
Heroes Rising

The time has come that it should no longer be left to a single person to save lives using their magical power, new strength comes in a group of people who believe they must do what's best and sacrifice themselves for those weaker, who lack the confidence and courage to stand up for themselves. A time of change and revolution comes, as magic refuses to hide anymore, as those who were once weak realize how much strength lies within their souls. There will be no more spirits who were killed unjustly as a group of heroes rise to the occasion to take back what was rightfully their's in the first place. It's time for a Hero's Rising to begin.

Cannibal_Alien · Kỳ huyễn
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36 Chs

Viewpoint Of Death (1.1)

I knocked on the door to the forge, Thorin shouted out that he was busy before I heard the door lock with a loud click. I sighed and knocked again.

"It's me, Dark?" I called. He huffed and puffed before opening the door.

"What is it?" He stared down at me, his green and white hair falling slightly in his face. I couldn't help but smile at him, even when he looked all tired and dishevelled.

"I brought you dinner," I smiled at him, "I know you're busy so I decided I'd give it to you instead of making you leave your work." He eyes the tray of food I had and took it.

"Thanks." He muttered before slamming the door in my face. I kinda just stood there for a little amount of time, I was worried about him, he'd been acting strangely for the past couple of days and it was getting worse.

As night came I became light headed, so I headed down from my room and grabbed a glass of water, Thorin was sitting on the couch writing something down.

"Hey." I walked over, sipping my glass of water. "You free to spend some time with me?" I sat next to him and he immediately got up.

"I need to keep working, you go rest." He hissed before stomping off towards the basement.

"Okay..." I sighed and headed to my room, my body was starting to shiver anyway, so I assumed I was getting a cold.

The next day passed by slowly, I could feel my body grow more painful over every hour. I gained a painful cough and I continued to start feeling colder and colder, shivering and shaking awfully. If you told me I wasn't sick I'd punch you.

I did my best to hide the fact that I was sick, going out and avoiding everyone, staying in my room and even skipping meals. I knew I was getting worse, but I couldn't worry anyone, especially not Thorin, I knew he was busy and I couldn't distract him, even if I knew he loved me enough to help me.

I took a hot shower, washing the dye out of my hair, but I couldn't be bothered to dye it again. When I tried to step out of the shower, my legs trembled and I barely made it to the sink before I collapsed. It had been days since my illness had started and my body finally decided it didn't want to function. I felt like I was dying, and I of all people, knew how that felt.

I must've fallen unconscious when I collapsed, because when I woke up, I was in my bed, tucked in neatly, with a bowl of soup and some medicine sitting on my bedside table. I looked around and spotted my sister, Feather, she had a worried look on her face, which was understandable.

"Goose, he's awake!" I winced at the use of the word "he" but I didn't have the strength to correct her, I let myself understand she was panicked and probably under stress with what was going on, so I let it slide.

Goose walked in, his lavender coloured eyes landing on my face as they narrowed. "He doesn't look well," the old man muttered, "his eyes seem barely focused." He was right, I couldn't focus on anything, my vision was horribly blurry. Goose checked my temperature and frowned. "Could you go get the magic supressing medication from the medicine room?" He looked at Feather, who's eyes widened.

"Is there some sort of spell on him?" She seemed like she was gonna panic. "Is someone sabotaging their health?" This time she used my proper pronouns, though I was in too much pain to notice much.

Goose rolled his eyes. "His fire abilities are making his fever worse." Goose crossed his arms. "Now hurry up." Feather relaxed and headed downstairs. "You should have let us know you were ill Darkshadow." He hissed.

"It doesn't matter.." I rasped. Those would probably be my last words, at least that's what I thought as I drifted back to sleep.

When I woke up, I felt slightly better, I assumed Goose turned my abilities off already. I couldn't hear the flames burning my mind anymore, it felt nice.

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, and spotted Thorin come inside. "Hey..." I sighed. Thorin looked worried and sad, but oddly enough, he had a shade of guilt behind his eyes.

"Could I have a moment alone with them?" Thorin looked at Goose and Feather, who both nodded and left. He closed the door and locked it, narrowing his eyes and sighing as he walked over to me.

I started hearing Goose shouting outside and pounding on the door. He was yelling at Thorin, who was already standing over me, an odd smirk on his face.

"You didn't have to make this so easy for me Darkshadow.." He laughed a bit before jabbing something into my arm, I quickly stopped being able to move, but terror was welling up inside me and tears were escaping my eyes, though I couldn't scream. "I hope you know there are no hard feelings here."

He dropped a vile filled with some sort of substance and it spilled everywhere before lighting everything it touched ablaze, the flames turning a horrible, bone white and burning me alive.

Eventually the drug wore off and I gathered just enough strength to try and reach the door, I could hear my sister screaming at Hawthorne to come inside and save me. But I was sure he knew there was no use.

I reached the window, before collapsing in a mass of flames, my skin burned horribly until finally everything went black. Everything was gone, all my memories, all my emotions and everything I've ever felt was gone.