

2018-05-18 đã tham giaUnited States

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  • Lucred
    bình luận

    "A Horrendous Capitalist country"? You mean like the one you are living in where people are allowed to beat/kill each other in class giving only minor excuses, so long as they come from a wealthy family? Or where the ability to grow stronger is almost directly proportional to the amount of money you can spend on food/potions?

    First, Margaux's problem of exchanging gold coins. After passing through the spatial rift, if that duo's first stop was at a horrendous capitalist country, it would be very easy for them to exchange gold coins. The control of such a federal government over its citizens was weak, to begin with, and it had been even worse since the Spiritual Energy Era. For the sake of benefits, many powerful guilds dared to resist the government.
    Eye of Evolution
    Huyền huyễn · Ash Rover
  • Lucred
    bình luận

    This makes a LOT more sense than a lot of novels do when they try to 'explain' why so many people fail:D

    If he failed the first time, the difficulty of the second test would increase greatly. If he also failed the second time, the difficulty of the third test would increase to a terrifying level, and so on.
    Eye of Evolution
    Huyền huyễn · Ash Rover
  • Lucred
    bình luận

    For anyone interested, this is 16.6 meters per second, or ~37 miles per hour. For comparison, Usain Bolt tops out at 27.5 mph, so this requires him to reach speeds almost half again as fast as our fastest sprinter's instantaneous speed record, and maintain it for a solid minute:D

    Move more than 1,000 meters within one minute (you can't use any tools). After completing it, you will obtain [Swiftness] attribute.
    Beast Taming: I Can Bestow Attributes
    Huyền huyễn · Silent WWYY
  • Lucred
    trả lời Morggyb

    Nope, separate family entirely. Dogs are canines, as are wolves. Foxes are VULpines.

    Now, he had become someone else's warm boy. Whenever he met a girl who needed comfort, he would hug her individually!
    I Have the Best Bloodline
    Thành thị · Cool Colored Paper
  • Lucred
    bình luận

    Really? You WATCHED it heal and the scab fall off as soon as you drank it, but you are wondering if it related?

    'I wonder if it's because of the Basic Healing Potion.'
    Worldwide Apocalypse: Starting With Max-Level Skills
    Khoa huyễn · Startled Cicada
  • Lucred
    trả lời Markopolo

    From the chapter he got the scroll: "[Effect: After using it, you will learn a normal skill, Fireball LV1]" And then later that chapter in his stat list: "[Skills: Fireball (Level 1), Basic Swordsmanship (Level 1)]"

    [Consumed 1 Normal Skill Stone, Fireball upgraded to LV1, various attributes increased slightly.]
    Worldwide Class Change: With No Class, I Become Stronger Whenever I Enter The Abyss
    Du hí · Dungeon King
  • Lucred
    bình luận

    Wasn't his good friend a manager of the merit room? I know he was DEFINITELY employed there...

    His own network could not affect the Merit Room.
    Sharing Tamed Beasts' Talents for Eternal Life
    Huyền huyễn · A Little Immortal
  • Lucred
    bình luận

    Hear and distinguish EVERYTHING within a 2 mile radius? That IS pretty impressive for an animal that is still essentially "normal" (That is, it isn't a high level cultivator or something)

    [Abilities—Hearing: It has extremely strong hearing. It can hear all sounds within a 3,000-meter radius and distinguish them clearly.]
    Sharing Tamed Beasts' Talents for Eternal Life
    Huyền huyễn · A Little Immortal
  • Lucred
    bình luận

    Yeah, and it is the WOMEN who are shallow, sure. LOL.

    Such a beautiful prodigy would have likely intimidated Lu Yi in the past. But now, he felt a bit inflated and dared to look at her directly.
    My Life as a Cultivator in a Game
    Huyền huyễn · Blue Sky Washing Rain
  • Lucred
    trả lời AzureConqueror

    Yeah, every time a woman fights in one of these stories, it is the guys who go on and on about how elegant she is and how her skin is like jade, rarely mentioning her fighting ability.

    The nearby disciples turned to the girl with puzzled looks. Everyone was evaluating his strength, and she was focused on his appearance. They thought women were shallow beings.
    My Life as a Cultivator in a Game
    Huyền huyễn · Blue Sky Washing Rain
  • Lucred
    bình luận

    Didn't say 60% before?

