
Zombie God

The world was turned to chaos and most of the people turned to super zombies just because of a video that shows an ancient gate. Few people that watched the video didn't turned to zombies but instead they gained some nonhuman abilities. There are some few survivors across the globe, but the question is, how and who will save the world?

RushDreamer · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Chapter 1

[Recess Time in School]

[Inside the classroom]


Azel: ?

[Character's info] Name: Azel Blue, Gender: Male, Age: 18 yrs. old, Height: 171 cm, Weight: 64 kg, Hair color: red (dyed)

"Do you even know how to talk?"

Azel: ….

"Do you want me to teach you how to talk?"

"Hey bro! what are you doing there?"

"Just teaching him how to talk, but looks like I must use my fist first"

"Don't do that here in class though. Hey! You are Azel right? You are friends with Hate Roshan right?"

Azel: ….

(He is just staring us without blinking, this brat is annoying)

"Hey come with us. We will teach you some good manners!"

Hate: Leave him alone.

[Character's info] Name: Hate Roshan, Gender: Male, Age: 18 yrs. old, Height: 173 cm, Weight: 65 kg, Hair color: black


Hate: Touch him and your dead.


"Let's go, we can have our revenge to him later"

Azel: ….

Hate: Did they hurt you?

Azel: No…

Hate: You never changed huh?

Azel: What do you mean?

Hate: You don't talk to strangers. You also did it to me when we first meet.

Azel: Well…

Hate: Here is your drink and Choco bar.

Azel: Thanks…

Hate: Looks like I brought you trouble. I beat those guys last week and seems they want to get their revenge.

Azel: You don't need to save me all the time Hate, but thanks anyway…

Hate: Nah, you can always count on me. I am your childhood friend after all. And it's kind of my fault any way.

Azel: ….

Azel was going to open his drink but suddenly he felt something, it made him lose the grip to his drink and then as the drink slowly fell down, everyone's smartphone suddenly started making creepy noise. Everyone in the classroom look at their phone and a video pop out.

Azel look at his phone then after that the first thing he knew is he was already in the floor and he is confused.

He then remembered a video was immediately played when the ringtones stopped. In the video he saw an ancient gate and there is someone in there that opened it. Whatever they saw beyond that gate made the world turned to chaos.

He was still in the floor and when he thought about standing up, Hate suddenly shouted "DO NOT MOVE!!!" and Azel responded "Why not?".

Hate: {If you move, you will die. For some reason I can read your mind and seems like I can send my thoughts too, so just talk to me using your mind.}

[Character's progress] Hate Roshan's Core Ability: Cold Heart Esper, First Phase: Blue Esper, New Skills Acquired: Mind Reading, Telepathy

Azel: (I do really can hear his voice inside my mind. What is happening?)

Hate: {I am also as confused as you are, but all I can say is you must not move.}

Azel: {Damn, you do really can read my mind, you're scary Hate.}

Hate: {Well, yeah, this is weird. But anyway, there are some monsters in the classroom.}

Azel: {Monsters?}

Hate: {Yup, they are just standing but when someone tried to stood up and run, he was immediately attacked by the monsters.}

Azel: {So, what's the plan? Knowing you, you must have already had a plan, right?}

Hate: {Yeah, but first of all since you are facing the wall and you can't see the monsters then I will describe what I am seeing right now.}

Azel: {I'm fine though, no need to do that ha-ha.}

Hate: {Some does looks like humanoid with weird body parts that I resemble to the body of different animals and plants.}

Azel: (He didn't listen to me.)

Hate: {And some does not look like humans anymore.}

Azel: {That's creepy then.}

Hate: {And most importantly, Azel…}

Azel: {….}

Hate: {I think they are our classmates; some are wearing our uniforms after all. I also think there is no humanity left to them anymore, as they killed our fellow classmate mercilessly.}

Azel: !

Hate: {And-}

Azel: {So you are saying they are already dead right?}

Hate: {… yeah, I think that is the case. But anyway, you must hear this part.}

Azel: {What is it?}

Hate: {The one that they attack started transforming after he got attacked.}

Azel: {What do you mean by transforming?}

Hate: {He became a monster too.}

Azel: {So they are like zombies?}

Hate: {Yeah, but I think they are not the normal zombies that we know. More like they are super zombies to me.}

Azel: {Just hearing their creepy voices and noises, I think escaping this room will be a horror movie. So, what's the plan Hate?}

Hate: {We will start to move when the night comes. Knowing they won't attack when we are not moving, then they should not attack if they can't see us.}

Azel: {So we will move when it will be dark. But Hate, there are windows.}

Hate: {Then we will pray.}

Azel: {Pray for what?}

Hate: {For a very thick and dark cloud to cover the moon.}

Azel: {Ah… I see.}

Hate: ….

