
[QT.BL] Phoenix Interrupted

18+ Quick Transmigration BL/LGBT, M-Preg MC/Phoenix/Bottom/Shou/Switch, ML/Top/Gong/Switch-only for MC Both MC & ML are complex characters, and each arc will highlight the different sides to their personalities so some arcs MC maybe a power bottom and in some ML takes charge. But mostly MC is bottom, and ML is top. Join us as we follow a young anti-hero named Phoenix, as he tries to free himself from the clutches of whom ever kidnapped him and imprisoned him, gain power & knowledge in order to take them down & regain his memory that's been locked away from him. It seems that someone else was after Phoenix too but for what and why would they help him escape? Solaris the sentient A.I. system that hacked into The Jailer System that had been forcibly bound to Phoenix's soul and helped to spring Nix from his prison but for what reason and at what cost? No good deed goes unpunished and nothing absolutely nothing in the multiverse is ever completely free. But what choice does Nix have? Surely following Solaris' missions cannot be worse than what he left behind right? Is this just another way for his captors to abuse him more? Can he ever be truly free when he just spent the last 32 thousand years being forced to live one horrific abusive life after the other. Can he even dream of healing when he cannot forget even a single moment, he spent in that hell hole? This story begins at the end of his imprisonment from "hell" and follows his journey to discovering himself, regaining his lost memory and discover who and what was and is behind all this. But can he handle the truth? What happens if he were to learn that he was being punished for crimes against the celestial Dragon Emperor and heaven itself? Could he truly be capable of such a thing and if so, what will he do then? One could definitely say that Nix is an anti-hero, since he is not benevolent but would not stand for injustice happen to the innocent or those, he deems worthy enough to care for and about. Nix is cold, apathetic & keeps everyone & everything at arm's length. Despite his cold, arrogant, apathetic & aloof exterior, Nix surprisingly has a big soft heart for animals & children, as well as all things cute & adorable but he would never admit it. ML: Hey what about me? Nix: What about you? Who are you again anyways? ML: ...? Solaris & Author: eating popcorn & booked peanuts (I know they aren't for everyone, don't come for me) ML: Nix how can you say that? Mrs_TNT do something he's being hateful again for no reason! Why must he always push me away? What did I ever do to him? Author Mrs_TNT: Is that a serious question right now? Well, I guess you'll have to read to find out. This story begins at the end of his first imprisonment and follows Phoenix as he tries to recover his memories from before he was imprisoned and bound to the Jailer System as well as gain power and complete the missions given by Solaris until he can finally be free and exact his revenge before he has his soul annihilated so that he never reincarnates again. I may do flashbacks or even write a prequel after this novel is finished depicting his long, long journey just to get to the beginning of this novel. Be Warned! There will be several triggering topics addressed in this novel, though it is not a dark romance it does touch on abuse: neglect, mental, verbal, physical and sexual. This is a Boy Love, LGBT or gay romance novel that will have explicit scenes. I will not be putting warnings up as I go along. I am working through some of my own trauma through writing this novel, so I understand it is not for everyone. That said this is very loosely based off some of my own experiences and any coincidences between names, places or events is just that a coincidence and have nothing in common unless I state other wise and will credit it if I do as well. Cover art was made by me using A.I. image generator and editing it myself. I hold all rights to this novel.

49 Chs

The New Nursery: 2

Phoenix's P.O.V.:

 -Solaris - "As for my soul power, it took a great deal of mine and your soul power combined to bring us back and to set up The Nursery just the way it... just the way I thought Master Phoenix would like."

Phoenix noted Solaris' slip of tongue but chose not to say anything, as he knew asking now was pointless. He really was getting exhausted by Solaris not telling him things. He lowered his eyes to hide the emotion in them before raising them once his mask was firmly back in place. He knows it is not Solaris' fault but damn it if blindly trusting him was not hard! Phoenix is a control freak, and he has had to spend the last 32+ thousand years not being able to control everything about his life. He was sure Solaris could never understand how eternally frustrating that is for someone like him. 

