
Superman in the Multiverse (MHA, DC, and Marvel)

Author Note: Updating this so readers get a general understanding of this fan fiction. This fan fiction assumes that the main group of the MHA manga started attending U.A in the year 2014, the year the manga started serialization. It also makes the assumption that due to Quirks being around for several generations that science isn't completely up to where we are now as Quirks can do what would otherwise required innovation from science to create. In addition, this MC has his powers converted to Quirks and as such they require time and training to improve. For power scaling, this rendition of Superman will fall in line with All Star Superman and Superman Prime but will require time to reach that level. Without further ado please enjoy the fan fiction!! =======================================I died doing charity work overseas, and was fortunate enough to meet God. Taking pity on me as I had dedicated much of my adult life doing good deeds he let me reincarnate with a single wish. Asking to become Superman in the My Hero Academia world I was determined to both help the people, and have the family life I had always wanted. Note: I am not a professional author nor do I claim to be. This novel is what I would do if I was reincarnate in that world with Superman's powers. I don't own the picture, it is just one I found online. If you own it, and want me to remove it just ask and I will.

ManOfCultureLeon · Tranh châm biếm
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102 Chs

Chapter 31 - Imprisonment

Author Note: The consensus is that you all hate Sonico, for the most part. As I have said in the comments when people ask at this point I didn't have any intention of adding her to the harem. If I did add her it would be way down the line, not anytime soon. I intend to put it too a vote later on, but you have all made it clear where you stand lol.


---Undisclosed Location---

"My head...", Sonico groaned rubbing her forehead.

Trying to remember what happened, the events came back to here after a few minutes. Remembering that someone she thought of as a childhood friend sold her to Oblivion Group, her expression darkened.

"Everyone hates me..", she muttered curling up in a ball, "Everything was just some fucked up dream, no one gives a shit about me."

"I hope that's not the case.", a woman said, "If it is I am afraid you will end up in the mines."

Looking up at the woman it took her a moment to place the face.

"You are Succulus.", Sonico said.

"Bing Bing!", Succulus laughed, "You are that fake girlfriend of his, right?"

"How did you know?", Sonico asked.

"You were caught too easily. His family and girlfriends are impossible to get close too.", Succulus said, "Their information is locked down, and encrypted by something we can't break. We have been trying to get access, but whatever he is using adapts to our attacks. I purchased you from that man because I think you are someone I can barter with him for. If you aren't, I will use you are free labor in my mining operation."

"If you know he isn't my boyfriend, why would he barter for me?", Sonico asked.

"You may not be his girlfriend, but you are at least friends. He found the bomb your former friend left in your apartment. Next time you see him you better thank him, that bomb was left for your parents.", Succulus said.

"Are they okay!?", Sonico gasped.

"Haha he found the bomb, and got it taken care of.", she said, "I took a risk putting out requests for Section 13 members, but having you now makes this a lot easier."

"Our intel said you were a junior member...", Sonico groaned.

"...I am.", Succulus sighed, "Those bastards still won't accept me even though it's my birthright. My mother was the former member before the bastard took her place! I will retake my mother's position, and usurp the Rank 1 position next."

"Haha...you are stupid.", Sonico laughed with a hint of pain, "The Rank 1 is a monster, you won't last a second against him with your Quirk."

"Oh I fully acknowledge that, he is a Weaponized Quirk User from WWII. He may be old, but that man is dangerous.", Succulus agreed, "Fortunately I have a fleet of scientists working on a way to activate Quirks held within my gene pool. Once I have my mother's or father's Quirk taking over the organization will be cakewalk."

"Where do I fit in?", she asked.

"Superman has one hell of a Supercomputer at his disposal. It would make things go a lot faster in development if his robot did things for me.", Succulus said, "In exchange for you I will ask him to make the formula for me."

"He won't trust you, no one would.", Sonico said, "You suck the life out of people."

"Is that all you think my Quirk does?", Succulus laughed, "Young girl my Quirk doesn't simply do that."

Grabbing the bars, Succulus bent them like they were made of putty.

"I don't just absorb the life out of someone, I absorb their physical strength and increase my lifespan. In the time I have been active thousands have died at my hands. At my current strength I am barely under those fools All Might and Skyline.", she said placing her hand on Sonico's face, "I can transfer the power into someone else as well, but why would I do that. You are going to behave like a good captive, and you will be treated well. Cause any problems and I will turn you into an elderly woman, got it?"

