
[My Significant Other's Cruelty]

"Sin" is in my name, darling. How could you expect me to be a gentle one!!! He said grinning like a devil while she cried in pain. P-Please d-don't do this, it hurts! She pleaded while crying. "I know wifey! That's why I am doing it" he said grinning demonically. "Which sin you're punishing me for?! She screamed. "Your sin? "You, being my wife is enough of a sin!" He snarled at her and flinched badly in fear. .... A normal teenage who got married with a cruel heart person who's gonna turn into a psycho gradually. There won't be any to escape for that poor girl. Every weekend will new punishments and torture for her. Join the story to know it in detail .

Bonobonoya_95 · 都市
24 Chs

"Cramps, Cuddle"

~ At Pharmacy ~

"Excuse me, Miss" Sinclair called the female standing opposite the counter.

"Yes! How can I help you? asked the pharmacist.

"Um...ah.."Can you give me a pack of..."Sanitary Napkins"? Sinclair asked her directly.

Pharmacist got flustered for a sec as she wasn't expecting this.

"Aa- ...yeah sure". "By the way, can you tell me which "Brand" you'll prefer to buy? She asked, being a little shy.

"A- I...am not sure! I think any brand will do!"

"Okay" said the Pharmacist turning around.

"Ah- wait!!"

"Yes" she asked, turning around as he called her again.

"Please give..."an expensive one `` and''Quality `` must be good!!" Sinclair declared.

"Yeah sure".

Sinclair waited for her until she came back to him again but this time holding something in her hands.

"Here you go" she said handing him a small shopping bag.

"How much??" asked Sinclair.

*** dollars, she replied.

"Card- ah, wait! I have cash, here! He said handling the demanded money.

"Thank you, Ms" said Sinclair with a slight smile which was enough to make any girl feel weak in the knees.

"Welcome, Have a Good Night" she replied overwhelmed by his smile.

Once again Sinclair smiled and than turned around to go.

"Aw, His "girlfriend is surely a lucky Girl! Said the Pharmacist when Sinclair got out of the Pharmacy.

"Here! Check it, if these ones are reliable for you" He said, handing the small shopping bag to Hazel in the car.

Hazel kept on melting in embarrassment.

"A- any...will do!!" She uttered in embarrassment.

"Okay, your will! He started the engine to drive.

While driving, Sinclair was glancing at her from time to time to see if she was doing fine yet!

...20 min skip...

"We're home, Hazel! he said , stopping the car.

"She moved her hand to unlock the door but before she could, Sinclair's manly voice echoed in her ears to prevent her from doing so.


"Why, what happened?" He asked blankly.

"Just stay right there" he ordered while getting out of the car.

Hazel obeyed him while staying still and just watched him coming in her direction.

He opened the door himself for her and bent down at her level.

"Sinclair wha...

"He made her silent with his actions as he picked her up in his arms again!"

"Si- Sinclair..I can walk!" She Protested weakly.

"Who said you can't?"!!! He questioned instead.


"No more "I's `` and''buts ``, Hazel!! Just stay shut up!!! His tone was ordering.

"I am unable to understand that what's wrong with his brain cells today!!" Hazel thought, staring at the side of his sculpted face.

He kept on walking while picking her up even when he knew she was as embarrassed as hell and shy!!"

Finally, he let her stand on her own feet in her room!!

She silently watched him walking near her closet and taking out a comfortable dress from it!.

"Here, go change and make yourself comfortable", he said as he handed the clothes to her.

"A...Sinclair...I...am so sorry about your jacket!!! She kept her gaze lower saying this!

"Oh, really? If you're, would you like to pay for it hmm? He asked, bending down at her level.


"But you know what! You can't! Because...you're on your periods right now!!!He stated before she could say something.

"Hunh"? asked Hazel dumbfounded at his statement.

"But her cheeks turned reddish as soon as she got the meaning hidden behind his sentence!!"

"Hunh!! Hmm! Sinclair said, mocking her and a deep smirk took place at his face.

