
"Monarch of Shadows"

In a world where power were everything; People recieved the powers of an unknown gods through the process of awakening, a certain man, Jin Kishimoto who possessed the unique ability granted by the god of darkness, Jin can control and walk into the darkness, he can also conceal himself through shadows. However, as time passed by, he wasn't able to exert much power and barely lived his life through hunting, but a certain incident occured that would turns his life completely. Follow Jin Kishimoto as he embarks his journey to beat every challenges that awaits him and to his way to become the strongest awakener that has ever existed.

muzaka_noblesse · 现实
2 Chs

The beginning

As the group went deeper, monsters were easily slained; well of course, their composition wereperfectly balanced so the monster were easily subdue with no problem at all.

'Just follow our pattern, this should be easy.

'Kimimura, you take the rear position with me.

'Tsumugi, Kasaki in the left and right side and Miyuuri in the middle.

Kasabe - The teamleader, commanded.

'And you there, porter! dont get too far we need that potion, our healer might consume too much mana.

'Okay! get ready everyone.

As they reached the end of the complex dungeon, what greeted them was a huge iron door with the strange words written in the ancient text, with a reek smell and eerie atmosphere it's like you're infront of the omnipotent beings.

'Is it normal for every boss room to have this kind of door? it's my first to witness this kind of boss room though, said Tsumugi in disbelief.

'hhmm, it's indeed felt strange. well, I'm here no need to worry, and the rewards should be huge, said Kimimura energetically.

As the group enters the iron door, what greeted them was a huge dome full of many aesthetic decors that symbolizes darkness; far behind this spacious space, were an unidentified entity who was sitting on the thone looking at them with an amused expression,

when Jin entered the door,


A large bang was heard, it seems the door closes itself.

The eerie atmosphere makes them more intense and panic.

'Everyone get into position! don't get scared. Kasabe commanded, Miyuuri, support us with your buff skills!

'Hai wakarimashita.

As Miyuuri cast her buff skills, a white light emerged and spread through out her party members, and as everyone was affected by the buff skills, they all gained some incredible strength.

'This should be enough.


Jin was also scared because it is also his first time to encounter this kind of phenomenon.

But something feel strange, the eeri atmosphere didn't affect him at all.

He ca also feel the presence of unknown entity far away from his current position, then he heard the attack force casting their skills and ready for battle.

As they were for battle, the unknown entity who haven't make any move, move his hands with a simple gesture.

And from there, a hundred of black knight like a shadow emerged with different types of weapon.

An axe, spear, sword and bow.

The newly summoned knight didn't move a single bit, not until the unknown entity utter the unknown words.

'Voth domosh!

When they heard the command, they started moving like a well trained troops, then...

Bang! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swish!

The black knights released their magic arrow

while melee combatants black knights charging in with the speed were normal people can't follow. However, Kasabe and Kimimura were rank-B veteran, so they easily blocked their attack but the impact of sword and Kasabe's shield were so great that he was slightly push back.

'Kasaki, Tsumigi shoot the knights of the bow first, Kimimura don't let any of them get close to miyuura, and Miyuura maintain you buff and heal! shouted Kasabe.

'Roja, Captain!

As the battle continue to prolongue, they all feeling exausted because the number of were so many to handle them all at once.

'Oy Porter! give us some mana potion quick!

As Jin heard their demand, he quickly got up in a hurry to give them their mana potions.

As he gave them their mana potion,

He got kicked by Kimimura and as a result he stumbled on the floor.

'Tsssk! Fucking trash! You're too slow.

When the black knight was about to stab Jin with his sword, Jin used his unique {Shadow Concealment} which saved his life from the multiple occurences.


His sword didn't hit Jin and only stabbed an empty air.


'Damn it! how long do these thing gonna fall down!?

Swish! Hiss! Tudd! Fwoosh!

And an hour or so...

'Huff! Huff! Huff!

'That's should be the last one, said Kimimura with a heavy breathing, trying to catch his breathe.

'Min'na are you all alright?

'Huff! huff! huff!

'Yes captain, we somehow manage to.

'But I'm much worried about that unknown entity over there, Kasaki worriedly said.

'Min'na get ready for the final battle, Miyuuri! do you have enough mana?

'I only have small left, captain! and it'll be enough for twice usage only.

'That's should be fine.

As they were about to get ready for their final battle, the unknown entity who remain in his throne a while ago, got up.

Boom! Thud! Thud!

With a few step of his feet, a loud bang was heard with the intense atmosphere.

Gulp! gulp! gulp!

The sound of gulping was heard from the group of hunters, you could see the nervousness in their face.

The unknown entity slowly pulled something out of space and in a blink of an eye...


The healer, Miyuuri fell onto the ground with her head rolling.

acccckkk! Aaaaaaahh!


'This is not real right? Aaaaaahh!

'Hey Tsumugi! Damn it! get a hold of you're self get you weapon, Kasabe shouted.

'Why does a boss monster comparable to rank-S boss monster appeared in B-rank gate.

Slash! Slash! Slash!

Every slash there's a or arm rolling onto the ground; they can't simply react because of how fast and powerful it is.

'Tasukete!!! Tasukete!!!


At the same time, the duration of Jin's {Shadow Concealment} has ended.

To be continue....