
"Monarch of Shadows"

In a world where power were everything; People recieved the powers of an unknown gods through the process of awakening, a certain man, Jin Kishimoto who possessed the unique ability granted by the god of darkness, Jin can control and walk into the darkness, he can also conceal himself through shadows. However, as time passed by, he wasn't able to exert much power and barely lived his life through hunting, but a certain incident occured that would turns his life completely. Follow Jin Kishimoto as he embarks his journey to beat every challenges that awaits him and to his way to become the strongest awakener that has ever existed.

muzaka_noblesse · Realistic
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2 Chs

Catastrophic Day

5 years ago when a portal connecting to unknown place suddenly appeared not only in one place but entire world; monsters with different types popped out, creating chaos and devoured everything in its path, more than ⅓ of the world's population have lost their lives.

All over the world, the government tried to fight back with their military power. However, it render useless because no military weapon can penetrate their hides; As a result, the world fell into chaos; they slowly losing hope and just waiting for their doom. However, contrary to what they expect might happens, an unknowns gods grant their superhuman abilities to those people who they deem worthy by those unknown gods. Thus these awakened individuals was able to fought back againts those creature who came down from portals.

People called these people who has awakened the power of the unknown gods "The Awakeners".

As the time past, many people recieved their power through awakening, monsters were easily slained and suppressed.

People with the ability of beyond human capabilities were starting do some villanous acts against ordinary people and the government was deemed useless against those individuals who possessed the abilities of the unknowns gods, thus government who awakened their abilities has came up with the solution of creating the Awakeners Association to keep these individuals in check all the time and as a result the crimes related to superhuman was minimized.

The Awakeners Association wasn't only created for the purposed to suppress the hunters but, it was to measure the capacity of their power rank depending on much mana they emitted. It raging from E which is the weakest and SSS-rank which is also the strongest.

As the Awakeners Association established, many guilds has also been established.

They seized every dungoen for them to be able to mine the mana core inside of monster's body.

These Mana core has many uses to human technology, thus they used mana core in their everyday's life - the once disaster events humanity had experienced turns to opportunities.

When humanity have been fully adapt the change, suddenly out of nowhere an endless tower suddenly emerged all around the world, they also called this endless Tower of opportunity;

People around the world starting to get scared because they thought that they'll once again experience the same things they experienced before.

People who awakened before, also starting to recieved the holographic invitation message from the Endless tower of Opportunity:

{"Endless Tower of opportunity Invitation"}

{"If you're crave for powers, then surpass every trial and enter the Endless tower of opportunity."}

People all around the world recieved this holographic message, and as their greed for power kicks in - they flock like a hungry beast and entered the tower. However, the Endless Tower of Opportunity isn't easily and simple as they think it should be; as a result a lot of people had lost their lives or went missing, but their were some individuals who had succeed in every trial, as a result, they gained the powers beyond awakeners. They also called them "Ranker", because they simply surpass those who recieved the abilities coming from those unknown gods; they called it 2nd awakening.

Those rankers have also gained the ability to level up through hunting, that's why they simply get stronger by slaying monster and surpassing every trials and achieving different rewards through it....

'Hey porter!? why aren't you moving? Do you want me to reduce your fee?

'No no, sir! Then start moving the attack force will soon be ariving, they need that equipment and supplies.

'Okay, I understand sir.

Kasabe utar - the 1st squadron team leader of Akimura Guild attack force said angrily.

which made Jin wakes up from his stupor.

My name is Jin Kishimoto and I'm an E-rank hunter.

5 years ago he was lucky enough to recieved the blessing from Erebus, the god of darkness.

He was able to control shadows and able to conceal himself for a period of time, at first he thought he could be the most powerful in the world because of his unique ability. However as time past by and many powerful people emerge through the power of unknown gods, his ability didn't improve any further and so he was left alone by the abilities of each individuals.

'But I guess I wasn't lucky enough to awaken the strongest ability to control fires or lightning like the world Ranker Takuya Kimura who awakens the ability of lightning; he is also the guild master of Yoshimura Guild - the nation's rank 1 guild.

'For the past few years, I've been struggling and living my life as a porter, by carrying the attack force supply and equipment, I can earn a few bucks, that how I do for a living.

'For as long as I can support my family it doesn't matter, well I guess, I have to do my best today.

While Jin was preparing for attack force's suppy and equipment, People with medieval attire arrived, they were typical mmorpg game compositions you could see.

A healer, magician, damage dealer, and tanker; they were perfectly balanced composition.

'Look who's here, isn't he the rumored the weakest hunter?

Kamimura said mockingly.

'Who? the hunter who always survived by hiding behind his shadows?

'Compared to Nii-chan he's shadow clone, he's nothing!

Tsumugi exclaimed while holding Kamimura's arm.

While he was talking, Jin didn't pay any attention to them and only focusing on his work, causing Kimimura to be enraged.

'Fucking trash!! you should pay attention while I'm talking to you' Kimimura angrily shouted.

A small energy the size of his fist was formed in his right hand, he then throw it with a punched to Jin's left side of body.

Thud! thud!

Jin was too weak to react to a B-rank player quick punch and was caught unprepared.

As he was hit in his left side he stumbled and rolled on the ground, blood poured out of his mouth, a heavily beathing came next.

When Kimimura was about to kick Jin..

Oy oy oy! that's enough! he might die, he's the weakest hunter you see! Kasaki worriedly said, he's one of the strongest hunter in the group.

'Tssk, you're soft as always Kasaki'

Said Kimimura feeling annoyed.

'Hey Miyuuri can you heal this trash?

'Of course Onni-chan'.

Miyuuri - the first squad healer; she then placed her hand above Jin's head.

'O goddest of light! Grant me the power of your benevolent through healing'.


A green light suddenly appears out of her hand and the injuries and pain that Jin had suffered a while ago was instantly vanished like it was a lie.

'Tssk, I had to waste my mana to heal this trash, Said Miyuuri, who's a bit annoyed.

Let's go! I lost interest in him, said Kimimura to his group.

And you! Pack you things and follow us, Fucking trash!'.

As a group composed of perfectly balanced for hunting, enters the B-rank portal, Jin also got up and followed then, unwillingly.

To be continue...