    "The good news is that your life condition is good and stable. Your genomes have been tested to be intact and will not affect your future cultivation," Head Instructor Li crossed his arms and looked at Wang Ye, "The bad news is that due to the interference of the mutated blood crystal, the effect of your evolution is extremely poor. The evolution rate of your body is only 47%, which is far lower than the average genetic warrior's 88.9%."
    Apocalypse: Infinite Evolution Starts from Attribute Allocation
    Huyền huyễn · Little Piggy
  • Lucred
    trả lời DeltaRyuujin

    I am trying to figure out what blanks he is supposed to fill in...

    "Fill in the blanks: Evolvers are divided into beginner (levels 1-3), Intermediate (levels 4-6), and advanced (levels 7-9). Every three levels, there will be a threshold that has to be broken through with reliance on evolution substances."
    Apocalypse: Infinite Evolution Starts from Attribute Allocation
    Huyền huyễn · Little Piggy
  • Lucred
    bình luận

    No, you achieved it with a system cheat. You said yourself it would have taken a month at minimum to reach PROFICIENT on your own.

    In contrast, he had achieved such a feat with his own hard work. And it was within a short month!
    Apocalypse: Infinite Evolution Starts from Attribute Allocation
    Huyền huyễn · Little Piggy
  • Lucred
    trả lời SHADOWBLADE

    I mean, there was no way the original body was going to make it. After training for HOW long, he was only half way there with about a 1 month limit? The only reason he can now is because he is a different person with a system. If you are counting on THAT happening, you have a few screws loose:D

    "I advised you a long time ago to break up," Huang Ju scoffed, "Other than his looks, he's useless. He doesn't have a house in the base city, his family doesn't have money, and his talent is poor. He'll never become an Evolver in this lifetime. What future do you have with him?"
    Apocalypse: Infinite Evolution Starts from Attribute Allocation
    Huyền huyễn · Little Piggy
  • Lucred
    trả lời Mithren

    The other possibility is that there are in-universe ways of identifying items, but his system is different. So HE can see what it is, but for anyone else of that world it will be unknown.

    Ring of Invisibility (Unidentified);
    A Necromancer Who Just Wants to Plant Trees
    Du hí · The Key In 10 Years
  • Lucred
    trả lời DamascusSteel

    Skulduggery: "underhanded or unscrupulous behavior; trickery."

    He was a necromancer and had no talent for divination.
    A Necromancer Who Just Wants to Plant Trees
    Du hí · The Key In 10 Years
  • Lucred
    bình luận

    So approximately 5-10% of humanity suddenly became 'true cultivators!'? Seriously, most spouses/boy/girlfriends would probably be touching each other at midnight...

    "And they are also called the true cultivators!"
    Becoming Stronger Through Touching Treasures, not Women!
    Huyền huyễn · The Great System
  • Lucred
    bình luận

    So a form-fitting knee length dress? Cause I am not sure how it could reveal that when it is that long otherwise...

    On the other hand, she was wearing a knee-length skirt that specially revealed her big butt and fair legs.
    Becoming Stronger Through Touching Treasures, not Women!
    Huyền huyễn · The Great System
  • Lucred
    bình luận

    How the HECK does SWEAT give you a youthful aura?

    Zhou Qingling's hair was tied into a high ponytail and she looked extremely pure. There were a few drops of sweat on her temples, giving her a youthful aura.
    Becoming Stronger Through Touching Treasures, not Women!
    Huyền huyễn · The Great System
  • Lucred
    bình luận

    If this thing is close to a kilometer long, I would HOPE its eyes are larger than lanterns... lol. If they were they size of SEARCH LIGHTS they would be so small they were invisible on something that size.

    The tier-seven demi dragon looked terrifying. Its body was close to 700 meters long, and it stirred up waves as it moved, leading tens of thousands of tier-three and tier-four sea beasts. Finally, it stopped a few miles away from Gu Changqing and the others. Its eyes, which were bigger than lanterns, stared at Gu Changqing as it roared deafeningly. A hint of contempt could be heard in its roar. It really did not expect that a mere human would dare to provoke it. It dominated the Western Sea and could even withstand a nuclear weapon. It did not understand why this human dared to come.
    Divine Rune Awakening: Starting With Various Divine Runes and Dominating the World
    Thành thị · Eternal Regret