

2021-07-31 đã tham giaGlobal

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  • Raylen2222_Hunt
     công bố

    it was a great story overall, but it's just stepping beyond boundaries of some a human should have mass killing, experimenting on living and non living, etc. when theirs so many better options for a genius. and his personality is just not my cup of tea. that's all but it's a good story.

    It Started With Devils & Artefacts
    Tranh châm biếm · Dragon15681
  • Raylen2222_Hunt
    trả lời Bonkerz

    mate it's nukes that thing you miss he isn't just worried about his family but millions unless you want a nuke blowing up next to you

    Ch 31 Chapter 31 - Imprisonment
    Superman in the Multiverse (MHA, DC, and Marvel)
    Tranh châm biếm · ManOfCultureLeon
  • Raylen2222_Hunt
     công bố

    great story just waiting for more to come

    Genshin Impact: The Template System
    Diễn sinh trò chơi · Unusual_Hilichurl
  • Raylen2222_Hunt
    bình luận

    you should grant Cao Cao a skill that involves stamina because his still human and the fights he will be involve with he would need it and that includes if the man has a harem

    Ch 26 An End To Instruction For A Spear Boy
    Spear Boy Gets Creative (Cao Cao SI) DXD Multicross Story
    Tranh châm biếm · EzioAuditore_1
  • Raylen2222_Hunt
     công bố

    I'll give this book 3 stars for all I want in a story. at first it was going good, but after it started going downhill. for the title lazy system it really doesn't apply to me since the host or Mc is doing this work left and right like his fight with the Evil dragon was good but could have been better and should have focused on training like I don't know a training montage because if the guy wants to be with Yasaka he need strength and power I feel like people forget this when writing story about DxD that might makes right.the other stuff is fine but needs more work. as for the sharing or telling people his powers I get its good to be honest on some stuff but I felt like he should have kept most of his power and magic a secret like his Dragon slayer magic or his Universal breathing techniques. since what's the point on having trump cards when you show them left and right like it's a piece of candy. theirs so many threats on DxD that I don't know why the Mc/Author forgot or not just mention it like his he stupid or wants to be killed. the world has beings that can destroy countries or the world and his out their playing school boy plus his human still is he? going to turn into a Dragon or what will his race be since if the man is going to get together with Yasaka who can live for as long as she wants the man needs to turn into something that has long life span. I get the Sage mode or arts will give him a long life but for how long? exactly it's a good story but he needs process, and theirs this hint of naivety that I don't like about stories the guy knows his in a dangerous world but doesn't improve him self more and get that needed strength so he can be lazy.sigh sorry about tye ranting all and all it is a good story needs work here and there but yeah so keep up the good work

    The Laziest System: Sign-Up System
    Tranh châm biếm · Ryusenka
  • Raylen2222_Hunt
    trả lời Virusban

    mate it's my first story I am still getting the hang of it you can't expect someone to write a book that has no grammar mistakes.and I am writing it when I got that idea I am still getting the hang of it

    Maybe I'll approach him tomorrow and trainhim since he has intrigued me...
    Life and a Journey
    Tranh châm biếm · Raylen2222_Hunt
  • Raylen2222_Hunt
    trả lời Sokphearon12428187

    thanks for the Support.

    Ch 2 2.thoughts
    Lazy life In Dxd
    Tranh châm biếm · Raylen2222_Hunt
  • Raylen2222_Hunt
    trả lời christian_rawson

    thanks for the support.

    Ch 14 14. thoughts part 2
    Life and a Journey
    Tranh châm biếm · Raylen2222_Hunt
  • Raylen2222_Hunt
    trả lời Solgalao

    thanks for the support.

    Ch 13 13. Dream? and leaving.
    Life and a Journey
    Tranh châm biếm · Raylen2222_Hunt
  • Raylen2222_Hunt
    trả lời OneeSans_Shota

    my lad even if the gods in this book got power up beyond the Mc power level......doesn't I don't know think that oh maybe it's time to go back to training and not fool around......and survive hah if surviving is what you believe the Mc didn't survive he was save again if it wasn't for the Interference of the shinto God's and Shiva......Indra would've kill the Mc with or without his new power that he barely used to Exhaustion with all the potential to grow he doesn't even bring that to reality he has knowledge of many things but he doesn't put it to good used just shoved back at his mind and he has that Demon.....he doesn't even know that with his power that always go to Ultimate class to middle class thats my problem.his brain he doesn't used unless when he has to flirt with women if this Mc Zelretch reincarnation why doesn't he used the old man's knowledge huh.....that's wasted potential and knowledge with all that and beyond average sword manship why does this Author think that maybe this guy has needs some more power.if I remember correctly, The Mc wanted not to be cage again like a bird freedom and to gain strength to do as he wish with his fate.......sure he had it but somewhere along the lines he forgot that was his Goal to busy harassing women. and the includes the romance its force to force for my opinion it's not slow that isn't how love works and his women have their own issues to.I know it's the Authors book but to bring the full potential he needs to backup a bit, and actually bring the Mcs potential to reality not flirt left and right....... with women he fancy and blaming it on Devil/Dragon aspect of him self....no self control

    Ch 442 Chapter 401
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Tranh châm biếm · AStoryForOne
  • Raylen2222_Hunt
    trả lời Trafford

    my lad we honest are the most destructive in any race what I was implying is Mc could've have those God or anyone for that matter as allies with so many threats to said person why not gain knowledge from those that will fade not out right killing them divine or not they have decades upon decades of experience world views and secrets that some may not know wasting something that's right in front of you that's been presented in a silver plate.

