

What I felt after I killed him was nothing even though I did it unconsciously this was the first time i actually felt nothing about something, ever since that flaw every f**** day feels like my life is on a roller coaster.

'How can an Official Mage run wild like this? They may have someone backing them up'

I thought it won't make any sense for him to get away with all these atrocities or maybe it's just that the damn knights and adventurers are so carefree they just ignore something like this happening.

"Did you find anyone lock up when you raid their hideout?" I ask

Vlad was surprised he clearly sensed some bloodlust emitting out of Noel although faint, he heard that bloodlust can only be obtained by killing a certain amount of people.

'This master of mine sure ain't simple' Vlad thought

"Yes we did, there were 5 women and about 12 children ranging from 6-15 they're currently in the rehabilitation center"

I thought about going there but a voice suddenly broke away all my thoughts.

[You can now Evolve]