
My Life as a Cultivator in a Game

Sixteen years after transmigrating into the world of cultivation, Lu Yi's long-lost cheat finally awakened. The cheat was a simple task panel where one could earn various rewards by accepting and completing tasks. Lu Yi was surprised to find that he could publish tasks for himself and complete them for rewards. So Lu Yi embarked on the path of self-publishing tasks for himself. He published a task for himself to "practice the Divine Sword technique ten times," and upon completion, his level in the Divine Sword technique increased by one. He published a task for himself to "defeat an outer disciple," and upon completion, he obtained a precious Perfect Qi Condensation Pill. He published a task for himself to "break through to the Foundation Establishment Realm," and upon completion, he obtained a top-grade magical weapon. Without realizing it, Lu Yi found that even becoming a saint or ancestor seemed easy with this system.

Blue Sky Washing Rain · Huyền huyễn
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40 Chs

A Beautiful Elder Delivery Lecture

Dịch giả: EndlessFantasy Translation Biên tập viên: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Wow... this newcomer is quite arrogant, huh?"

"Even a Level 6 Qi Refiner cultivator is this showy? Quite interesting."

"Hmph... I just hope his strength matches his confidence. Being too flashy isn't a good thing."

Upon hearing Lu Yi's words, the disciples began to gossip and discuss among themselves.

Lu Yi was perplexed by their comments, feeling a bit wronged. He thought he was already quite low-key. If he had been truly showy, he would have started challenging others and earning task rewards long ago. He did not expect the disciples to view him this way.

Simultaneously, Lu Yi began reflecting on his behavior, 'Was I being flashy? I thought it over but couldn't see it!'

As Lu Yi contemplated, the Level 8 Qi Refiner disciple in front of him had turned pale. He sneered, "Alright, alright! Since you are so confident, let's settle this with a fight!"

As the disciple spoke, he unsheathed his long sword with a sharp clang, pointing it at Lu Yi.

Lu Yi chuckled, muttering to himself, "I need to defeat my opponent."

Task: Defeat a Level 8 Qi Refiner Outer Sect Disciple (Progress: 0/1)

Reward: Supreme-Grade Qi Condensation Elixir x 20 / Perfect-Grade Qi Condensation Elixir x 2

Accept: Yes/No

'Huh? The reward for defeating this disciple seems better than the one for defeating Lin Gang...' Lu Yi thought. He blinked in surprise before guessing that it might be because this disciple's cultivation was slightly stronger than Lin Gang's. According to the interface's assessment, the task difficulty was slightly higher, hence the reward was more generous.

That made Lu Yi even happier. No one would say no to a better reward. He also drew his sword, smiling and saying, "Please enlighten me, senior brother!"

"Hmph!" The refined-looking young man snorted, his figure moving like a nimble snake as he swiftly closed the distance to Lu Yi. His sword created a series of blade shadows, striking toward Lu Yi.

With this move, Lu Yi realized that the senior brother's strength was indeed significantly greater than Lin Gang's.

The Falling Leaves Sword and the Serpent Stance were both fundamental techniques of the White Cloud Sect, and the senior brother executed them quite well.

If Lu Yi were to use the same methods he used against Lin Gang on the senior brother, he would undoubtedly lose. However, he remained unfazed. As his spiritual energy flowed, he activated the White Cloud Stance. His body seemed weightless, becoming ethereal and elusive, evading the sword strikes of the refined young man.

Seeing that, the disciples around Lu Yi widened their eyes, and some even stood up.


"That's the White Cloud Stance? So ingenious! To use the sword wind to borrow momentum and achieve that?"

"The White Cloud Stance at the Transformation stage? This junior brother is impressive!"

Their amazement continued. Lu Yi's body floated and swiftly closed the distance to the refined young man. Lu Yi's sword emanated faint white clouds, seemingly gentle but inherently sharp, enveloping the young man.

The refined young man's pupils contracted, and he wielded his sword with all his might to defend himself.


In the consecutive clashes, the refined young man kept retreating and was immediately at a disadvantage.

The surrounding disciples were astonished.

"His sword energy was one with the clouds?! This junior brother's White Cloud Sword has reached the stage of Regain Simplicity?"

"To refine foundational techniques to such a degree? This junior brother's comprehension is astonishing!"

"No wonder he's so arrogant. This junior brother possesses formidable strength."

"Wang Xinqi is going to lose!"

Even the inner-circle disciples displayed disbelief.