    Ch 114 Hunt for the Lone Goddess
    The Holy Chronicles of Baator
    Tranh châm biếm · Trafford
  • Raylen2222_Hunt
    trả lời OneeSans_Shota

    my lad I am not asking for him to be a mindless machine I am saying this Mc need strength because wasn't this all about him gaining freedom he needs strength and what high class God's Mc can barely win with Indra whose a God-king especially Susono helping him.he struggles alot like come on man he has the Immortal witch Scathach but after his training arc he didn't continue.and freedom is earned and having the strength to do what you will with your fate. do I need to go more like his fight with the Dragon in skyrim he had outside help by Ddraig he could've beaten the Dragon but no he had assistance but when he did he barely won.what next a yes Susano from Campione the guy didn't take him seriously and he got another powerful weapon what does he do ahh yes not train to find such its capacity its abilities all I see is harem and least character growth to strive to be better it is not worth people's time when you see someone with all the talent and weaponry he has to waste it.

    Ch 442 Chapter 401
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Tranh châm biếm · AStoryForOne
  • Raylen2222_Hunt
     công bố

    overall I don't like it went I started reading this I thought hmmm it would be good but... wrong what the fuck is wrong with this Author hello the power scaling is shit one moment the Mc is strong the next his weak what the fuck he train with the immortal witch Scathach and he barely can defeat any of his opponents i feel like this Author need a wake up call......maybe a slap on the face would do because he has all the resources,knowledge, and teachers to grow strong but this bitch as Mc is weak Sauce can't defeat his opponents only knows how to harass women because he likes them blaming it on his Devil/dragon aspect like come on give me truly a good reason to read the book more since the romance feels force.and theirs the point this guy wants freedom, freedom is earned from hard work and having the strength to do as you wish but bitch what do I see this guy gets push around like some common whore. he had the time to get strength at Skyrim perfected his Magic and Swordmanship but it's wasted every single time he has a Meridia a daedric goddess with vast amounts of knowledge.....and he didn't think I can I don't know ask for some tips or tricks or a Magic book lost to time.this Author need to think on the way forward because this book isn't even worth people's time some may like it but honestly this needs a revamp maybe some good Authors out their can fix this cluster fuck of a book.

    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Tranh châm biếm · AStoryForOne
  • Raylen2222_Hunt
    bình luận

    be honest I thought the Mc would continue to train not fool around most of his fights he can barely win without using his strongest attack or spells or without outside force.that's what I get by reading it needs more Mc development on his character and his personal strength cause all I see is he does do much fooling around and flirt with women he find interest on like come on we are past a hundred give him some strength man it ruins the book for me when I see no character strength.now you may think but his growing stronger yes he is buy in a sense not have you read his fights he barely wins only wins but outside force or outsmarted them sometimes it doesn't work.like Indra he awaken a knew power but what does he do not train. Jesus man.

    Ch 442 Chapter 401
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Tranh châm biếm · AStoryForOne
  • Raylen2222_Hunt
    trả lời Takumoto

    thanks for the suggestion I just did I appreciate it.

    Đoạn này đã bị xóa
    Life and a Journey
    Tranh châm biếm · Raylen2222_Hunt
  • Raylen2222_Hunt
    trả lời Solgalao

    yeah just don't know how or should I add her to the harem still thinking about it.

    Now I'm just planning my next course of action maybe rescue Valerie tepes from the Tepes faction or to travel this knew world I find myself in maybe meets God's and goddesses learn Magic from them who knows so many things to do but I'll travel maybe get maybe self a reputation or something along those lines my dimension while always with me so yeah I can just go back home every night but I want to experience the wonders of this world that is Known DxD and fight some enemies.
    Life and a Journey
    Tranh châm biếm · Raylen2222_Hunt
  • Raylen2222_Hunt
    trả lời Solgalao

    he can but I don't want him to Power up so suddenly and be to op its a journey his life needs a building block to become unstoppable to travel the multiverse he needs challenges he needs to not get his power over his head. but thanks for the suggestion

    Ch 3 3.Making myself a home and past
    Life and a Journey
    Tranh châm biếm · Raylen2222_Hunt
  • Raylen2222_Hunt
    trả lời Alex1911

    to be honest the book gets confusing. to many plots holes to many events and to many sites add that doesn't make sense why add a Divine tribulation or what not and stop making the guy a sissy he has fought many but you keep making the lad look with.honestly I just think the book a has potential but the author isn't really grasping it full potential but adding more and watch ad it crumbles.

    Anime Mashup
    Tranh châm biếm · LittleApple
  • Raylen2222_Hunt
     công bố

    love it but you made romance with kitty and Jean and just choice one you talk about marvel logic but you got power rules all and you could've had kitty and Jean and who ever came you made him ageless you think one woman can keep him sane? just my thoughts but good.

    Ultimate Cypher (Marvel)
    Tranh châm biếm · Anubis_Creationz
  • Raylen2222_Hunt
     công bố

    hate the story it was kind of good but when your close to the end you make him lose everything what happened to the rings.this story is shit beyond measure it would have been a great story but this stupid author did what he did.

    Tranh châm biếm · Xuefang1