"Yes.", Sonico said shivering with fear.

"Good girl.", Succulus said, "Alpha, take her too her room. Make sure she is given food and water, but don't give her anything else. What is in the room is all she gets."

"Yes ma'am.", her subordinate said.

Escorting Sonico to her room, the maid remained silent the entire time. Seeing other subordinates that looked exactly like her Sonico was confused what was going on. Asking the subordinate, she only said they were related to her. Pushing her into her room, the guide shut and locked the door behind her. Taking a seat on the bed Sonico looked at the sheets.

'Clark won't give them what they want for me...', she thought, 'Maybe I should just end it now, and save them the trouble. If I am going to die anyways, I want it to be on my terms.'

Thinking about it for a minute, she couldn't bring herself to actually do it. Having talked things over with her parents before being captured she felt dying now would be to painful. She just wanted to go home, and be with her parents. Sliding food and water under the door, the subordinate left without a word.

---Wayne Manor---

The next morning Kelex had a few leads for me to look into. Five of her former classmates were now villains so it made sense to work from there. Two of them were currently incarcerated so they weren't potential suspects which left three people. The first was a man named Faceless, and his Quirk allowed him to mold his face like clay making it impossible for people to pin him down easily. Second was a woman named Jetstream, another Speedster like her whom she had a rivalry with in Hero School. She was forced to quit school after she crippled three other students in a locker room. Lastly was a man called Takeover who up until Hero School was a model student. Caught copying her essay they went back to see if he had copied anything else only to find he cheated his way through school using his Quirk to control teachers to give him passing grades.

"The Faceless guy was only a former classmate, I don't see any connections to her in any records.", Kelex told me as I was making breakfast, "Jetstream and Takeover both have reasons to hate Sonico so that is your best place to start."

"Alright, where are they currently?", I asked.

"Jetstream is currently on the run in Brazil, and Takeover recently showed up in Colorado this morning. He came in on a smugglers plane from Australia.", Kelex said.

"Aren't their cameras on the street that Sonico lives on?", I asked.

"There is, but the system was down for maintenance that evening. Unfortunately there is no data for me to retrieve on that front.", Kelex replied.

"Get into the NSA database and see if you can find anything from that end. She is a US citizen still so her phone is probably bugged.", I stated.

"Sir...I thought you wanted me to stay out of those systems.", Kelex said with confusion.

"I expected Section 13 to do a fucking better job protecting their own.", I growled, "It appears they are just another useless government agency. Where are they are with their investigation?"

"Checking...", Kelex said, "They have marked her MIA, and have closed the case. No witnesses, no evidence, and too many enemies of Section 13 to sift through. The big wigs up top decided to cut their losses."

"Show me.", I said tapping my phone.

Broadcasting a 3D hologram of the document I hissed with annoyance.

"They really are a fucking government agency. Too difficult to do, close the case and lie about it.", I said, "If they want to play this shit, I will tell Sonico to quit after we find her. Any idea where that Takeover guy came from before Australia? That's right in Japan's backyard."

"Looks like China.", Kelex said.

"Sounds like Takeover is our guy, track him and I will go over once I drop the girls off.", I said.

"Tracking now.", Kelex said.

A few minutes later the girls came down dressed for the day. Giving them a grin they winked at me playfully. Eri was over at a friend's house for a sleepover so the girls took the chance for some bonding time. We had stayed up till nearly 3am making love so I was surprised the girls got up as easily as they did this morning.

"Morning my beautiful girlfriends.", I said returning a wink, "Hope you slept well."

"You can say that.", Nejire giggled.

"It was pretty hot last night.", Nemuri said with a grin, "Might consider turning up the A/C."

"Noted.", I laughed, "I have a hardy breakfast for you all."

"Thanks!", they said digging in.

Packing our lunches for the day, I made sure to make Eri one. Having Kelex teleport it over to her, I passed out the meals to the girls and then flew us off once we were ready to go. Seeing them off with a kiss, I headed over to Denver Colorado where Takeover was on the move.

---Denver, Colorado---

Currently sitting in a blacked out sedan, Takeover was counting a portion of his money. Swinging by his bookie to secure most of his funds, Takeover kept a few hundred thousand with him to hit up a local club. Planning on getting cozy with a few of the women he wanted to celebrate getting his revenge.

