

EARL a "perfect child" that every parent wish to have EARL who feels lonely in a big house EARL uses studying to escape from his loneliness He accepted it all and got used to being alone but, everything went to south An unfortunate thing happened that made him incapable and disabled ======= (AN) This is my own work, I wish to give you the best I can with my stories so, if you have prejudice against [BoysLove] [BoyxBoy] then I suggest, don't read this story and please leave quietly, there's lots of other wonderful works out there that may suit your taste. Thank you my lovey readers Support lgbtq+ Vote Share Comment

iNKHEART8 · 现实
32 Chs

Chapter 24 ŸØŲ.


I was so nervous when I asked Dawn to have dinner with me, I don't have any idea he would agree so, I texted Mary to prepare dinner for us at home

"where do you wanna eat?" Dawn asked

"at home, let's eat at home" I replied nonchalantly

"huh?" I saw him take a quick glance at me

"why? You don't want to?" I asked him while raising one eyebrow

"No, it's not like that, I mean if I had known I should have prepared something" he said kinda nervously

"you don't need to bother, I live alone and my parents were always away"

I'm not sad that my parents weren't at home, I'm already used to it

On the way home I can feel the uneasiness coming out from Dawn, maybe he doesn't like to go to my house

I shouldn't have invited him to eat dinner with me

I don't know how to interact with other people but, with Dawn I can't seem to stop myself from doing these little things

Things like wanting to be with him and for him to keep me company

He's comfortable to be around, I understand what he says and when he talks my ears doesn't hurt one bit due to how soft his voice is

Just like that we arrive home and he's fidgeting

"are you uncomfortable? We can eat outside if you want" I said trying to lighten up his mood

"No, it's fine, we can eat here so that you won't get too tired to travel" walking inside the house we are greeted by Mary

"Mary this is Dawn my classmate, Dawn this is Mary she does everything in the house" I made the introduction for them

"Good evening Mr. Dawn, Earl the food will be ready in about 10 minutes"

"okay, thank you Mary, just call us when it's done"

I walk to the stairs when I heard Dawn talking to Mary about something

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