
I Have the Best Bloodline

My father was a black dragon, and my mother was a powerful fox demon from the Su clan. The bloodline of the black dragon gave me a strong physique and the ability to control water, while the bloodline of the fox blessed me with handsome looks and unparalleled charm. I possessed the most incredible bloodline! One day, however, members of my mother's clan bombed the gates of our mansion, preparing to take me back to the Su clan. I had always thought this way. "Yan, run! If they get hold of you, they'll kill you!" my mother desperately held off the mansion's gates, shouting with all her might. Su Yan froze.

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I Am From The You Su Fox Clan—Su Yan!

Dịch giả: Dragon Boat Translation Biên tập viên: Dragon Boat Translation

In the Xia Yu Kingdom.

A dozen beasts with horns on their foreheads and bodies as strong as oxen were carrying young men and girls from the Xia Yu Kingdom to the capital for the examination.

Occasionally, something that looked like a ship was floating through the clouds.

"If there is a survey for transmigration, even if a Gatling gun is pointing on my chest, I would still say it's so easy! I hope that all transmigrators will have a worse life than me in the future!"

Su Yan revealed his original form, turning into a white-haired little fox less than seven inches tall. 

He squatted in front of the carriage door and looked at the outline of the main city of Xia Yu. He gritted his teeth and complained indignantly.

Su Yan poked his head out of the eggshell. It took him half a year to figure out why he had appeared in the eggshell after waking up on the big bed. 

He also clearly realized that his mother was a seven-tailed fox whose speed was faster than the subsonic.

As for himself, he was a seven-tailed white fox from You Su Clan, a mixed-blood of the northern black dragon clan.

Since he was already here, he had no choice but to accept it. Su Yan had lived a life of luxury for over a decade, thanks to his mother's care. 

He had always assumed that he could continue to live a comfortable life at home until he reached adulthood and grew three tails.

Then, he would travel around and then fall in love with the female cultivators.

However, six months ago, Su Yan's beautiful dreams were ruthlessly crushed. 

The esteemed elders of the You Su Clan visited his house, conversing with his mother regarding his future.

It turned out that the nine-tailed fox's bloodline originated from the Qing Qiu Clan. Later, because of the conflict in the clan, it split into Tu Shan Clan and You Su Clan.

The beast race placed great importance on bloodlines, particularly those of noble descent. 

The foxes in the You Su Clan had somehow discovered that Su Yan was a unique hybrid of a white fox and a northern black dragon. 

As a result, they paid a special visit to Mother Su to enforce the clan's regulations regarding Su Yan.

They wanted to kill Su Yan!

Su Yan could not be killed since he was born of the same race, but for the sake of the pure blood of the Nine-Tailed Fox bloodline, they had no choice but to castrate the young Su Yan to ensure that he would not mate with other beasts.

The old man even shamelessly said it was just a matter of cutting off the testicles. It was not a big deal. Su Yan would still be a nine-tailed Fox.

Mother Su naturally did not agree to such an outrageous request.

Mother Su asked Su Yan to run to Xia Yu Kingdom, handing him a storage ring. 

Then, she turned around and transformed into a seven-tailed fox to fight with the other elder foxes.

The nine-tailed fox was not born with nine tails. Instead, it could eventually grow nine tails as its cultivation level upgraded.

When a fox grew nine tails, it would become immortal.

Su Yan did not know if his mother had won the battle, but during the six months he was on the run, he did not encounter any enemies.

"Hey, Xiao Bai, why are you running around!"

There was a commotion in the carriage. Looking at the main city of Xia Yu, Su Yan suddenly felt a pair of soft hands under his armpits, lifting him high. 

Then, he suddenly turned around and fell into the girl's chest.

"A cute fox like you will be kidnapped by cultivators if you run around in the Xia Yu City!"

Yu Yanning seemed to have just woken up. She did not even have time to comb her long hair as she searched for Su Yan in his fox form in the carriage.


Su Yan's face darkened, and he ignored her. He did not even want to make a sound.

The Xia Yu Kingdom's rich history spans thousands of years and significantly influenced the primitive continent. 

The emperor, who was the founding ruler of the Kingdom, had a loyal companion from the You Su Clan—a nine-tailed fox.

When the emperor founded the country, the nine-tailed fox gave the emperor the most critical support, ultimately leading to the formation of the present-day Xia Yu. 

As a result, the auspicious symbol of Xia Yu became the nine-tailed fox.

Legend had it that in the end, the nine-tailed fox married the emperor and became the empress. She gave birth to three sons for Emperor Xia Yu. 

Each child was once a specially privileged son. As a result, people believed the beautiful little white foxes in the Xia Yu Kingdom could bring good luck to giving children and happy marriages.

As long as Su Yan could run into the territory of Xia Yu, he could survive the weak and helpless childhood. 

Moreover, Mother Su had arranged a backup plan. As long as Su Yan could escape to the main city of Xia Yu, everything would be fine.

"Don't touch! My mother gave it to me!"

Yu Yanning was not satisfied with just touching his cheek. To seek marriage, she clung to Su Yan, whom Mother Su wanted to protect even if she fell out with the elders.

Su Yan's eyebrows twitched slightly as he struggled. 

He turned around and kicked Yu Yanning's face with his back foot, leaving a red mark on the girl's cheek.

However, Su Yan knew this was not the end because of Yu Yanning's perversion and Xia Yu's superstitious belief in the white fox.

"Oh! Come on!"

Su Yan was sobbing.

Su Yan finally could not hold it in any longer. He scolded the shameless girl in front of him, but because he was in his fox form, he could only moan.

The nine chaotic stars fell on the Qing Qiu Kingdom and transformed into a fox. It had four legs and nine tails, and its voice was like a baby. Its meat could prevent one from being poisoned.

The pure-blooded nine-tailed foxes were all good at moaning without exception.

The male fox's voice was quite clear. If it was a female fox, it would be an annoying, pretentious sound.

"I don't need you to tell me that my four feet are still tender pink!"

After breaking free from Yu Yanning's embrace, Su Yan snorted coldly. 

He waved his fluffy tail and walked back into the carriage with an indignant expression.

As the heir of the nine-tailed fox and black dragon, even if he did not have the power to destroy the world, he should at least be able to live with dignity.

Now, he had become someone else's warm boy. Whenever he met a girl who needed comfort, he would hug her individually!

"I'm not angry, I'm not angry, I'm not angry."

After entering the carriage, Su Yan was still a warm baby for the other girls rushing to the capital to take the exam.

Sometimes, the auspicious white fox may not be regarded as superstitious. Regardless of its origin, it emitted a peculiar scent that could not be detected.

The scent would leave a good impression on others when they first met.

Su Yan used the scent to escape from his home and travel safely to the Xia Yu Kingdom by various means of transportation. 

Ultimately, he hitched a ride to the capital to take the examination as a cute fox.

They arrived at the main city of the Xia Yu Kingdom safely.

If it weren't for the innate charm of the nine-tailed fox that captivated others upon first meeting, Su Yan would have undoubtedly encountered numerous difficulties on his journey to the Xia Yu Kingdom. 

Without this charm, he would not have been able to attain his current state of being effortlessly elegant, fair-skinned, and plump. \

"Are you angry?"

Yu Yanning sat cross-legged in front of the little white fox. She took out an oil paper bag from her storage bag and unhurriedly opened the paper bag to take out the braised chicken drumstick in front of the fox.


Tsk! Food offered from pity mixed with contempt.

Su Yan cursed in his heart, but when he saw the drumstick swaying before him, he finally forgot about his damn pride and took a bite.

Su Yan could only have the strength to slap her face after he was full!