
It Was A Bit

"... He had to go to China?"

Lena asked in a disappointed voice.

She thought she was finally going to meet her husband and here his twin sister telling her The Phantom have an urgent business in China.

For a moment there, Kara had to look away.

The disappointed look on Lena's face is threatening her to spill out the truth.

Rubbing the back of her neck, Kara gulps her own saliva before looking back at her wife.

"Y..yes, he is a... b... Busy man."

Kara is good in many things but lying is not one of it. Her palms are getting sweaty. Her heart is beating rapidly. She is stuttering her words.

Honestly, she doubts the young lady Luthor would fall for her lies.

But what choices does she have?

After her valet told Lena that The Phantom is a guy... After she, herself, told Lena that she is the twin sister of The Phantom... Can she really go back?

Well, she can... But she is a coward. So afraid of Lena leaving her behind.

"There isn't any other choice, Lena... The business there is facing a large competition against our local rival there. They need The Phantom there. "

Explained Winn in a far more convincing tone than Kara's.

The valet half bend his upper body as he pours some tea into his master's cup. Another hand resting steadily on his stomach with a folded linen napkin around his wrist up to his shoulder.

"Hmmm... Is that so? I guess I should be understanding of his situation. Wouldn't want my first breakfast with my sister-in-law be spoiled by this news."

Lena teased.

For a second there Kara swear she saw the corner of Lena's lips curl up.

whisper the blonde woman to herself.

"It is a pleasure to be able to have breakfast with you, Lena."

The brunette glared at her, "It certainly does, isn't it, ''?"

It was like everyone in that room stop whatever they were doing and stare at the lady of the house with their mouth open wide when they heard that one word.

A word that may seem simple and undangerous to normal people.


A simple name you call the man you are married to.

Clashing sound filled the silent room as the glass Kara was holding slip out of her grip. Fresh milk spill on the floor... Her eyes widen as she turns to look at her wife.

The young lady Luthor is smirking at her.

"Maybe next time don't forget your diary in your 'bedroom', Kara Danvers. Ops, how rude, I mean... K.D. or... Should I call you, 'The Phantom'?"

Lena says dryly.

Not even a glimpse of anger written in her face. She looks so... Exhausted... So tired.

Not the reaction Kara was expecting.

"I should have seen it... A knight in shining armour woos me off my feet... Shower me with fancy gifts and charming love letters. So caring... So understanding... Just like in a fairytale."

She paused.

Her green eyes locked with the blue orbs in front of her. She admires the confusion and surprises she sees in those sparkling eyes.

Even after all the lies... Lena still finds herself drowning inside those eyes. Just like the first time she locked her eyes with those blue orbs, her knees are weakening. Her head is getting dizzy but it is not an uncomfortable dizziness. Very light dizziness.

Just the right amount of dizziness.

The same weird tingling feelings in her stomachache.

Lena snaps herself back into the reality. She curls her hand below the table into a fist.

Her face turns into a determined look.

"But there is no such things as fairytales. Who would have thought the infamous 'The Phantom' is actually a girl? It's both amusing and depressing."

"Lena, I didn't..."

"You didn't what, Kara?!", she lashed out.

The blonde woman lowers her gaze to the floor. She is trembling in the fear.  Lena found out she is a girl. Her wife has found out she lied.

Kara Danvers is not the twin sister of The Phantom.

She is The Phantom.

" I-I... I... I'm sorry."

"I'm not sure if you're really sorry, Kara. Am I just a puppet to you?"

Lena stands up from her seat. Her legs start to lead her out of the dining room.

Suddenly, Winn blocks her way. The valet looked at her with a pair of petrified eyes.

"Lena, it's my-"


In instant, valet turns to look at his master. Kara shakes her head.

Winn grins his teeth together in anger and sadness. He slowly steps out of Lena's way.

The young lady Luthor glare at her 'husband' one last time before walking away.