'It feels great knowing I got one over on that bimbo.', he thought with a smirk, 'Time to get me some quality hoes, and-"

Slamming down on the hood of his car he looked right out to see me standing on the crumpled front end of his car. Panic immediately set in as he thought he got away with this without any issues. There should have been no way anyone could have figured out he did it so quickly.

"Takeover I presume.", I said ripping the windshield off his car, "How about you and I have a little chat about your flight from Australia."

"I...I don't know what you mean. I have been here in the US for over a-"

Showing him a hologram of the footage I had of him in Australia his blood froze. Grabbing a pistol from his console he unloaded the clip into my face only to watch the bullets fall to the ground. Shaking like a leaf now he crapped his pants on the spot.

"Seems like I picked the right person.", I said peeling the roof of his car back like can of sardines, "You going to talk, or shall I make you talk?"

"I have rights!", he shouted, "You can't prove I did-"

"You just walked out of Big Sam's Pawn Shop, a front for a criminal bookie. Checked in several million in US currency, and kept a few hundred thousand for yourself.", I said, "You were planning on going to a strip club."

"How did you know all that!?", he shouted.

"Takeover, when I put my resources to work I can find pretty much anything I want to know. For example, I happen to know that a week ago you committed murder over five dollars. You paid off a crooked cop to look the other way.", I said, "I have that on camera, just like how you stole this car earlier this morning. If you want I can keep digging, and I am sure by the time I am done you will be looking at a life sentence...if not the death penalty."

"You think that scares me? I am not crossing the buyer, that bitch is crazy.", he said.

"So it's a woman.", I said deciding to try a more aggressive method to get the information instead of reading his mind, "Anything else you want to tell me?"

"Go fuck yourself.", he snapped.

Grabbing his throat, I ripped him out of the seat and flew us up several thousand feet. Flipping him over so I was holding him by his ankle, he started screaming as he looked down.

"Tell me what I want to know, or my grip could suddenly loosen.", I yawned, "I have been working a lot so I might get exhausted."

"I ain't telling you-"

Letting him go he screamed like a baby as he started speeding towards the ground. Watching the ground get closer and closer to him, he quickly said he would talk. Letting him sweat it out, I caught him roughly half an inch before he hit the sidewalk. Pissing himself he started shaking violently.

"Where did you sell her, and to whom did you do it?", I asked.

"I...I sold her to one of Succulus' minions!", he said, "I met them in China after I caught Sonico. I drugged her after taking control of her body. Swear on my life that I didn't assault her or anything!! Had I known she was really your woman I wouldn't have laid a finger on her, I swear on my mother's grave!!"

"Haha, now that's what I like to hear. Had you just said that to begin with you wouldn't have embarrassed yourself like this.", I said, "To clarify she isn't my girlfriend, we are just friends. The reason I am going so far is because her parents are trying to mend things up with her, but some jackass fucked that up. Sonico needs therapy as she is one messed up woman, but mending the relationship with her family is a good place to start. Now we are going to have a nice chat with the Police Chief about your activities, and the officer you paid off."

"Lie in my presence and I will scramble your brain so much you will be an invalid the rest of your miserable life.", I said telepathically.

Nodding his head hurriedly we retrieved the cash, and went to the Denver Chief of Police. Giving him the evidence, Takeover, and previous evidence that was hidden from police the Chief thanked me.

"I will have the cop responsible arrested.", the Chief said.

"If he gives you any issues...don't hesitate to let me know. I am only a moment away from anywhere.", I said patting Takeover's shoulder making him tense up.

Seeing the reaction the Chief gave me a grin.

"Think you can work that magic on the other prisoners?", he asked, "We got a few rowdy people here from a bust last night."

"Give me just a minute.", I said walking to the holding cells.

Dismissing the cops in the holding areas I walked over to the villains currently locked up. Shouting out at the cops from their holding cell, the villains thought they were being smart. Seeing a shadow on the ground they tossed a cup of toilet water in that direction. Laughing they went to look at who they thought was a cop, only to freeze when they saw it wasn't. Ripping the shirt off of one of them, I dried my shirt and gave them a smile.

"Gentleman, I have been told you are causing the police some trouble.", I said vibrating my molecules so I could walk through the bars, "How about I offer you some counseling?"

Before they could say a word I hit several nerve bundles on their bodies rendering them unconscious, and unable to move. Walking back out of the cell I went to let the chief know they would be out for a while. Telling him they fell asleep he laughed, and said it must have been all that yelling that did it. Leaving the Chief to handle the rest of the matter, I had Kelex start looking for Oblivion Bases in China.