"Now go change or want help?! He was sincerely playful.

"Noo!!! Hazel rapidly replied with a flushed face and rushed to the washroom.

"Silly girl" Sinclair mumbled.


"She noticed him scrolling on his phone while laying on the other side of bed, when she came out of the washroom.

She gathered some guts and asked;

"A-are you going to sleep...here?"

"Why! Have you got any problem with that? An instant reply came as he arched a brow at her.

"N-no..." She answered. But her no more sounded like a yes to him.


"Okay so I will sleep on the sofa then!! She said out of nowhere.

"No, you can sleep on the bed with me as long as I don't bite,"He said and looked up at her.

"I didn't mean to say that," she said, explaining.

"So, do I need to give you an "invitation", That "Miss Hazel", kindly bring your ass here and lay down!" He said, trying not to sound sarcastic.

She didn't respond but laid down beside him on the bed without arguing further because she knew it'd be in vain!

After 20 min, she started to feel the cramps. And pain was gradually rising.

She was trying her best to hold back the unbearable pain of "Cramps".

This was not her first time. Her periods were always this painful! But for the first two days only, rest was fine.

Unfortunately, a moan escaped her mouth due to the severe pain of camps.

"Oh God, I wish Sinclair wouldn't have heard that!!! She strongly prayed in heart but he not asleep yet so-

In an instant, his hawkish eyes took her in the orbit of his gaze.

"What's the matter? '' he tried to discover while sitting up on the bed.

"N...nothing! She clutched onto her clothes.

"Don't lie to me, I heard you!! He said exposing her.

Hazel closed her eyes in embarrassment and then opened again.

"Cramps right!" He asked, making a guess when she couldn't answer anything.

Atmosphere became quieter as if he was alone there.

"I am a "Doctor", Hazel!! And I know that cramp pain is more severe than a heart attack's pain!!", so, tell me!!! He asked politely this time as he stroked her hairs softly from the back.

"Yeah, She finally spoke!" His usual devil was nowhere to be seen right now, when she looked at him.

Sinclair felt tears in her eyes.

"Are you...crying, Hazel? He asked.

She instantly lowered her gaze in order to hide her tears.

"No, I am not! She told a white lie.

Sinclair gazed at her for a bit and then got up from the bed.

"Just stay there, I am coming back quick! He left the room saying this.

"I wonder where is he and what he is doing? Curiosity was getting the best of her. She wanted to go and see but these freaking cramps were killing her.

She waited for twenty minutes straight.

Finally, Sinclair came back into her room.

She noticed a water bottle and a bandage roll in his hand.

"Lay down!! He commanded.

"What"? She asked again as if she heard something wrong!

"Don't let me repeat! He felt irritated at her shyness.

She felt weird at his weird demand.

"Just do what I said!!!" He said again, trying to control his anger.

"Being afraid of his anger she obeyed instantly. He walked to her side of bed and sat near her. He moved his hand forward to lift her shirt up as much as was needed.

"Wha-...what are you trying to do!! she asked, stopping his hand with her small one.

"Remove your hand!!" He commanded, now angrily.


"Stop butting, Hazel!! And remove it! He said and told her with his eyes that he's about to lose his control.

She slowly removed her hand judging his expressions.

As she removed her hand, he lifted her shirt up just below her chest area.

Her heart was pounding so hard as if there was a hammer inside.

He settled the water bottle on her lower belly and rolled the bandage on it so it does not move.

"Now tell me how it feels"?

"Ah, it's warm and...reducing the pain. She subconsciously said when she felt the warmth around her lower belly area.

"Thank you, Sinclair!! She gave him a thankful look.

Sinclair got up without replying and moved to his side.

Warm water bottle was giving her comfort but some thoughts of today were stressing her also so she was getting strange feelings.

"Hazel" his rhythmic voice called out.

"Hmm?" She hummed in response.

"Do you...wanna "Cuddle"?? Sinclair asked, leaving her bewildered.

To be continued...

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