
daehyun...sounds familiar

Namjoon sighed and opened the door for yoongi to bring the little boy to the potty.

He wasn't convinced that the boy was his biological child.

After all... yoongi could be lying to get money from child support or try to get back with him.

Yoongi was exhausted after the trip... he collapsed on the couch

"t..t..thank u...joon" he stuttering before he fell asleep on the couch

"don't call me joon" namjoon frowned upon yoongi's almost lifeless rhin body.

His angry gazed softened as he look at his potential son trying to wake his daddy up in tears to no avail.

Daehyun lay on yoongi's boney chest sobbing.

"Please help my daddy!" Dae begged namjoon with tears in his eyes

Once Namjoon's eyes met the little boy's, a hint of sadness grew bigger and bigger in the man's heart into a gaping hole.

He gently smiled and ruffled the young boy's hair, nodding.

"you don't have to worry, your daddy is just sleeping."

He replied before standing up.

"come with me, i will give you ice cream if you stop crying and be a big boy."

Children were truly Namjoon's weak spot.

"no...no...daddy say no leave him" daehyun said in fear.

"but you need to eat- what is your name boy?"

Namjoon asked tilting his head, waiting for an answer coming from the boy's mouth.

"stay here."

He walked to the kitchen and deep sighed, drinking a glass of water, trying to calm himself down.


He whispered before trying to find something for the small guy to eat. He made him a sandwich and filled a cup with juice before coming back.

"there you go, eat slowly okay?"

Daehyun didn't listen and ate the food like a straving lion.

"Daehyun" he replied with a full cheek of a chipmunk.

"My daddy yoongi" he pointed to yoongi's cold limp body

Namjoon watched the boy eat, finding him adorably cute and was kind of already attached to him for reasons only God knew.


Namjoon repeated to himself.

The man always wanted to name his first son daehyun, he had an addiction for the name since youth. But now Yoongi, his ex boyfriend named his son...no wonder it's so familiar

He quickly kneeled down beside Yoongi after bringing a cup of water.

"wake up Yoongi."

He calmly said in front of the child, his hand holding his neck as he tried to help him do so.

Yoongi took a few sips than mumbling some incoherent words but he was soon out of breath. Neither father or son were properly dressed for a cold winter night.

Daehyun cuddled up to yoongi. Hiding inside of yoongi's shirt for warmth just like how yoongi did to namjoon and fell asleep