

There must be plenty of customers opting to enjoy a few glasses of different recipes instead of buying whole bottles— Hah, it looks like the best choice for me is to stay at the bar counter and observe this party from a distance.

"Is it okay for customers to release pheromones today?" At the mention of pheromones, Suga asked, he would drink his suppressant after this surely.

"Yes, everything is allowed today, but it is still strictly guarded by the bouncers." Cherry responded while tugging Suga's hand, urging them to move ahead. The trio departed together and halted in the corridor leading to the main bar area.

It was noticeably more packed than the previous spot, every nook brimming with people. Suga instinctively withdrew his hand from Choco's grip to shield his nose, wrinkling it at the potential headache-inducing odor lingering in the air—a potent blend of alcohol intermingled with alpha and omega pheromones.