


Hey, ummm. What now?

2019-12-31 đã tham giaGlobal

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  • Sly_Lyon
    bình luận


    "As explicitly stated in your contract, there will be no reimbursement upon termination." The second blow landed, driving the nail deeper into the coffin. The notice from the bank dangled around his neck like a noose, slowly suffocating him. The rope took on the face of his mother and the hands of his brother, embodying the burdens of life. Eighteen years of existence had been marred by stress and worry, leaving little room for happiness.
    Level Up Legacy
    Kỳ huyễn · MellowGuy
  • Sly_Lyon
    bình luận

    Alright, good start

    The foreign yet expected words echoed in his ears, leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. "Your contract has been terminated." His voice cracked and hollowed as he absorbed the weight of those words. The influx of new scavengers, equipped with specialized abilities for the job, had made this outcome inevitable. He held no resentment or grudge towards his employers, but the world itself felt the brunt of his disappointment.
    Level Up Legacy
    Kỳ huyễn · MellowGuy
  • Sly_Lyon
    bình luận

    Dun dun dun!!!!

    However, the biggest worry of the two people standing on the deck was neither the unknown fear nor the uncertainty of survival.
    Level up Zombie
    Kỳ huyễn · JKSManga
  • Sly_Lyon
    bình luận

    That came out of nowhere no?

    The giant waves of the sea were being torn apart as the large cruise ship crashed into them. The cold, bottomless night covered the sky, and it was hard for them to judge where they were heading. Most of the equipment on the vast ship had malfunctioned, and an unknown dreadful ominous fear clutched everyone's heart.
    Level up Zombie
    Kỳ huyễn · JKSManga
  • Sly_Lyon
    bình luận

    Dues Ex Machina incoming?

    'Someone..please... tell us what to do.' The Captain prayed as he listened to the roars around him.
    Level up Zombie
    Kỳ huyễn · JKSManga
  • Sly_Lyon
    bình luận

    Pray the holy drop of tear has come forth.

    The Captain then placed his bony hand on the handrails. His wrist was frail, and the clothes were baggy. He gritted his teeth, shut his eyes, and as he gripped the handrails tightly, a drop of tear streamed down from his cheek.
    Level up Zombie
    Kỳ huyễn · JKSManga
  • Sly_Lyon
    bình luận

    Dialogue 9000

    "I don't know. Maybe we can find an island or somewhere where there are none of 'them'." His Captain replied, tilting his hat by pulling down its tip to hide the expression on his face so the other person couldn't see, but he could not contain his worry.
    Level up Zombie
    Kỳ huyễn · JKSManga
  • Sly_Lyon
    bình luận


    Đoạn này đã bị xóa
    I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse
    Kỳ huyễn · ranmaro
  • Sly_Lyon
    bình luận

    im gonna stop reading here

    Being the disaster management squad amongst the battle hungry citizens of Wados was difficult by itself. Other than that, the arrival of these so-called villains has been nothing but trouble for Taro and his crew. So, battles occurred frequently in Wados, whereas disaster management crews like themselves, spread out cleaning the massive piles of rubble that these fights leave. They also report on illegal fights.
    The Life Of Normal-Taro
    Kỳ huyễn · The_Chimp
  • Sly_Lyon
    bình luận

    not the best start

    Not so long ago, but in a planet that's certainly far, far away, stood a hero amongst hero named Emilia. She was not just the hope of her planet, Wados, but the hope of the entire galactic civilization. Sure, Wados is a planet full of people born with superpowers, but none quite brilliant like Emilia. But, our story doesn't concern that woman—not yet. Our story begins in a small city in Wados named Shining, where a bunch of people sat around in a very small office.
    The Life Of Normal-Taro
    Kỳ huyễn · The_Chimp
  • Sly_Lyon
    bình luận

    more chaps

    Ch 1 Viewpoint Of Death (1.1)
    Heroes Rising
    Kỳ huyễn · Cannibal_Alien
  • Sly_Lyon
    bình luận

    no comments this time

    "Place your bets," the clerk ran around the seating area. "Place your bets. Power stones only! Who will win? In the commoner tournament, someone made ten times their bet. Will you win as well?"
    A Bored Lich
    Kỳ huyễn · Random_writer
  • Sly_Lyon
    trả lời lelouchy


    'I was wrong,' Oliver thought. 'Only a Lich could think of something so dangerous and label it as good! It's too late to back off now.'
    A Bored Lich
    Kỳ huyễn · Random_writer
  • Sly_Lyon
    bình luận

    feel like the spy's there just saying

    It was unusually packed, with people running around like ants in an anthill. Almost every single squad leader and most of their squads were present. Doevm headed to Marcus's quarters, placed his weapons with the guards, then walked in to find Ashtehar, Frey, Wade, and Marcus talking. They got him a chair and let him see the map of the battlefield that they were all circled around.
    A Bored Lich
    Kỳ huyễn · Random_writer
  • Sly_Lyon
    bình luận

    respect to author for not removing comments

    �� Author's note: I combined two chapters because the previous was too short.
    A Bored Lich
    Kỳ huyễn · Random_writer
  • Sly_Lyon
    bình luận

    Im also guessing the monk. we know its a guy for all that says... A rich one as well

    "No," Doevm recognized it was his time to leave. 'They both knew,' he thought. 'They both knew that there was a spy in the camp. The extra patrols and the guards were dead giveaways they are losing trust in the men. While they probably intend to keep this to themselves to keep the confusion down, they should have told me. I guess I can't rely on them for dealing with this matter. I am on my own. That spy is after me and me alone. The question is: Why me? I haven't angered anyone. I have no special position. I haven't even proved myself yet. Maybe I'm being targeted to anger someone else. Whatever the reason, I need to find the spy and kill him.' Doevm retrieved his weapons from the lockbox and returned to his home. Inside, he dusted off his bed and pulled the warm covers over his body.
    A Bored Lich
    Kỳ huyễn · Random_writer
  • Sly_Lyon
    bình luận

    this journal idea is like a cheat way to info dump. I like it.

    Theory after theory broke in my head. The knowledge I had acquired looked even more pathetic. After several days of madness and unstable mental breaks, I calmed myself to ask yet another question: Why do different species have different types of magic? If I tested different types of magic to see if they really were subcategories of the main four elements, how many would be like light? How many forms of magic came from different worlds, and how did they get here? Journal entry end.
    A Bored Lich
    Kỳ huyễn · Random_writer
  • Sly_Lyon
    trả lời Sanshire

    its comeidic relief...

    "He's pretty sensitive about that kind of thing." Wade apologized to the crowd. "I swear he doesn't usually act like that. He'll warm up once you get to know him. Just give him a few a power stones. Now who's next?"
    A Bored Lich
    Kỳ huyễn · Random_writer
  • Sly_Lyon
    trả lời True_Sheol

    Which ones?

    'Filthy humans,' Doevm thought. 'Racism is and has always been the bane of your kind. You underestimate people just because of difference in how you were born. He's not even a full elf and yet he's ostracized by the masses. While this nation doesn't practice slavery towards other races anymore, it takes time for prejudice to fade.'
    A Bored Lich
    Kỳ huyễn · Random_writer
  • Sly_Lyon
    bình luận

    he's still three...

    Reginald continued patting: "That's because we're nobles. No matter where we go, people will recognize us. Commoners aren't as famous, nor is their life as good as ours. Doevm's going through a lot right now, like when your mother passed. We'll get him cleaned up in no time. Come, you must drink your elixirs again."
    A Bored Lich
    Kỳ huyễn · Random_writer