Title: Feitan Ellfire: The Chosen Vessel Sypnosis: Feitan Ellfire, often referred to as "The Chosen Vessel," is a relatively short and slender individual with a fair complexion and black hair. He is typically seen wearing a black suit. Feitan's most striking feature is a large tattoo-like mark on his right cheek, which resembles a full moon. Feitan possesses the Demon from the Land of Ente Isla, which one of the powerful demon. This demon allows him to convert pain into energy and unleash devastating attacks in response to the amount of pain he experiences. His Demon main ability has different forms, each corresponding to a specific level of pain. The more pain he endures, the stronger his attacks become. Feitan's strongest form is called "Globe of Darkness," in which he generates a powerful explosion of aura and dark fire that engulfs his enemies. Feitan is known for his calm and composed demeanor, rarely showing any emotions other than a somewhat sadistic pleasure when engaging in combat. He is a highly skilled fighter and strategist, making him a formidable adversary for anyone who opposes him.
In a Town so called "West Dark Fire Village" or simply "Nargia". There is a festival that takes place where they pay tribute to a man who saved their town against the evil invaders. This man named "Natan Covenbreath" the 10th hero in the town of Nargia. He is also known as the "Destroyer of Darkness" Natan is a man who finished and sealed the soul and body of the demon who tried to destroy their town. In the middle of their celebration one of Natan's companions suddenly came to him and said,
"Natan!! your wife Alice is about to give birth, come follow me!"
Then without hesitation they went to the place of Alice. Natan's wife. Natan's heart was beating so fast that he seemed very nervous and excited about what was going to happen. When Natan entered their home he saw his wife smiling from their little newborn baby.
Natan come closer to his wife and baby with a lovable smile.
"What shall we name him, dear?"Alice Asked.
"How about,Feitan!"Natan Quick Answer.
Alice was like the name given by his husband. In the middle of their festivities they suddenly heard people at outside shouting because of a monster that was bothering them. Natan was about to come out when he noticed that the red mark had disappeared on his right hand and he suddenly said that.
"The seal on my hand is gone, it means!!"
He immediately put on his red cloak and immediately left their house. The seal erased on Natan's right hand was none other than the seal from the imprisoned demon.
"I'm finally free now!!, Get ready now you damn hero!!"Demon Furiously Said.
After leaving. Demon started destroying houses and killing civilians. In his destruction he was suddenly stopped by the very strong energy coming from behind him. He suddenly smiled and immediately rushed to the energy behind him. But suddenly it kicked him out with just one flip.
That man was none other than Natan. When the Devil arose. Natan covered his whole body with black fire and then attacked the demon with all his might. He rained down on it a series of attacks that resulted in the back out of demon. In the intensity of their struggle the town of "Nargia" became a desert as if almost all the houses were destroyed even the home where Natan's wife and son were staying. Natan think a plan in mind.
He ran to where his wife&son and when the demon noticed him. Demon follow him. Natan notice that the demon already close to him so he release a black ball called "Dark Globe" this one was so big that it was impossible to avoid or even use teleportation. The demon surprised when he saw it and did nothing but take it. When the demon was hit he suddenly lost consciousness and at the same time natan drew a seal on the demon's position and also on his own son.
"Dear, sorry for what i gonna do"Natan Said.
"Why!?what you gonna do"Alice Confusedly Asked.
"I will seal this demon inside our child"Natan Answered.
At once the demon's hand and arm were bound with an iron coated black energy. And when the demon awoke it immediately forced struggle.
"What are you planning to do!! don't you dare to say that!"Demon Furiously Said.
"You're right, I'm planning to seal you inside my son"Natan Answered.
"Is that so, when i get into your child I will make sure that i will destroy the world using your own child!!"Demon Rejoicing Said.
"Ok, but I know that my son can't do what you're saying"Natan Calm Said.
When Natan was about to move half of the demon inside his son's body. Both Natan and Alice's bodies were suddenly pierced because the demon used his tongue to make it a sharp spear which caused Natan's weakness. But he poured his all mana as well as Alice's power to seal the demon inside their child even though it was heavy on their will. Half of the demon was perfectly sealed to Feitan and the rest went to Natan.
"I-impossible!!"Demon Shouted.
The Demon is perfectly sealed on feitan and natan both body.
"Alice, the two of us will leave in front of our son in a little while, tell him your last will and testament"Natan Suggest.
"My child, I'm sorry if we have to leave you in this situation, I just want to say that don't be bad to other people, always help those in need, don't be lazy either, follow your elders, don't be picky about food, and hopefully i want you to have a lot of friends and find the person for you"Alice Last Wish.
"Everything your mother said remember them all feitan and last one be brave our son, goodbye!"Natan Last Words.
And at the same time natan and alice disappeared in front of their son and a letter fell next to feitan.