


Xushi · 奇幻
4 Chs

The mysterious entities

while Chris was falling,

unbeknownst to him, time suddenly froze

{Unknown place, Unknown time}

there were a group of indescribable entities watching that scene from a shining water fall,

while sitting on a semi-circled seat around it,

but now the scene on the pool was frozen,

these entities were humanoid, but they seem always enveloped by a god-like mist or fog,

but their most defined characteristics was that some of them have animal face, like cat, eagle or dog and other have child like face,

other have a face that can only be described as beautiful.

at the moment some of them were laughing hysterically,

other's face were red for the embarrassment or contorted by the rage

they shooked their head and stared at the laughing ones with a death stare.

"Well, at least you guys tried, hahahaha" one said, while another added "yeah, but you should tried harder, hahahaha"

"who thought that mortal would survived this long..." one of them added with a twisted face trying to not punch him,

"well you choosed to bet only on 18 years, so it's not my fault, and I never thought you would be so childish and unwise" one of the entities said while looking at a giant board seemingly made of cloud and fog with a bunch of numbers and letters on it, now focusing on a particular trait of it.



| ... | ... | ... |

| 34 yrs | | x |

| 29 yrs | x | |

| 28 yrs | x | |

| 20 yrs | x | |

| 18 yrs | | x |

| 15 yrs | | x |

| ... | ... | ... |


what Chris couldn't even though was that his entire life was just a game, a game of these "God"

"enough laughing now" one of the "God" announced while clapping his hand to get the general attention of the "God"

"the main event is just beginning and the prize are now being distributed" one of the "God" said to his friend ironically while smiling

"First of all I want to announce and congrats the winners of the bet are: <The God/Goddess of Trick and Joke> as the 3st Place!!!"

a wave of loud clapping went after that announcement

"Congratulations to <The God/Goddess of Compassion> for winning as the 2nd place"

a second wave of clapping went by, although slightly louder that the first one

"and now a special congratulations for the winner of the 1st place! <The God/Goddess of Rebirth>"

if the previous wave of clap are the sound of a motorcycle in the day, the wave that went just after the final announcement can only be compared as the sound of a jet at night

although some of the "God" shrugged seeing who got on the first place, the sound of the clapping were enormous,

but all the sound quickly stopped after the "God" that administrate the show raised his hand, demanding silence and attention,

"as for the prize for this time we decided to let the winners of the bet choose the fate of the mortal we saw!" shouted the "God",

"Obviously they will also receive a special award in base of their place but all their choices will be only known by the three winner of the Bet"

just after hearing the last sentence, many "God" went in uproar, shouting that's an injustice and they also must to know

{Backstage of the Bet}

"so guys, I will leave you here, when you all agreed on your prize you can go to the Prize Hall and extract your prize, and also your special award" the announcer "God" said to the group of "God" that followed him

all of the three "God" nodded while the announcer leaved by a backdoor

"I think as the 1st Place I have the right to choose his first fate, right?" <The God/Goddess of Rebirth> asked

the other two agreed immediately, not because of respect, but because being the later one have their own advantages,

so they began to choose their prizes.