
Black Lagoon: Mob System

[WARNING EXTREME HARDCORE R-18 CONTENT GORE AND SEXUAL CONTENT] MC who was once law student and top mafia gangster/assasin in his past world dies and is reborn as Rock the protagonist in Black Lagoon anime with a Mob System! Now Rock will have access to powerful advanced technology and weapons! This will be a gore and R-18 smut fanfic full explicit scenes with Revy and all the the girls, this is the world of Black Lagoon after all so lots curse words and gore. The Mob System simply gives the MC choices to become better killer and assassin so he will have better skills on how to use guns and other types of weapons like katanas and knives. There won't be any super powers or bullshit it is the Black Lagoon world only powers MC will have is his Mob System. Revy is best girl. [WARNING!] LOTS OF Hardcore R-18 content, Gore/violence, torture, bad words, and Racism

HentaiGodZ · Tranh châm biếm
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116 Chs

Chapter 1: Fuck my Job![ New Life]


Fuck I am wasted as fuck. I had to let it all out after graduating from Harvard University in Law and becoming a Lawyer. I mean come on I had to be the life of the party plus I earned it after that boring studying. Being smart ins't easy after all, but I was just all book smarts as long as you read a lot and retain the information you gathered from books you will be shocked how far that takes you. All it takes if planning, think of life as a video game, you always have to everything you can to win! And I did a hell a lot of studying so much that I didn't even have time for a girlfriend. But now it was the time to finally get laid, yes I was a virgin, is that wrong? But not today, I was in search for a hot girl but sometimes romance and life ins't as easy as it is romcom anime. Plus being a lawyer ins't cheap paying for law school and all cost a fuck ton so I did side jobs like being part of the mafia and an assassin, yeah I was a killer, I did what I had to do, I used many weapons to kill people even used a pen to kill someone like John Wick, any weapon you think of I used it, so I guess you can say I had a skill at killing and torturing high ranking people. I killed all types of people, rich men and women, businessmen, political people, gangsters, and other mob bosses, killing the competition. I was earning some good money, but I wanted to change my life and become a lawyer as I saw how corrupt the world really was. Sometimes words are stronger than violence.

Anyways like I said before I did lots of planning for law school but what I didn't plan for today was that I was going to die! I drank a lot of beer but wasn't drunk or anything so I walk out of the house party and as cliche as it was I see a girl from the party crossing the road suddenly a truck goes to fucking hit her. And you guys can guess what happens next. I jump to save the girl and bam I am dead just that. But I did save the girl at least. Why did I save her? Well I would save anyone to be honest that's just how I am. A human I guess? But if I do reborn I will aim to reach the top and change my destiny! I won't care about anyone but myself! This time I will use my smarts to the extreme.

Now I wonder if I will be Isekai to some cool anime world or something. But God had different plans. I slowly close my eyes and let the darkness overtake me. Death is so slow and fucked up.


"Hurry the hell up Rock! I didn't pay you to be slow!" Yells out a bald old man who slams Rock's desk.

'Fuck my head hurts, where am I? Rock? Is this my new name? Wait I remember this name from the Black Lagoon anime! This is the anime full of gangs, mobsters, thugs, and criminals, there is even a crazy hot assassin maid called Roberta who slaughters many people and is skilled with knives which are hidden around her busty body. So I was reborn as Rock holy shit, but why does my mind feel so jacked up like some of memories of this world aren't making sense, guess I will have to go with the flow right now,' the new reborn Rock looks down at his and sees that his nose is bleeding. 'What the fuck?'

"Hey did you hear me Rock! Why is your nose bleeding!? Have you been doing drugs!? I am about to fire your ass! Just cause you think you are a young gun you own this place and can do anything you freaking want! " Rock's boss slams Rock's wooden work desk.

Rock didn't know what overcomes him, but with his new mind he wasn't going to take anymore bullshit from his boss anymore. He wasn't going to be some fucking push over anymore. Rock was now a whole different person. He was once the worlds most feared and greatest assassin and now he will be in the Black Lagoon world! This world will now see Rock the most skilled assassin in action. Also he was going to use his skills as a lawyer as well.

"Fuck this job! And fuck you too you old fatass! I don't need this fucking job!" Rock stands up from his desk and does a middle finger to his boss.

"How dare you! You are fired!" Rock's brother yells out angrily.

"Whatever I don't give a fuck, enjoy your miserable life as a slave to the work force. I will make money my own way, I don't need you or this shitty company!" Rock unbuttons off his white business suit cuffs and untucks his suit and now looks like a mob boss with his black pants and white business suit.

Suddenly a mail man walks over to Rock with a box in his hand. "Is this your mail sir?" The mail man looks over at Rock and his boss.

"I am not done with you Rock! I am-" Out of nowhere a bullet burst through the boss's skull and blood splatters all over Rock's unfazed face. He looked like a villain he didn't care if his own boss was shot in the head and killed.

"There is a shooter!" Everyone in the company starts screaming. Of course Rock wasn't the one who shot his own boss it was someone else. Someone who wanted the package sent to Rock or the his boss, he didn't know who the sender was though. 'So my normal everyday life as a businessman is about to change, good I was getting bored, luckily someone else killed my boss I didn't need to waste time with that old bastard, time to kick some ass and kill some fucking bastards,' Rock zips up his tie and cracks his knuckles, 'So where is the shooter,' Rock scans the area suddenly a sexy lightly tanned Chinese-American female with burgundy hair in a pony tail with amber eyes and a long tribal tattoo on her upper right arm that reaches all the way up to her neck is seen pointing a gun at Rock.

"Get the fuck down you stupid fucking chink!" Revy points her infamous dual Beretta 92 Model handgun at his head.

'This fucking crazy bitch is about to shot and kill me! I didn't reborn just to die again!' Rock gets in combat stance but then he realizes what the crazy gunner chick said, his life was put on the line for some crazy smoking hot tanned Chinese girl with tattoos. "You better know what you are doing!" Rock slides back and dodges the gunshot that Revy did she aimed for someone who was behind Rock. It was clean headshot, she had just killed a masked mercenary who was sent to retrieve the package Rock had received. It most of been something very important and expensive inside.

Rock holds on to the package, 'What the fuck is inside here that is so important?' He thought to himself. Neither did he know his whole life was about to change! A new bloody journey awaits for this newly transmigrated Rock. He was a different man, a stronger, smarter, and deadlier Rock. A highly skilled assassin and killer, even knew something about negations and law mechanics, he was ready to take over the world of Black Lagoon! A world full of drugs, gangs, guns, and violence. He was the new improved 'Rock'.

"Alright fucking nerd hand over the package," Revy extended out her hands and starts smoking cooly.

"I don't think so crazy bitch, first let me see what is inside,' Rock goes to open to the package.

"Don't you fucking dare! Hands off! My boss wants this package unopened! You move a fucking inch and I will fucking end you!" Revy points her handgun at Rock's head. A new deadly relationship was rising. A deadly duo.

What was Rock going to do? Open the package and see the truth and die or not open it and hand it over to Revy without knowing the truth.

Find out on the next episode of! Wait wrong anime.


A/N: I always wanted to write a Black Lagoon fanfic it is so rare on Webnovel and I always wanted to write R-18 for Revy and Roberta they both need more love and some romance in the anime, this time I won't make Rock such a pussy and make him act on his romance with the girls in Black Lagoon. This ins't a harem fic btw. But there is lots of romance and R-18 both action and sex.

IMPORTANT: I will be posting more of my new R-18 fanfic ideas today! Get ready for exclusive R-18 chapter previews only for my pa treon readers!