
~The Eclipse sisters~"Time Is Ticking"

Opposite Elements, frozen by fear and burning with hate. The hand is as cold as death itself but rises like the sun's heat at noon, one memory fades while the other suffers with immortality, Time is ticking, will their Eclipse ever end?

Psychotic_BunBun17 · Tranh châm biếm
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2 Chs

Chapter 2 ~Karmaria's P.O.V~

Poor Phoenix is rushing on her motorcycle, with me in the back, as our friend Nix runs next to us in her giant wolf form. I sigh and think to myself -She puts a lot of shit on her shoulders all the time- We make it in time and get our helmets off after Phoenix Parks. She also seems still shaky from this morning, "Did you have that same nightmare again last night?" She stops dead in her tracks and looks at me, smiling. "Nope!" I glare at her, but before I can say anything, she returns to walking fast. I should have known she would lie, though. I have known her since I was 3, and I can tell when she's lying, and she knows it. We get into our class, and she inhales deeply before entering; she then opens it, and we are greeted with a yellow worm on the ground!!

Phoenix and I jump back and yell a bit. It turns over, and it has the face of a man with long black hair, huge bags under his eyes, a thin but noticeable mustache, and a frown. Phoenix goes up to him and pokes his face lightly. "Are you a student?" The worm blinks and speaks, "No, I'm your teacher; I'm guessing you're the new students?" He climbs out of the yellow shell and is pretty tall, in black clothing and a grey scar around his neck; Phoenix almost instantly gasps. "You're the pro hero Eraser head!!" She has a slight sparkle in her eyes and grins.

"We got another Midoriya, great. Class, this is Phoenix Eclipse, Karmaria Sh—" I interrupt him. "Actually, sir, sorry to interrupt, but I have the same last name as her." I grin nervously. He looks at his paper, shrugs, and then continues. "Karmaria Eclipse and Amenamuon Nix"

Phoenix smiles, puts her hands aside, and bows her head. "You may call me Phoenix since I and my sister are in the same class." It's silent for a moment, and the teacher speaks. "Can we know anything about you?" Phoenix laughs nervously. "Sorry, it's our first time at a real school." She clears her throat and speaks,

"I'm Phoenix. I'm 17 years old, and I hope we all get along." She grins and then looks at me. I sigh and say, "I'm Karmaria. I'm 16, and don't annoy me." Phoenix nudges me, and I add, "Please," with a sigh. Everyone looks at Nix, and Phoenix frowns a bit. " Right! This is Nix. She is mute, and she is 17 as well." Nix shows no emotion under her blindfold.

"Alright, take your seats in the three empty desks at the back, please, and also, Backugo and Satou switch; Midoryia and Momo switch, please," he says blankly, and all three of us go and sit. Nix sits behind the blondie named Backugo, Phoenix sits behind a green hair named Midoryia, and I sit next to a guy with half-red and half-white hair. Phoenix already starts talking to the green hair, "Hi I'm Phoenix, I'm guessing you're Midoryia?" He turns to her, and it seems nice. He smiles, "Yup! That's me." Phoenix smiles brightly, and I swear I see Midoryia blush a bit. I feel a slight chill, and when I look in Infront of me, I can see that the half-hair seems to be staring; that pisses me off, so I stare him dead in the eye, lean in, and whisper, "I don't like googling eyed asshats so can you stop staring and look Infront of you."

He blinks with a blank expression and turns around. At the corner of my eye, however, I see Phoenix smirking at me, and I turn my head to look at her; she wiggles her eyebrows a bit, and I realize why she's looking at me and blush slightly. "Shush," I whisper, and she giggles and listens to the teacher.

Mr. Aizawa cleared his throat and said, "Today, we will be doing some small tests to see your limits to your quirks and understand what you can do and what your determination is."

Pheonix looked at me and giggled, knowing we wouldn't give it our all because we didn't have to.

Mr. Aizawa led us outside the building onto a medium-sized field, with a few things scattered around here and there. He said, "These are all little tests to see the limit of your quirk." He showed us a digital board and spoke again, "These are all your scores from the entrance exam; some did good, some did bad, but either way, it won't matter because whoever has the lowest score in the class after all the tests are complete will immediately be expelled.

The whole class gasped except for Phoenix and me; we looked at each other and then at the scores. I had 70 rescue points and she had 70 villain points, but we don't remember taking that test, we just got something in the mail saying we had to go here. I looked at Pheonix, and she shrugged, "The first one is just to see how far you can throw a ball," Mr. Aizawa said. "Let's see... Bakugo, you can go first" He hands Bakugo a baseball and tells him to stand behind a line, he gets a little device that I'm guessing tracks the miles and waits for Bakugo to be ready.

Bakugo raised his arm and threw the ball as hard and as far as he could, Mr. Aizawa looked at his device and nodded then looked at the half-hair and said "Shoto, your turn" The Same thing as Bakugo, He gave him the ball; he threw it and the teacher nodded. Finally, when it was my turn, I put my hair in a ponytail, took the ball, and then took my spot. I breathed in and imagined I was throwing a small moon or ice ball at a villain, I raised my arm with all the strength I could gather, without damaging the ball. It soared and then it was gone, I looked at Mr. Aizawa as he looked at his device and nodded. Phoenix was next and she put her hair in pigtails, trying to copy me, then raised her hand and threw the ball, it lit on fire and disappeared. I snickered because I knew she was using too much force, and she nervously laughed as she looked back at the instructor. He just shrugged, and all the other students threw their shots.

Yes I changed the seating in Class 1A, Sorry not sorry!! <3

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