He looked at Solaris as the little dragon looked at him with a eyes full of love, concern and devotion. That look alone helped to remind Phoenix that he was not alone in the multiverse and that he can and should just trust Solaris, after all he has never done anything to bring harm to him nor betrayed him. On the contrary Solaris had faithfully stuck with him and helped him every way he could including sharing his precious soul power with him.

-Phoenix - "hmm, en go on I am listening I promise."

Solaris who was worried about his master secretly thanked the heavens that Phoenix did not catch his slip of tongue, so he continued.

-Solaris - "Master need not worry about Solaris, now that we are back to our own dimension, I have full access to all my power and functions. Now I can do almost anything Master Phoenix ask of me."

 Once again Phoenix was rendered speechless and could only smile and stare at the little dragon in awe. "Of course, you did a great job Solaris! This is far beyond anything I could have even hoped for! I thought I had lived lavishly in the last few lives, but it was nothing compared to this! Thank you truly!" He watched as the little dragon burst into flames as he did flips and spins in the air as he was overcome with pure happiness and excitement. This stunned Phoenix even more thus he blurted out "What are you?"

Upon hearing this the little dragon stopped his happy dance in the air. He then floated over to Phoenix, his white pearl scales had almost a white opal essence to them were glistening as red spikes ran down the length of him going from his head to his tail. He had two red button horns that crowned his head making him look so precious that Phoenix just wanted to kiss him right between them. He also had what appeared to be feathers on his head and down part of his arms or rather legs as well as the tip of his tail. To Phoenix's surprise there were flames flowed down the center of his back and the tip of his tail. The flames gently flickered with every movement Solaris made. He even took note of how the flames seemed to reflect Solaris' emotions which just remined Phoenix of how a puppy would show his emotions with its cute little tail. In the next moment the flames disappeared and then reappeared as Solaris demonstrated that he could control them at will.

Phoenix was momentarily stunned as he just wanted to gobble this little cutie up! 'Who need a puppy when you have dragon like Solaris? Why must he be so damn adorable? I already loved Solaris and now it is worse! I wonder if I can take him with me once I am fully free, well that is if I do not choose to have my soul fade, which is just a nicer term for obliterating one's soul.'

He realized that he had lost focus again and chastised himself over and over again in his heart! His Attention Deficit Disorder is getting worse! Maybe it is from all him memories he cannot forget, or perhaps something else entirely whatever it is now is not the time to be thinking of these things as he was being very rude at the moment.

*A/N: It's ok Nix I to have untreated or non-medicated Attention Deficit Disorder aka A.D.D. & I also... Oh look its a squirl... umm sorry about that what was I saying oh yeah I too lose focus all the time even when I don't mean to. It is a constant strugle just to... Oh I love this song, it is one of my absolute favs atm, you should really... crap I did it again. This is what I am talking about. A.D.D. sucks & it's a constant strugle just to get through normal conversation as well as everyday task. I am sure you and I are not the only ones here with A.D.D. or A.D.H.D., take my husband & our 3 kids for example they all have A.D.D. & A.D.H.D. as well.

Realizing what he had just said out load, Phoenix was about to apologize but before he could Solaris spoke up. 

-Solaris – "Master I am a phoenix dragon! I was sired from the Dragon King and Phoenix King. My egg was sent out with their power and protection, tasked to find you, be your guardian and bring you back safely. I was unable to hatch until I found you, then I had to work of infiltrating your Jailer System before I could bond with your soul. I still feel awful that I could not find you sooner, but I did find you and even brought you back, though me work is not yet finished." He said with all the pride in the multiverse. 

-Phoenix – "Wait so you are a Prince, and you were sent to save and protect me while bringing me back? Wait does this mean you mission is over... will we be parting?" Phoenix could barely finish speaking he was so chocked up over the thought of no longer having Solaris as his constant companion and friend. He gets that Solaris is a prince, but he does not want to part ways with him.

