
Review Detail of catvi in Outdoor Webcast

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Kimchi is not from china, get your fking ass out of your mouthhole chinafags! Do you think your shit soft-power propaganda works on anyone outside your shitty ass authoritarian country, author? NO! You can go play dictators in your own little uyghur concentration camps but for the love of god, don't bring your shit on sites where the majority are not from your human rights less country. DON'T READ THIS NOVEL. Your feelings will change between, first hope that this urban system novel will not be nationalist and racist, then disgust that it will put subtle hints all over the place why Chinese male dcks are longer, stronger, blacker, sturdier than white, brown, black dcks. It's way better just a mindless xianxia to be selected than any urban novel because it will INEVITABLE fall into racist nationalist propaganda that even a 2 year old non brainwahsed chinese would not buy.

Outdoor Webcast

Night-Blooming Flower Falls

Được 10 người thích


Trả lời25


Now you can't even argue anymore. Pointing out grammar mistakes when you're out of excuses. Something a 8 years old would do. You are still a monkey even if I misspelled the word.

catvi:>Asks why are people attacking the author. >Then calls other monkeys. Can't even spell it right either. >Also misspells hypocrisy. As I said, H-y-p-o-c-r-i-t-e.

I guess you are Korean..


Are you sure Kimchi wasn't a mtl error? There is a trial read in the same batch that translated 'cushion' into a 'futon', which is Japanese. I think. Also, I've just found the mtl site for this novel (and is planning to read it now). The comments are pretty good with no harem tags, to say the least... Btw, no one will describe their countrymen's dicks as small. So, seriously, if you discredited the novel without valid reasons I will... Well... I can't really do anything except say that you suck?


please delete this fake review. This novel was genuinely enjoyable. What the reviewer said is fake info. Read the novel and find out yourself.


What the reviewer said isn't fake info. It's actually in the novel. Not in the current trial chapters but later on, the author legit wrote that Kimchi is from China. It's blatant nationalism, where China just says all Asian things are theirs.

Bluhb:please delete this fake review. This novel was genuinely enjoyable. What the reviewer said is fake info. Read the novel and find out yourself.

Well, then sorry for this. I won't delete my comment though. The novel is still enjoyable and I think that attacking the author just because of this is a little too much.

Rocketduh:What the reviewer said isn't fake info. It's actually in the novel. Not in the current trial chapters but later on, the author legit wrote that Kimchi is from China. It's blatant nationalism, where China just says all Asian things are theirs.

kimchina ? last time i went to an asian groceries shop, 2/3 of kimchi were made in and imported from china, some from thailand n some from korea, the korean ones abit more expensive.


attacking the author because he is being racist is too much? you call this 'attacking'? I guess where ever you live doesn't really have the concept of 'Freedom of speech' does it?

Bluhb:Well, then sorry for this. I won't delete my comment though. The novel is still enjoyable and I think that attacking the author just because of this is a little too much.

You said to delete my review because it is fake. Yet after another person said it wasn't, you say you won't delete YOUR FAKE INFO comment? Hypocrisy level over 9000, though that is normal for china. *shrugs*

Bluhb:please delete this fake review. This novel was genuinely enjoyable. What the reviewer said is fake info. Read the novel and find out yourself.

Have you read your own review? even the first sentence? Do you even know what counts as attacking and what doesn't? You are way more racist than the author just based on the review you wrote.

catvi:attacking the author because he is being racist is too much? you call this 'attacking'? I guess where ever you live doesn't really have the concept of 'Freedom of speech' does it?

The person above just told me that the kimchi part is true. That doesn't mean that all of your review is okay. The novel is still good and the rating of the novel shows that too. I read 40 chapters and I didn't saw your Chinese propaganda in it. Your review clearly urges people to drop a good novel. Thus, I won't delete my comment exactly because of this. Also I'm not Chinese. I'm Hungarian if you really want to know. You are clearly racist and still get mad when you see others being racist. Now this is what you can call hypocrisy! Should I call you chinese hypocrite because you got mad at racism while you are clearly racist? What a fool lol. (Relax, I won't call you chinese. That would be an insult to humanity. I call you monkey based on your intelligence)

catvi:You said to delete my review because it is fake. Yet after another person said it wasn't, you say you won't delete YOUR FAKE INFO comment? Hypocrisy level over 9000, though that is normal for china. *shrugs*

And you are a fking hypocrite who asked others to delete their supposedly 'FAKE' review when you yourself won't delete your own misinformed comment.

Bluhb:Have you read your own review? even the first sentence? Do you even know what counts as attacking and what doesn't? You are way more racist than the author just based on the review you wrote.

Did you read my other comment too? Seems like you still don't know what hipocrisy means. That's why I hate arguing with monkeye

catvi:And you are a fking hypocrite who asked others to delete their supposedly 'FAKE' review when you yourself won't delete your own misinformed comment.

>Asks why are people attacking the author. >Then calls other monkeys. Can't even spell it right either. >Also misspells hypocrisy. As I said, H-y-p-o-c-r-i-t-e.

Bluhb:Did you read my other comment too? Seems like you still don't know what hipocrisy means. That's why I hate arguing with monkeye

You call this an argument? The argument ended a few comments ago with you losing and refusing to delete your comment with fake info :V

Bluhb:Now you can't even argue anymore. Pointing out grammar mistakes when you're out of excuses. Something a 8 years old would do. You are still a monkey even if I misspelled the word.

I told you why I didn't delete my comment. I gave you my reason and you still acting like I wrote nothing and repeating this. I don't delete the comment because you urged people not to read a good novel. I want to keep my comment so they still give it a try. (I wrote it down again just for you, be thankful) You call others racist when you are the same. You call others hypocrite when you are one yourself. You wrote a review based on your feelings. You clearly don't understand how to write a proper review.

catvi:You call this an argument? The argument ended a few comments ago with you losing and refusing to delete your comment with fake info :V

Well I agree that some of the Chinese authors do soft power propaganda, but those are for the people inside their country they can't guess that these novels will get translated.


i do think its to much to call some one chinafag.. unless they wanted to be called it🤔.. but i do agree that its to much and that we see it in almost all novels.. from little things to big things.. it just gets to much🤦.. and we dont really get to enjoy a story that could have been even bether without it in it..


Actually, this novel might have a hint of nationalism, but it's subtle enough to be bearable. (the kimchi error is so ridiculous it made me laugh instead) If you really think that the soft-power propaganda doesn't works(which I hope), then try to forget this part of the novel and focus on the quality of the writing, the character development, the pacing, and you'll see the novel is worth a read. And in my opinion, xianxia novels are more of a propaganda, because they tend to show the culture from a viewpoint that is widely liked. Instead the urban type novels tend to show things like corruption of officials, which, while they seem common to chinese people, are the scariest things in the mind of other people. So in terms of propaganda it's not the best I've seen.


instead of complaining about propaganda, why not create yr own story? For china novels to be posted on this website , there needs to be propaganda obv.