
The Flower of Separation

SEASON 2 COMING SOON: "What does this Empire require, necessary evil or pure evil?" Ageha Lillian, heir to one of the seven ruling families lying at the heart of the corrupted Empire, chooses the path of the General of the royal family, despite possessing the power that would make her the next Empress. She aims for the destruction of her family in order to stop the corruption. But in doing so, she will become the ultimate 'villain.' Zestra Zushi, another girl with the powers of the Empress, chooses the path of the Empress in order to protect her family. However, she faces the consequences of her choice. Can she change the situation and become everyone's saviour? Or will she have no choice but to play Lillian's game and use "evil?" In an Empire of ruins filled with corruption and greed for power, who will win? Cover commission by: zushi

XOMatsumaeohana · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
115 Chs


The day after the coronation, she received summons the very morning from the treasure office. Lilian already knew what was coming. The person in charge of the family funds summoned both her and Lucas. They listed all the damages and charges sent from the Imperial Palace.

'That Empress works fast.' Then again, this must be her small form of revenge after what happened.

"He didn't have to get that mad," Lucas commented on their way out. "I mean, we technically saved the town; because of that, the rest of the coronation ran smoothly."

Lilian sighed. "Well, you have to understand where he is coming from too. We did cause problems."

"Did you hit your head or something?"

"Or maybe." Lucas brushed his fingers across her forehead. "- you're sick again?"

Lilian moved away from him.

"You've been cursed again. Who do you keep offending?"

Lilian blinked but laughed. "If it is a small one, you can just get rid of it."

Lucas sighed. "I am supposed to be this place dark mage, but I spend more time babysitting the heir."

"You're the one who swore loyalty to me."

"Aren't you supposed to be in the Imperial palace today?"

"I'm under house arrest, the Empress orders."

"Huh, that's her first imperial command? People are going to talk badly of her."

Indeed, the current Empress right now is only a figurehead. Even if she has imperial power, if she uses it wrongly, people will judge her. Putting the general under house arrest the day after the coronation will reflect badly.

After all, nobody knew of yesterday's incident other than the ones present. The Empress could not say anything since it would mean revealing the little Prince curse.

"Was that your plan?"

"No, I just wanted to spite her into using her ability, and it worked." Lilian trailed off. "Tell me, Lucas, that boys curse."

"It is something my relatives probably did. If it was that woman, however, then it will be difficult to reverse."

"How to reverse a curse from a dead person."

"You say dead, but her soul is fast asleep in an underground magical chamber."

"Her body has been destroyed, though."

"You sound so pleased, and you do realize that if she ever gets her body back, she will chase you first."

"Isn't that why you are around?"

Lucas sighed. "You do recall what happened, right?"

"I saved you."

"So proud." Lucas shook his head. "You know this is getting dangerous already, Lilian. Why don't you stop? I don't think you should mess with the Empress."

"Are you saying I will lose to her?"

"I know you won't lose. I got a look at the Empress magic levels, and you are stronger than her. In a fight, you would win but will you continue this until it destroys you?"

"Yes." Lilian didn't hesitate, and Lucas sighed.

"I knew you would say that." He trailed off. "What you asked me to look at before, I think you will find your answers if you wait until the world tree has woken up."

"You mean the world tree yggdrasil?"

Lucas nodded. "The world tree the mighty tree whose trunk rises at the geographical center of the Norse spiritual.The rest of that cosmos, including the, is arrayed around it and held together by its branches and roots, which connect the various parts of the cosmos to one another."

Lilian raised her hand. "No need to explain. I can see why you think I will need it. But what I seek is not the destruction of the world."

"What you seek, huh? I thought I knew what it was before, but not anymore. Tell me, Lilian, what do you want at the end of this?"

"Will you question my decision?"

"No, you know I will follow everything you say."

Despite those words, she saw the look in his eyes and sighed. 'I shouldn't tease him so much.'