As Kelex had found out earlier, the bases we hit were only small warehouses. The bigger ones and locations of members were not on the server nor in the information Section 13 had acquired. At this point it was pretty much tracing out where the bounty originated from, but at least we knew we were looking for someone named Succulus.

---U.A Lunchroom---

After leaving Colorado I ended up going to the Caribbean to rescue several ships that were caught out in a tropical storm that was very quickly becoming a hurricane. Taking them into port, I helped get people get to safety with my robots escorting families away from the coastal areas, and deploying barriers to keep the storm surges from damaging homes. Of course all of this was being announced by the people on the islands, and that became the subject of discussion over lunch.

"It's really cool how you can get all over the world so quickly.", Jiro said.

"Yeah, it's really awesome!", Kirishima said, "Are your robots still there?"

"Yes, they are currently still holding a barriers around the islands to keep the damage to a minimum. A lot of these places aren't very developed so a storm like this can knock communities back by several years.", I said.

"Too bad you can't just punch it or blow it away.", Izuku laughed.

"It's a natural occurrence, best to let it happen and just minimize the human casualties.", I chuckled.

"Wait...are you saying you could?", Asui asked.

"I could, but again it's a part of nature. This storm has been on the radar for a while now, and isn't the work of a villain. I am a firm believer in letting nature run it's course in these situations. My only concern is keeping the human casualty counts down.", I said.

"Why not stop it though?", Ida asked.

"Eventually all of us will retire. After I retire who is going to continue doing that?", I responded.

"Ah!", he said, "You want people not to rely on you alone. Your goal is for them to help themselves with only minimal help from you."

"Exactly", I replied, "As the saying goes...give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Fighting crime is completely different from stopping a storm or an earthquake. Rather than stop them I would like to help people find ways to protect themselves. The Levitation Generators I made for structures is a good example of that."

"Doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose of a Hero though?", Ochaco asked, "It's our job to help people."

"You have to realize, these islands aren't places where many Heroes live. They are small communities or poor nations that can't afford to pay Heroes a lot of money. When events like this hit other countries have to pitch in to help, and that can take weeks that they simply don't have.", I said, "I don't get paid a lot for doing it, but the money isn't the reason I am a Hero so I make the best fit for the job."

"You mention that a lot from what I hear.", Asui said, "Why do you say it like that?"

"If Heroes didn't get paid for their work, how many people do you honestly think would stay Heroes?", I asked, "We as a society have made using our Quirks to save people a means to get rich and famous. It attracts the wrong sorts of people to the job, and when crap hits the fan those people generally flee. If that happens, all Heroes take the hit not just them."

"I get it...", Shoto said, "You're saying we have too many people that are in it for the fame and fortune. Since we have so many Heroes in that group places like those islands get overlooked by Heroes, and they suffer the consequences."

"Exactly, just because they can't afford to pay doesn't mean they have to suffer.", I responded, "Remember that just because they are poor, different, or can't speak our language doesn't mean they are any less important. A person in need is the same no matter where you go."

Nodding their heads the students understood that. Asking them how class was going, they were about to start talking when the school alarm went off. Looking around the room I remembered this from the series.

'Alright this should be the press coming here for All Might.', I thought, 'Potentially me as well.'

Looking over in the direction of where the source of the problem was, I confirmed the media was to blame for the alarm. Seeing Aizawa and Present Mic working on holding the swarm of reporters back, I informed the students of the cafeteria of situation. Telling them that it wasn't anything to be concerned about, the students settled back into their seats.

'That means sometime soon AFO is going to make his move.', I thought, 'He moved bases while I was fighting Cupid. Satellites show he moved into the base of a volcano, which is going to be a bitch. Having that place rigged to blow is probably how it will be like the other one was. Enough explosives would cause an eruption, and that's not something I want to risk.'

Finishing lunch with them, I left for the Fortress of Solitude.

---Fortress of Solitude---

"Kelex, do we have any information on their plans?", I asked.

"Yes", he said, "It isn't the best of news if I am honest. He is planning an assault, but they have something rather complicated in their possession."

"You mean like a Quirk Booster or something?", I replied.

"No, it would appear that they have nuclear warheads.", Kelex said.

