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Prellschüsse are ricochets not stray bullets
I would've said "... um euch zu schützen." or "um Ihnen zu helfen."
*Entweder ist er... *Was [für/fürn'] Wunder
Really depends on the contract and situation. For example a TV Series/Sitcom isnt really important or that big of a deal so there probably isn't any kind of clause for this. Probably because its already announced or its simply too much of a hassle to keep it secret. But this kind of clause is especially important for movies due to a number of reasons. One of them being you cant simply change something in it easily as you could in a series.
My Guess is since he wanted to impress his girl he used like on of those rod sharpening things and didnt look to closely and tried to sharpen the knife with on his hand. Id guess
Hes not even there for a minute and he already got bored?
Wait, hes referred as rock one time and figures out hes in black Lagoon. My first thought would be that someone mistook me for Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson or that I'm him if I know, I've already reincarnated. And mistaking me for 'The Rock' is impossible but way more plausible then going "I'm in Black Lagoon"