


Xushi · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Another chance

{earth, 2024}

Time returned to normal speed, although nobody noticed it, meanwhile Chris body finally attached itself to the ground and his body exploded after it crash,

After his death a <Golden Silvery Hair> detached from Chris head, although nobody could see it,

this single piece hair represents a person entire life, and it's commonly called <Life String>,

after it release it immediately started to fly toward the <unknown place>,

although nobody taught it, it seem to fly on his own toward there.

suddenly three pair of ghostly golden 3m(9ft) hands appeared out of nowhere, the first pair of it immediately reached to grab the <Life String> of Chris,

although his <Life String> tried to oppose resistance, the hands were so fast that naked eyes couldn't see, but with seemingly speed its precision were extremely elevate

it immediately grabbed Chris' <Life String>, whose still trying to free himself, and vanished with the other hands,

all this happened in less than one hearth beat

{Space-Time Tunnel}

after entering the <Space-Time Tunnel> the three pairs of hands form and aspects immediately changed,

the first one, which was holding Chris <Life String> where burning with pitch black flames and bright white flames,

although it seemingly be extremely hot, they were slightly cold,

the second pairs of hands were just like before but with a slight faint of pink in it,

the last pairs of hands turned instead in a pairs of white groves, like the ones magician and crown use.

while they're in the <Space-Time Tunnel>, the burning hands swinged Chris <Life String> in front of the pink hands, showing it to it,

suddenly the pinky hands pulled out an unknown silvery string, but this time entirely silver, and attaching it ends with Chris <Life String>,

all of a sudden the Golden hair seems to contort and even scream in pain,

{Unknown Times Later}

when the three pairs of hand finally stopped and beginned to tear off the space again, the Golden hair seems already falled unconscious,

so the burning hand passed Chris <Life String> to the pairs of white groves, which seems more excited than it look,

After obtaining the <Life String> it immediately started to searching in the huge territories under him, with huge cities, golden palace and giant farm,

the people on the street seemed to not even notice the huge pairs of hands on the sky,

the merchants were vending their product as usual, the bandits were waiting for their targets to show up, the knights were all training and the thieves were stealing and scamming as usual,

suddenly the pairs of hand with white groves finded his target, in fact, in a leather hut inside a dark alleyway where most of the criminals activities were hanging in,

there was laying on the side a little girl, her clothes seemed to be built by scratch and raw leather, her sky-blue eyes where empty and her long blonde hairs were all slightly dirty,

and she seems to be on the verge of death although she is not very slim and hungry, her hands were all on her stomach, and on her neck there's a collar with some magical inscription

the pairs of groves, finally seem to have decided so, while taking Chris <Life String>, pulled out the little girl <Life String> while filtering it and pushed them together until they completely fused

then the pairs of groves reattached the new <Life String> to the little girl head and vanished again...

{Sometime before, Space-Time Tunnel, inside Chris Life String}

[System Activated]

[System entered in contact with another Life form]

[Verifying if the Life form is sentient...]

[Life form is sentient confirm]

[Delete Sentient Life form "Chris Nightfam" consciousness?]


[Administrator 5268 activated protocol Gamma-357, "System Fusion", Confirm?]


[Administrator 5268 Confirmed]

[Protocol Gamma-357, "System Fusion" successfully activated]

[System Syncing...]

[Memories checking...]

[System evolution triggered!]

[Requirements reached!]

[Succesfully unlocked Slave Features!]

[Mind-Will checking...]

[System evolution triggered!]

[Achievement reached!]

[Successfully unlocked Evolving Feature]

[Confidence checking...]


[System Evolving...]

[System successfully evolved to "Evolving Slave System"]

[Synchronisation Completed]

[Welcome, Host]