"Come again!? You can't smuggle something like that into a populated area!", I snapped, "Even using a Warp Quirk we still would have seen an alert in the UN database. Which country lost the warheads?"

"Russia.", he said.

"You have kidding me, the Russian's haven't told anyone?", I groaned, "Where did we get the information? Are we able to remote into-"

"Sir, this information came from the Section 13 system.", Kelex stated.

Stopping I looked back at him clenching my fists.

"Who is hiding that?", I asked, "I want names now. Was it Ivan?"

"No sir, appears the Russia Branch Chief is covering this loss up. The nukes were stolen while under their protection. Appears one of his hand picked members was killed, and replaced with a doppelganger who smuggled them out.", Kelex said showing me the report.

"What else did they take?", I asked.

"Several chemical weapons, weapon research, and something called Project Genesis. All data on that project has been deleted from the servers, and is unrecoverable as the drives were also destroyed.", Kelex said, "Might I suggest using Lady Eri too-"

"She isn't a tool to be used when we need assistance. Eri is still a child, and I am not going to endanger her with something like this.", I said, "Get me a copy of this information, I am going straight to their headquarters."

"Understood sir, shall I try to track where they are housing them?", he asked.

"Start on that immediately, from now on monitor anything related All For One. It appears he wants to play hard ball now, so lets play hard ball.", I growled.

Getting me a copy of the paperwork I flew to the Section 13 Headquarters in New York City.

---Section 13 Headquarters New York City---

Landing outside their headquarters I walked straight past the secretary headed straight for where the Branch Heads were meeting. Kicking the door in I stared at them with annoyance as I stepped in.

"Clark, there is a process for-", the North American Branch Head started to say before I threw a folder at her.

"I want to know why the hell a Section 13 Branch Chief is covering up the loss of biological weapons and nuclear warheads.", I said, "All For One has them in his possession, and he is hold up just outside a densely populated area!"

"What are you talking about!?", they asked.

Going over the paperwork I tossed them, their expressions hardened. Growling in anger Ivan stood up, and looked at me.

"Who did you tell about this?", he asked.

"I haven't told anyone, but right now I have a country that could be nuked or chemically destroyed!", I snapped, "I want to know who the hell you keep on staff that would cover this stuff up! If a single civilian dies because of your fuck up I am coming after your asses for hiding this from the Japanese government!"

"Clark calm down, we understand that-"

"No, first your investigator decides to mark Sonico and the other missing members as MIA, and now I find out you let a psycho get his hands on nuclear and chemical weapons!!", I snapped, "Don't fuck with me because you think a fourteen year old wouldn't understand. That nuke is potentially right in my backyard!"

Grabbing him by the collar I hoisted him into the air.

"If anything happens to my family I swear on my grandfather's grave you will die with them!", I hissed, "This is a major fucking problem because now I have to wonder how trustworthy you are! He reports directly to you, and you placed him in that position. From the sounds of it he is a nitwit with no qualifications for running the branch in Russia!"

"We will handle it!", Ivan said.

"I am handling it because you evidentially can't watch your own fucking people!", I snapped throwing him into his seat, "Start finding out if you lost anything else!"

Leaving them alone, the Branch Heads looked at the documentation I provided. It was pretty clear that this was a cover up for someone trying to save their own neck. If the Russians did an inventory they would find all of these items missing, and announce to the UN that they were gone. At that point it would fall on Section 13's shoulders as it was under their watch this happened.

"Goddamn it!", the European Branch Head said, "This shit is really bad, we guard most of the worlds nuclear armaments and chemical weapons. If word gets out we fucked up this is going to be far worse than the incident in Japan. Even worse it's in Japan's top villain's hands, and it sounds like he is within range of their capital. The Japanese aren't going to be happy about this."

"I think it's more important to say the kid's in our system.", the Australian Branch Head said, "If he is in the system there is a lot of shit he can find that we don't want getting out."

"Both things are bad, but it's more important that we handle the screw up the Russia Branch Chief made.", the North American Branch Head said, "We can kiss our jobs goodbye if he detonates it."

"And our lives...", Ivan said fixing his collar, "I am more afraid of him than the public."

"We need to let the commander know.", the European Branch Head stated, "We don't have a choice at this point."

---Moscow, Russia---

Forcing my way in to see the Russian Branch Chief, Vigo, I currently had him pinned to his wall. Behind me his team was trying to stop me.

"I want answers! Why did you cover up your teams screw up!?", I shouted, "There are nukes and chemical weapons out there now, and you didn't report it!!"