"I'll give you a detailed report once I have all the details sorted out, okay?"

"You always do everything at your own pace. So what are we doing today?"

"Oh? Not busy?"

Lucas sighed; a frustrated look appeared on his face. "I'm technically under house arrest too. Unlike you, though, I don't have much leeway, so following you around will give me that freedom."

"I see."

"Also," Lucas leaned forward and flicked her forehead with this thumb. "Bad omens and curses flock to you too easily. How can that be when I've cast that spell on you? I'll find out what is happening."

"Didn't you say that most curses are a figment of one's imagination?"


If a person believes a frightening witch has cursed them, then that's all it takes to make that person fall ill. The strength of a person's belief is stronger than any magic. If somebody believes something, they can manipulate their mind into thinking it happened. So anything that happens coincidentally or any misfortunes, they will see it as a curse. Every single night that person lies in bed with no sleep. Over thousands of people die that way..." He trails off. "Therefore, it's best to leave it alone and say that the spell makes you healthy."

Despite the complicated explanation, Lilian understood.

"If my reputation rises, then conversely, my enemy is becoming exhausted. Many people believe that's how a curse works. By the way, those rich people will gladly pay any price to purify a sign of misfortune like the one you just had."

Her sweatdropped. "So, in reality, there's no curse?"

"Well, of course, I cast curses when it's needed. But it's not something I usually have to do. Furthermore... Seriously taking on every single person by cursing them is too much trouble. Oh, but if it is cursed on you, even if it is small, I plan to get rid of them all."

Lilian's gaze softened. At the end of the day, there is only one person she can say who is on her side. However, if she were to compliment him, then he would get big-headed. Even somebody like her has somebody by their side.

"My sister is in the underground torture chamber for our family. I was thinking of paying her a visit."

"You sure you want to go? Won't it break your heart seeing her in pain?"

Lilian sighed. "How do you know I have a soft spot for her?"

"You plan to give her that watch on her birthday, right? The one you crafted."

This guy is way too sharp, and he notices the strangest things about her. Lilian passed him a basket. "She probably hasn't eaten; go to her with this."

"Alright. But before I go." Lucas grabbed hold of her wrist, and she winced in pain. He slowly rolled up her sleeve to reveal a dark-colored bruise. "When were you going to tell me about this?"

"It doesn't hurt."

"Quit acting so stubborn." Lucas dragged her over to the lounge area. Thankfully there was nobody else around. It was still far too early for anybody in the palace to be awake, though there were some rare exceptions like the treasurer.

Lucas made her sit down on the couch, and she fidgeted uncomfortably. "You're the only one who treats me this way, you know?"

He is the only one who is not scared of her and treats her like a normal girl. It felt very strange to her and unfamiliar.

Lucas bent down and rested her foot on a stool as he massaged her feet. "You shouldn't walk around with shoes you are unfamiliar with too. You almost tripped over when you attacked that kid yesterday."

How did he notice that she lost her balance from where he was?

"I will call your therapist over, and your nightmares have increased a lot recently."

Lilian sighed. "I don't want to see her, and she will just bug me about that assignment she gave me."

"Make a friend. You made one at the tea party you attended, right?"

"A strange woman." Lilian thought of Jorah's face after she attacked Braden. She wasn't angry at her, but her eyes screamed that she was in a lot of pain.

"But she is stronger than what most people would think."

Her actions hurt the girl, yet Jorah still saw her off and asked her to visit her stall later.

"Isn't that good for you? You can have somebody you relate to-," Lucas trailed off. "Well, you will always have me. But having a female friend your age is good too."

"I am exhausted," Lilian mumbled.

Interacting with others is difficult; moreover, she has to control her emotions when she is around Jorah. She cannot go on a rampage or do anything evil otherwise, and it would hurt her. "I have to spend so much time caring about my every action, is having friends worth it?"

"Lilian, I know what you are trying to get at. But if you keep having those nightmares, one day it will consume you, and you will cease to exist."