Azel: {What if they have some night vision or something?}

Hate: {Then we are good as dead.}

Azel: {I see…}

Hate: {Yeah}

[Night time]

Hate: {Looks like the luck is on our side tonight.}

Azel: {Yeah, looks like a very thick cloud is sure covering the moon this time.}

Hate: {Yeah, I can see it. And it is moving slower so I think it will be enough for us to escape.}

Azel: {Wait, you can see it?}

Hate: {Yeah, I am standing right now.}

Azel: {You stood up?! What are you, crazy?}

Hate: {I'm still alive though, so my theory was right. Anyway, let's start moving.}

Azel: {Yeah, I will use the wall as my guide towards the exit.}

Hate: {I'm in the middle of the room so I'll try using a chair, I don't want to touch them after all-



Azel: {What was that?}

Hate: {Nothing, the zombie just sliced the chair in half when it accidentally touches the zombie.}

Azel: {Those zombies can do that? Are you alright?}

Hate: {Yeah, I'm fine. Looks like I bumped a sword-master-like zombie or something. I never thought that a chair can save my life.}

[After few minutes, outside the classroom]

Azel: {I am now in the outside, Hate.}

Hate tapped Azel's shoulder.

Azel: !!!

Hate: {It's me, Hate.}

Azel: {Don't scare me like that.}

Hate: {Azel, looks like I learned a new power skill or ability.}

Azel: {…}

Hate: {I can see my surrounding even if it's dark.}

Azel: {You can?}

[Character's Progress] Hate Roshan's First Phase: Blue Esper, New Skills Acquired: Cold Aura (3m)

Hate: {Yeah, I think I learned it for trying to see in the dark while wishing to reach the exit alive.}

Azel: {How are you able to do that?}

Hate: {My body can release some weird transparent waves and I can feel the surrounding, so it's kind of I can now see the surrounding. But I can only use it for 3 meters around my body, I think.}

Azel: {It's kind of cold here, a little bit.}

Hate: {I think that is because of my new ability.}

Azel: {Is that so? Well, based on the creepy noises I am hearing right now, it seems there are some zombies in the hallway too. So, I'm relying on you Hate.}

Hate: {Yeah, you can rely on me.}

Azel: {So, where are we going next?}

Hate: {Above.}

Azel: {Rooftop?}

Hate: {Yeah, that's the only place in school where there are no students allowed. So, it might be the safest place right now.}

Azel: {Yeah, the probability of having a zombie there is low.}

Hate: {We still have time before the moonlight makes the surrounding brighter. Let's go Azel! Follow me.}

Hate grabbed Azel's right hand.

Hate: {We are almost there.}

Azel: {This is scary.}

Hate: {Yeah…}

Azel: {Hate…}

Hate: {What?}

Azel: {What's that?}

A pair of eyes, glowing green and staring at them.

Hate: {Azel.}

Azel: {Yes?}

Hate: {I think our luck, finally ran out.}

Azel: {What do you mean?}

Hate: {I have a feeling that is a zombie with a night a night vision.}

Azel: ?!!

Hate: {We will run, so don't take your hand from me.}

Azel: {…}

Hate: {If we move, I am sure it will attack so let's run fast as we can.}

Azel: {Okay, can you use your ability while running?}

Hate: {I think so, yeah… I think I can. Anyway, I will now start counting then we will run.}

3, 2, 1… Run!!!

They run like crazy using the stairs, their heart is beating so fast. Adrenaline rush! They saw the door in the rooftop and it was already opened. For an instant they felt relieved but they immediately realized afterwards that if it is opened then there might be some zombies in there too. And if that's the case, they are DOOMED.

They did not look back but they know that the zombie that is chasing them is getting closer. Its voice and the steps it makes isn't similar to a human anymore as it sounds like breaking the floor with sharp feet or something and they know that if they make a single mistake and tripped over, they will surely die! (And they need to avoid the zombies in their front too. What a fun they are having there. I somehow, remember my childhood days.)

They jumped out and everything are in slow motion. While they were in the mid-air, they saw the dark sky, a little bit of the moon that is covered with thick dark clouds and a girl holding a red umbrella.

She is in the middle of the rooftop. The instant that Azel saw the girl, his world started to move slowly and slowly. Her long black hair moves slightly caused by the wind, her sharp beautiful eyes struck through Azel's heart and when the clouds fully leaved the moon, he then saw her shine and the moonlight kissed her cheeks. She looked towards the Azel and their eyes meet.

But then in a blink of an eye, she vanished. And for a second, he then saw her in his left side running towards the monster while holding an umbrella like it was a spear. Azel looked back and saw the pretty girl fearlessly stabbed the monster in the chest using her umbrella.

Azel and the pretty girl are facing at each other and then at the same time they both said "Are you alright?". Then at the same time again they responded "I'm fine". With all of Azel's might and bravery he said, "My name is Azel Blue, what is your name?"

The pretty girl answered "I'm Shane Mayuri". Hate hit Azel's head and said "Stop flirting! Let's close the door first!".

To be continued.