
▪️| Chapter 6: The Female Mentor |▪️

{West Dark Fire Village: Nargia Town}

{Office of 9th Hero:Daiki Hallifax}

Daiki was busy arranging papers in his office. Until he was surprised by a woman who opened the door of his office.

"Grandpa!!"The Girl said.

"Ohh!!,you're back how's your mission?"Daiki asked.

"It's alright, the mission you assigned to me is clean"Girl smiled reply.

"Since your here, I'll give you a new mission. Is that okay with you?"Daiki suggestion.

"Of course, what is that!?"Giselle asked.

Daiki told to her granddaughter about Feitan and the Demon trapped inside the boy body.

"A-are you serious,grandpa!?"Giselle confused said.

"I'm sorry if I surprised you, because that's about the mission I'm going to give you, but if you don't have it, just don't"Daiki said.

"No!!,It's not like that, I was just surprised"Giselle answered.

"I plan to make you their that boy's team teacher and I want you to watch all that boy's actions"Daiki's suggestion.

"All right, I will follow, grandpa, I mean lord ninth hero"Giselle reply.

Then giselle went home. As she was walking she met a strange man and suddenly felt a strange presence in him and immediately lost their distance. But giselle ignored that and continued walking to home. The next morning feitan woke up early because he was already in the rank of Graduated Hero. He immediately ate, got dressed and left.

{Nargia Town: Academy}

When feitan arrived he saw so many people and he line up at the line. And giselle saw the child she thought was feitan.

"Are you feitan??, Good morning to you"Giselle said.

"I am, how did you know my name?"Feitan asked.

"The ninth told me, then he told me about you"Giselle answered.

"Is that so"Feitan said.

"if you don't have a parent that will attend here, may i be your guardian?"Giselle asked.

"It's fine"Feitan answered.

And they went in to witness the children hanging the rank and the garment symbolizing the rank assigned to them. By the end of Feitan's school session he was a full member of the Heroes in their area.

"Thank you so much for being my guardian for today"Feitan gratitude.

"No problem at all"Giselle reply.

And giselle went after feitan left towards her grandfather. But she didn't know that Feitan was also going there.

{Nargia Town: Daiki's Office}

Daiki was finishing arranging the paperwork and was shocked when the door of his office opened. Feitan open the door silent.

"F-feitan, it's you!?"Daiki shock said.

"You told me that you will come on my school"Feitan reply.

"Ohh!! Feitan, are you okay, I forgot today is the day when you will be ranked up!"Daiki said.

In the middle of their conversation giselle arrived and was suddenly startled.

"Grandp-!!"Giselle broken dicatation.

"It's you,sister!!"Feitan said.

Feitan went to giselle and thanked her again.

"Thank you very much again for earlier"Feitan reply.

"As i said,no problem"Giselle said.

Daiki saw with his own eyes that the two seemed to be getting along well so he joined the two.

"Since the both of you are already here, Feitan, Giselle is my granddaughter and she will be your mentor in the missions that i will assign to you and to your group"Daiki's explanation.

"R-really??"Feitan asked.

"Nice to meet you,Feitan"Giselle happy said.

"Me too"Feitan answered.

"Tomorrow, you will meet the people in your group Feitan and you Giselle you will meet the other children you will guide"Daiki said.

Then Feitan went home while Giselle was left with her grandfather.

"So he is the child with the devil inside his body?"Giselle question.

"You're right, the one were inside him is the most dangerous demon that has been brought into our world in the past year"Daiki reply.

"What mission will you give to me??"Giselle asked.

"My mission for you is to prevent Feitan from releasing and using the Demon in his body, because it will be a problem if he loses the power of that Demon."Daiki answered.

"All right, I understand"Giselle reply.

After their conversation, giselle left to go home to rest.

(Next Day)

Feitan woke up early again so he could meet the rest of his group.

{Nagia Town: Academy}

Each child gathered in the same room to divide into three groups.

"Once i call your name, you can go to another room"Principal said.

He called all the children's names until only three children were left in the room, including Feitan.

"You three are left, meaning you will be in one group"Principal said.

"You are also left feitan, meaning we are in a same group"Luxana said.

Feitan turned to his right and saw one of those who had hurt and beaten him before.

"It's you charlie?, is it okay for us to be friends?"Feitan asked.

When Charlie looked into Feitan's eyes it was covered in black and glaring so charlie was scared and his body trembled.

"I-its f-fine"Charlie nervous said.

[Feitan's Mind]

["Why did you do that?, he was so scared, he might not be my friend anymore because of what you did!"]Feitan exhortation.

["Don't get hot-headed HAHAHA,it's fine for him"]Demon said.

Giselle Halifax, the granddaughter of the ninth hero of Nargia has arrived as their mentor.

"You are complete, now follow me"Giselle said.

They walked until they reached the terris of their school.

"Let's introduce one by one, me first, My name is Giselle Halifax granddaughter of the ninth hero Daiki, I want to do difficult missions and discover new powers, that's all, it's your turn now"Giselle said.

"I-i am Luxana Blossom, my passion is to read books, practice and I want to marry Feitan"Luxana happy said.

Feitan was surprised by what he heard from Luxana.

"I-i'm Charlie, I want to learn to fight and protect e-everyone"Charlie said.

"All right, it's your turn Feitan"Giselle reply.

"I-i am Feitan Ellfire, I have no inclination to do, only one thing I want, to meet the man who impri-"Feitan said cutely.

Giselle immediately stood up to stop feitan from saying the last word he would say.

"That's okay, enough of what you said today, starting tomorrow we will start our first training, let's meet at Teresa Forest tomorrow morning"Giselle suggested and suddenly disappeared.