
Chapter 3

The day finally came, me and Conner were off on our big adventure of a lifetime. I had never been father then Dallas, El Paso was a big deal. I totally may have overpacked. It's gonna be a 3-day trip. A day to get there, the concert day, and then a day to drive home. We decided it would be wise to rest in between since it was such a long drive. Conner was covering the hotel, I bought the tickets, and my mom covered the gas. We were set.

"Mind if I play some music? It's gonna be a long drive." I ask already plugging my phone into the car. "Sure as long as you don't blast it too loud, I still gotta focus on not getting us lost." A hint of sarcasm left Conner's voice, I knew better than to distract him while driving.

As if perfect for the road trip, Disaster by Conan Gray was the first to play from my playlist:

-This could be a disaster

-There's so many factors

-Like what if you freak out and were losing it all at

-The critical chapter

-Where I say I love you and you don't say it after

-This could be a disaster

"We're gonna be listening to that all day tomorrow, I don't wanna burn out on Conan before we even get there." His laugh slightly peaking through. "OK ok fine." I Changed the song to Detached by Lyn Lapid, Lyn has always been the biggest inspiration for my music. Her style, her voice, her lyrics, and her rhythms. I aspire to be like Lyn someday.

Slowly, I fell asleep in the car with my face leaning against the glass. Most people wouldn't trust to lean again the door in fear of it opening, but I knew it was locked. Though I could hit the unlock button with my head and then…I need to quit thinking and just sleep. "Nadiaaaaaa," A hand hit my shoulder and began to shake me. "Dude do you want food or not?" I shot up. "Did you say food?" Conner had to hold in a laugh as I darted out of the car. I didn't even look as to where he pulled in for food, just that I was starving and whatever parking lot we were in had a building connected to Food.

"Hey, chill lemme lock the car back before you go running off geez." I stifle a giggle and hold the door open for him. "Ok oh the great Conner, O majesty." "Shut it." After eating what seemed like way too much food, I realized I had no clue how far we were. "Hey, Conner how far are we from El Paso?" "Well, since you failed to notice, or pay attention during the entire drive, we are in El Paso." "I SLEPT FOR THAT LONG WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME?!" I started to yell at him more until I noticed the number of eyes on me. "Ahem, I mean, why didn't you wake me up to tell me we were here?" His head dropped as he sighed "Nadia I literally tried and you told me to fuck off." "Oh, that was then my bad." We both began to laugh at our inability to communicate.