-Solaris – "Yes Master Phoenix that is correct. It is my honor to find you and bring you home. As well as it is my greatest wish to keep you safe and happy. Not just because it was what I was born to do but because I love you and you are my best friend. As long as Master Phoenix wants me I will remain by your side for all of eternity! Master need not fear that I will leave you, our souls are tied together and so are our fates. It is something that cannot be undone and no amount of time or space can keep up apart unless we both will it."

-Phoenix – trying to hold back tears - "Awe, Solaris, I am not sure what to say... you are my best and only friend, now that Draco is gone forever, and I love you too. I know that I am cold an apathetic because I cannot trust anyone, but I trust you and I cannot live without you anymore. I hope I never have to. We have been through so much together and I know we will face more trials and tribulations before this whole thing is finally done and over with, including my revenge. there is no one else I would rather have by myside and in my head as a constant companion then you. After all we are very similar, and you understand me in a way no one ever has and most likely never will! Now with that being said, I expect you to give me straight answers as to why me and what makes me so special one day!"

-Solaris – now trying to hold back tears as well – "Master is it ok for me to ask you for a hug? It is only in the Nursery that I have a physical form, but you will always be able to see me this way but other will not unless they are here in The Nursery with us, but that is something to explain at a later time."

Phoenix could tell that Solaris was very nervous and could not help but tease him saying, "A hug, really Solaris, what do you think?" Upon seeing the little guy on the brink of tears and his flames and glow start to extinguish he quickly said, "Of course it is ok, get over here."

Solaris looked up stunned and was quickly glowing again. He flew over to Phoenix's open arms and nested in his arms and laid his head on his shoulder with his face berried into his neck. Phoenix could tell that Solaris was happy because he was now as vibrant as the sun and his flames grew in size and strength, though they did not burn nor harm Phoenix in anyway.

Phoenix sat there and just snuggled the little guy, he did not want to let him go and found himself caressing the little dragon's back when he felt the collar of his robes dampen. He quickly deduced and realized Solaris was crying, this caused his chest to tighten, and a pain filled his chest and stomach making him nauseated. He was not sure why exactly or just what he was to Solaris, but he knew without a doubt that he would always do anything and everything to keep this little guy safe and happy! He never wants to experience this pain again nor did he ever want Solaris to either.

-Phoenix – continued to gently stroke and pat Solaris back "Sshhhh… Now, now it is ok Solaris, I am here. Please do not cry, it hurts my heart and makes me sick. You should always be smiling not crying. Please tell me what I did or said wrong that made you cry so that I can never do it again." He was genuinely flustered, and his heart ached seeing this little one upset. Solaris is the only being he can say he loves, so seeing him so distraught made Nix fret like a doating and worried mother.

-Solaris – quickly panicking – "No Master, you did nothing wrong. I... I'm... I am just being silly. It has been so long since... we have been together, and I have thought and dreamed about being in your embrace for a very long time now. But I always feared that even when we made it back that you would continue to keep me at arm's length like everyone else, I feared that you would not pet me, love and dote on me, not being hugged or cuddled by your warm and safe embrace. I feared that you would never carrying about me one way or the other. I also feared that Master Phoenix would always see me as just an A.I. that became sentient when I am real, I was even just a hatchling when I found you... Well, I still am considered a hatchling but that is beside the point! I am a magnificent phoenix dragon and when I grow up, I will be even more powerful the Dragon King and Phoenix King, I will be so strong that no one will ever be able to harm you again because I will always protect my dear Master Phoenix! Ma... Master Phoenix, I am just very happy you see."

*A/N: Anyone else need a tissue? I have a whole box of them I will share with y'all! This was just heartbreakingly beautiful. Pardon me while I go hug and snuggle my children really quick. I absolutely love reading comments and seeing what my lovelies think and what yall would like to see or think may happen. Also, can yall let me know what you think about how I have written the way Solaris & Nix have conversations? I am not sure I like it as it is currently but if yall like it I will leave it be. Your input is vital to me as I truly want my readers to enjoy this novel. 

<3 Thank you all so much for picking up my novel and reading it this far! Your support means the world to me!Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. If you like my novel please add it to your library and if you deem it worthy please share it with anyone you think might enjoy it as well! <3

Mrs_TNTcreators' thoughts