

2021-01-03 đã tham giaGlobal

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  • Bluhb
    trả lời Shiny_Shirogane

    It's not that important. The editor even allowed him to do it so it's okay.

    Murim Recurve
    Kỳ huyễn · Overlord_Venus
  • Bluhb
    trả lời Overlord_Venus

    I guess it's okay then. Not like it's a problem even if you put it in the wrong category. The novel is good anyways

    Murim Recurve
    Kỳ huyễn · Overlord_Venus
  • Bluhb
    trả lời Shiny_Shirogane

    Yes you can post BL there just like how this novel is posted here. Female audience won't say anything about it because they like BL but that doesn't mean it's not about leading genders. It's still based on leading genders as you can see in the app.

    Murim Recurve
    Kỳ huyễn · Overlord_Venus
  • Bluhb
     công bố

    Add it to your library if you want this novel to get chosen. I will also do the same. (Oh I need to write 140 words. So I can post this review)

    Sách này đã bị xóa
  • Bluhb
     công bố

    I tried this hoping that it's another good novel. Such a shame it was actually not that good. MC is basically nothing without his system... World building is boring. No twists. 2D characters.. Maybe this novel will get chosen but the ratings will go down once it's out of trial reads.

    Binding to Geniuses To Become Stronger
    Huyền huyễn · Li Hongtian
  • Bluhb
    trả lời Overlord_Venus

    It's based on leading gender.

    Murim Recurve
    Kỳ huyễn · Overlord_Venus
  • Bluhb
    trả lời Overlord_Venus

    That's not how it works... You can either choose to start your novel in the male lead section which means your MC is a male or you can start under the female lead sections. You tagged your novel incorrectly!

    Murim Recurve
    Kỳ huyễn · Overlord_Venus
  • Bluhb
    bình luận

    Be safe Lilian.

    Ch 8 Curses
    The Flower of Separation
    Kỳ huyễn · XOMatsumaeohana
  • Bluhb
    trả lời catvi

    I told you why I didn't delete my comment. I gave you my reason and you still acting like I wrote nothing and repeating this. I don't delete the comment because you urged people not to read a good novel. I want to keep my comment so they still give it a try. (I wrote it down again just for you, be thankful) You call others racist when you are the same. You call others hypocrite when you are one yourself. You wrote a review based on your feelings. You clearly don't understand how to write a proper review.

    Outdoor Webcast
    Thành thị · Night-Blooming Flower Falls
  • Bluhb
    trả lời catvi

    Now you can't even argue anymore. Pointing out grammar mistakes when you're out of excuses. Something a 8 years old would do. You are still a monkey even if I misspelled the word.

    Outdoor Webcast
    Thành thị · Night-Blooming Flower Falls
  • Bluhb
    trả lời catvi

    Did you read my other comment too? Seems like you still don't know what hipocrisy means. That's why I hate arguing with monkeye

    Outdoor Webcast
    Thành thị · Night-Blooming Flower Falls
  • Bluhb
    trả lời catvi

    The person above just told me that the kimchi part is true. That doesn't mean that all of your review is okay. The novel is still good and the rating of the novel shows that too. I read 40 chapters and I didn't saw your Chinese propaganda in it. Your review clearly urges people to drop a good novel. Thus, I won't delete my comment exactly because of this. Also I'm not Chinese. I'm Hungarian if you really want to know. You are clearly racist and still get mad when you see others being racist. Now this is what you can call hypocrisy! Should I call you chinese hypocrite because you got mad at racism while you are clearly racist? What a fool lol. (Relax, I won't call you chinese. That would be an insult to humanity. I call you monkey based on your intelligence)

    Outdoor Webcast
    Thành thị · Night-Blooming Flower Falls
  • Bluhb
    trả lời catvi

    Have you read your own review? even the first sentence? Do you even know what counts as attacking and what doesn't? You are way more racist than the author just based on the review you wrote.

    Outdoor Webcast
    Thành thị · Night-Blooming Flower Falls
  • Bluhb
    trả lời Rocketduh

    Well, then sorry for this. I won't delete my comment though. The novel is still enjoyable and I think that attacking the author just because of this is a little too much.

    Outdoor Webcast
    Thành thị · Night-Blooming Flower Falls
  • Bluhb
    trả lời catvi

    please delete this fake review. This novel was genuinely enjoyable. What the reviewer said is fake info. Read the novel and find out yourself.

    Outdoor Webcast
    Thành thị · Night-Blooming Flower Falls
  • Bluhb
     công bố

    This novel is too good. I learned about interesting stuff. It kept me interested and it was the first novel I decided to support on trial read. I checked the raws and looks like the future chapters will be fun as well. The novel could be even better but it's still one of the best. I read all 40 chapters in one go. WN deserves to lose profit if they don't pick this one.

    Outdoor Webcast
    Thành thị · Night-Blooming Flower Falls
  • Bluhb
    bình luận

    support the novel with money if you want it to be selected. I also do that.

    Ch 40 A Real Expert at Removing Scales and Deboning
    Outdoor Webcast
    Thành thị · Night-Blooming Flower Falls
  • Bluhb
    bình luận

    reading about the dogs is so much fun

    Ch 9 The Abundance of Happiness in the Village!
    Outdoor Webcast
    Thành thị · Night-Blooming Flower Falls
  • Bluhb
     công bố

    Here is my honest review: Normally I don't write reviews after only two chapters, but I make exceptions sometimes. Only when I know that a novel is definitely going to be a hit. Flower of Separation is the first novel I read from the female section and probably the first novel I'm going to read till the end (from the female section). Translation Quality: The grammar is almost excellent. You can find little slips here and there but I guarantee that this won't bother your reading experience. This is the type of novel where you won't get lost in the details too much and you can concentrate on the story instead. Stability of Updates: We don't know the update speed currently. I'm guessing that it's around 1 chapter every 2-3 days. This may feel a bit slow according to WN standards, but we get long chapters so you will be satisfied in the end. Story Development: One of the strong points of this novel besides the character designs. The story flows so smoothly that you can understand even the complex situations easily. It's one of the key characteristics of an enjoyable story and flower of separation definitely has it. The reader can truly understand how the characters are related based on their actions alone and this makes the whole novel a fun read. Character Design: It's full of personalities. The personalities are not described but instead shown through the actions of the individual. This is something that a lot of novels forget to do but this one does it really well. Each character has an interesting personality so far, none of them are boring(You may think that there are only 2 chapters and I speak nonsense. I can only say that you should give it a try first before you accuse me of this). World Background: It's about a strong empire. The political situation is very well mapped. You won't get confused. There are stronger and weaker noble families and you can imagine the situation easily. The current situation is properly explained in the very first chapter. Magic exists in this world and it's really interesting. R/N: I personally know the real-life background of this story and that makes it even more enjoyable for me. I know the characters and I know the relationship between them. All I can say is that the author properly mirrored everything and it will be a fun read. I recommend it to everyone who likes reading fantasy. -Swin-

    The Flower of Separation
    Kỳ huyễn · XOMatsumaeohana
  • Bluhb
    bình luận

    silly is so talented

    Ch 1 The Empire
    The Flower of Separation
    Kỳ huyễn · XOMatsumaeohana