"I didn't want to lose my fucking job!", he snapped, "If they found out we let that happen my career would be down the drain!!"

"You chose your career over the millions that could potentially die?", I growled.

"I have a family to feed, and I want to one day retire!", he retorted.

Spinning around I slammed him into his team blasting them out of the building. Skidding across the street the team of six were badly injured from the collision and subsequent crashing into concrete walls. Forcing the dust to settle to the street I stood their flying over them with my heat vision ready to fire.

"If your jobs are worth more than the public safety you have no need to claim to be Heroes.", I said flying towards them slowly, "Since you want to cover it up, you lot are coming with me to tell the President of Russia exactly what you did."

"Are you fucking insane!?", they shouted, "He will-"

"I don't care.", I said levitating them off the ground, "You can pay for your crime. If you walk away from this you better hope we don't ever cross paths again!"

Flying them to the Presidents office, I forced them to talk after handing him a copy of the report. Reading over it the Russian President stared at the six people.

"Do you have any idea what data was housed on those servers...", he said, "Those files were records from a mad scientist Stalin had experiment on Quirks. That database housed the information that made the Rank 1 Oblivion Group Member Nova. Those files were kept under your protection because we had been assured that everything was guarded by the best men you had. Now I find out that you lot are nothing short of incompetent fools! That server housed the last bit of information Oblivion Group was after!! If they find out this All For One has it, they will go straight for him!! They don't care if they destroy the nation to get it!! The only reason they didn't attack Moscow was because of Brom Atlas living in Moscow!"

"Why would you keep something that dangerous around!?", the team gasped.

"It was hopefully going to be used to develop measures to counter the modifications done to Nova.", the President said, "Superman, please leave these poor excuses for humans to me. I will ensure that they are properly punished."

Leaving it that as I saw he was going to give them a painful death, I left them alone. Calling his Ambassador he let him know the situation, and wanted him to alert the UN Security Counsel. Usually he would have his private team of Heroes handle this, but he knew even they wouldn't stand a chance against Nova.

---UN Security Council---

Taking the call from his President, the ambassador entered the room with a tense look. Taking his seat the other members looked to him with concern. Asking what was wrong, the ambassador informed them of the situation. This wasn't something they could risk keeping a secret as the consequences were more monsters like Nova showing up. Listening to the update till the very end, the Security Council called Hairicín into the council room. Entering the room a few minutes later, he took a seat and asked what was wrong.

"It has come to our attention that your men in Moscow let deadly chemical and nuclear weapons walk out of a secure facility without reporting it...the same facility that housed Project Genesis.", the Russian Ambassador said.

"...what...", Hairicín asked with an irritated tone, "I haven't heard anything, allow me to call my subordinates in."

Ordering them to the Security Council room, he had them explain what was going on. Narrowing his eyes the Branch Heads shivered violently under the pressure he was exerting.

"You are telling me you let weapons like that out of our base in Moscow without so much as a notice too us?", Hairicín growled, "Those weapons were Cold War grade weapons, they could have easily gone off in transport! Millions could have died, and now a psychopath has them in his hands!"

"Sir we can-"

"I am not going to hear your excuses.", he said, "All of you are going to coordinate the retrieval of those weapons whether you want too or not. After they are returned I want each of you to do a full inventory of our warehouses, depots, and bases. If a single screw is missing I want it reported, do I make myself clear!"

"Yes sir!", they said saluting him.

"This is ridiculous that a fourteen year old caught this, and seasoned veterans let this go unnoticed!", Hairicín snapped, "The team in Moscow is now in the Russian President's hands, consider them removed from their position. Ivan you are to take over their office following the end of this lecture."

"Sir!", Ivan said.

"I want our best teams in Japan within the next 72 hours. The Oblivion Group isn't going to let this go the moment they get wind of this!", Hairicín said, "I will be going personally to see you don't fuck this up."

"Sir!", they said as the full weight of their fuck up came into perspective.

"Now get moving!", Hairicín shouted.

Leaving his sight Hairicín clenched his fist annoyance.

'These fools don't realize the repercussion of losing that data!', he thought, 'None of them have faced Nova, they have no idea how powerful a villain he is.'

Apologizing the the Security Council, Hairicín said he was would personally head to Japan to handle this situation. Calling his secretary in, he had her teleport him to Japan so he could start laying down the groundwork.