"The White Cloud Stance in the Transformation stage and the White Cloud Sword in the Regain Simplicity stage... When did such a figure appear in the outer sect?" A handsome, slender youth said with his hands behind his back and furrowed his brows.

"Wang Xinqi's sword and stance have reached Major Mastery, and they are already impressive. Unfortunately... his opponent is even stronger," an ordinary-looking youth said, crossing his arms and shaking his head.

Next to them, a charming young girl gazed at Lu Yi's figure, her eyes shining. She exclaimed, "This junior brother is so handsome!"

The nearby disciples turned to the girl with puzzled looks. Everyone was evaluating his strength, and she was focused on his appearance. They thought women were shallow beings.

Looking at Lu Yi, the other disciples could not help but admit, one had to acknowledge it, this junior brother was indeed handsome.

A youth with twin blades strapped to his back, wearing a cold expression, spoke, "This junior brother's cultivation is a bit lacking; otherwise, the coming Outer Sect Grand Competition would have had a worthy opponent."

Others nodded in agreement. Lu Yi's powerful display of techniques was putting pressure on them. Achieving the stage of Regain Simplicity for foundational techniques—none of them, the outer sect's strongest disciples, had accomplished that.

"It's fortunate the Outer Sect Grand Competition is just half a month away. Improving one's cultivation within that time is quite challenging. If this guy's cultivation reaches Level 8 Qi Refiner, we might as well just admit defeat."

As they conversed, the battle was approaching its end.

Though Lu Yi had not used his full strength, his displayed power was already beyond what Wang Xinqi could withstand.

Faced with the White Cloud Sword at the level that the sword's energy was one with the clouds, Wang Xinqi's forehead was beaded with cold sweat. He retreated repeatedly, barely holding on for a moment before Lu Yi's sword was at his throat.

Lu Yi looked at the stiff and somewhat incredulous Wang Xinqi, sheathed his sword, and smiled faintly. Lu Yi said, "Xinqi, I won."

'Two more Perfect-Grade Qi Condensation Elixirs were added to my pocket!' Lu Yi felt quite content. He wanted more challengers like this.

Wang Xinqi's expression looked dazed, then he wore a bitter smile and gestured with folded hands, seemingly quite affected. He said, "It's my inability that led to this."

Seeing Wang Xinqi looking so disheartened, Lu Yi felt a bit sympathetic. He considered himself a good person after all; he did not have any grudges against this Wang Xinqi. Lu Yi hoped that Wang Xinqi would not be traumatized after this.

Lu Yi thought for a moment, then spoke earnestly, "Xinqi, your strength is impressive. You're the strongest opponent I've encountered in years. I hope you continue to improve, and we can spar again in the future."

Although Lu Yi had only fought two Level 8 Qi Refiner cultivators in the past—Lin Gang and now Wang Xinqi—he realized that if he were to spar with Wang Xinqi, he might still be able to earn more task rewards. That would not be too bad either.

'I'm truly a good person,' Lu Yi felt a bit touched by his thoughts.

Wang Xinqi, hearing that, seemed to brighten up a bit. He looked at Lu Yi with genuine sincerity, his smile returning, and said, "Your talent is indeed something I admire, Junior Brother Lu Yi. To receive such praise from you, I'm determined to learn from you in the future."

"Of course, of course!" Lu Yi replied with a smile.

Wang Xinqi nodded, "This spot is yours, junior brother."

With that, Wang Xinqi turned and looked at a nearby youth who was merely watching the scene unfold. He sneered, "Li Qi, your spot is now mine!"

Li Qi, who was casually watching the show, puzzled, 'Is that how it feels like to have your seat stolen right from under your nose? I felt like cursing and what frustrated me even more was that I wasn't a match for Wang Xinqi.'

Li Qi glanced at Wang Xinqi with frustration and said, "Wang Xinqi! If you're so capable, then challenge Junior Brother Lu Yi again! What's the point of challenging me?"

"I can't beat Lu Yi, but I can beat you." Wang Xinqi's response was honest. Li Qi was furious, and he looked at Lu Yi with a touch of resentment. Then, he silently looked away. He might not be able to defeat Wang Xinqi, but there were others here who were weaker than him.

Just then, a streak of sword light swiftly cut across the sky and landed on the platform.

It was a young female cultivator in a white dress with cascading black hair. She was extraordinarily beautiful, with an icy demeanor.

Lu Yi, seeing her, was a bit stunned. He remembered the elder who was delivering the lecture as an old man. He did not expect him to transform into such a beautiful woman.