
Stupid and idiot

Winn shouted as he paces back and forth around his room. He is confused, irritated, annoyed...  Honestly, he doesn't even know what he is feeling right now.

"I freaked out, okay? I mean...  One look into her eyes and I... She blew my mind away."

Kara rubbed the back of her neck, trying to make the guilt go away. Her butler quickly shakes his head.

He blurted.


The blonde rise her eyebrows in confusion.

"You don't get to use sappy 'I'm in love' lines to get out of this. Do you realise how much complicated this is going to be?"

"Umm... Winn. Do you realise how on earth this all started?" Kara snorted.

At that remark, the valet can't help but blush. How can he forget that... He is the one who started the lie, Kara is just continuing the lie.

He sighs.

"You got a point there... But,  Kara...  Twin sister? How are we going to make this work? Lena is still demanding to meet with her 'husband'."

Kara runs her fingers through her hair and flips it to the side.

What is she going to do about this? Make up another lie? All of the lies will be discovered later. The more lies she makes the more hurt Lena would be when she found out.

Why does her love story have to be so complicated?

"I guess we'll have to make another excuse for the Phantom not to come home. Emergency business trip or whatever...", said the blonde.

Kara lay her back on the bed, looking up at the white plain dusty ceiling. Not so long after that, the blonde can feel someone laying next to her.

"The ceiling is dusty."

"Yes, Winn. I do have eyes to notice that."

The blonde sighs.

Comfortable silence is filling the room.

"I don't like it." The valet stated.

"Then, why don't you clean it? It's your room."

"I can't, I'm short."






"Oh, you just noticed that?"

Kara smirked. Puff! A pillow was thrown on her face.

"You inconsiderate woman!"

Her valet said as he put his hand on his heart jokingly.

The two human look at each other in the eyes.

They burst into laughter.

"You inconsiderate woman!" Kara mocked Winn's action.

It is crazy how they can lift each other up just like that. Who would even though the little errand boy and the boyish lady will become best friends when they grew up? Certainly not these two.

Comfortable silence is filling the room once again.


Winn called out for his best friend.


She responded with a hum.

"What if Lena found out?"

Suddenly, the blonde giggle. Shaking her head slowly. Gaining a very confused look from Winn.

What an absurd question...

"Oh, she will find it out. There is no 'if', she will definitely find it out. My girl is a smart girl. It's only a matter of time before she does and when that time comes... "

The blonde stopped her sentences, closing her eyes. She doesn't want to think about it. All the time she had long for Lena... And now she finally has her. If... If... If the brunette walks away now, it will scar her for sure.

"When that time comes?"

Winn asked curiously. His brows are raised, wondering what will come out of his best friend's mouth.

"When that time comes, I will willingly accept whatever punishment she'll give me."








"I have a question but can you promise to wait at least 1 minute before looking at me once I asked the question?"

"Sure, Winn. Ask away."

The blonde chuckled. Weird request.




"Do you think she will spank you?"