
Chapter 2

[The song Referenced in this chapter is my own writing called "Used to you" I currently do not have it recorded bc I have a new mic on the way BUT I do have a Music YT Channel if you would like to check it out at "Koko!! Music" :3 ]

I ran back downstairs before finishing my purchase. "And you sure you actually want to go with me and you're not gonna cancel at the last minute? I don't wanna spend money on these tickets if you're not sure." My mother turned around from feeding our cat Saturn and replied with a stern nod "I'm not one to back out of my word, you know that." Nothing else had to be said.

Halfway into my stride, Something hit me. "Who is gonna take care of Saturn while we're gone?" Instinctively hearing his name, he looked toward me and gave a faint meow. "Can't Conner? He's our normal cat caretaker." I looked down afraid to tell her the news. She hadn't heard that her sister was still sick. "Well...Aunt Carole is actually still really sick, I tried to invite him to go with us and he has to stay with her." My mom's eyes swelled at the news, but she tried to act unfazed. "Well, I trust Conner enough. If he can drive you I'll stay with Your Aunt and Saturn, You two are still just kids. Go have fun."

I gave her a hug but she still tried to act like the words didn't hurt her. "I can always just not go mom if you need me here-" Before I could finish she cut me off. "I said you could go, I'm not one to back out on my word remember? I'll Give Conner some money for the gas since you're buying the tickets. It's the least I can do." A faint smile appeared for a moment as she tried to lighten the mood. I went back upstairs to run it all over with Conner, we both could tell my Mom just wanted some Sister time. After we made our agreements for packing lists and meet-up times, I decided to shut my phone off for a bit. Grabbing my ukelele I unzipped the case and found a comfy spot in my room.

I began to Rehearse one of the many songs I had written:

"Used to you"

I'm so tired of being tired

Feeling like my time's expired

When I'm living in a ticking timebomb

Nothing to admire

when I move to a different Planet

Will you search for me

But I guess when I float away

There will be nothing left to seek

So I shot up to the stars

And I got to see the moon

Got to cross off little things

You always said we'd do

Used to be fine alone

why does it hurt me now

The only guess is I got too used to



When I finished my song I noticed my Mother had been standing in the doorway. "You know, with a voice like that, your gonna be a star someday." I shook my head in embarrassment, no one actually ever meant it when they said it. "Yeah right, my totally average lyrics with less than-average music skills. Right."

She sat down on my bed next to me "Well not with that attitude. You gotta put yourself out there, no one is gonna come to your door without ever hearing your voice and ask you to sing for them. You have to fight to be seen, it sucks at first but you'll get there someday. I know it." I took a deep breath in and closed my eyes and envisioned it. Singing on stage, maybe even with Conan someday. It would be like a dream come true, but only a dream. "Your right." I just wanted to end the conversation.

She eventually took the hint from my silence and left, stopping at the door before she said her last words. "I love you kiddo, keep dreaming for me ok?" I didn't answer, I was already lost in my own head. She simply sighed and walked off. This was gonna be a long next few months.