
Zombie God

The world was turned to chaos and most of the people turned to super zombies just because of a video that shows an ancient gate. Few people that watched the video didn't turned to zombies but instead they gained some nonhuman abilities. There are some few survivors across the globe, but the question is, how and who will save the world?

RushDreamer · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 2

[Early morning, School Rooftop]

They did not sleep at all. They saw the moon disappeared and saw the sun went up. Unfortunately, they are not able to call for help or find any information from the internet because there is no signal in their phones at all.

The only thing that kept Azel calm the whole night is by looking at Shane. Of course, sometimes Shane catches him looking at her. But every time Shane catches him looking at her, Azel always forgot to look away and it is always too late to pretend he is not looking at her. Every time Azel look at her, his world seems it move slowly.

Azel: It's already morning.

Hate: I'm hungry.

Azel: The world sure did become a mess; is this end of the world they were saying?

Hate: Yeah, might be.

Azel: Look at that walking giant tree.

Hate: Yeah… I'm hungry.

Azel: What are you doing there Shane?

Shane was trying to write "HELP" in the rooftop using the blood of the zombie.

[Character's info] Name: Shane Mayuri, Gender: Female, Age: 18 yrs. old, Height: 168 cm, Weight: 54 kg, Hair color: black

Shane: I saw this on movies-

A girl shouted from below.


They immediately look down below and they saw a boy being bitten by the zombies. The man shouted "Ra-Run!!". On the front of poor guy there is a girl that is clearly covered with fear that makes her unable to run.

Azel immediately moved and tried to run towards the door. Hate stopped him.

Hate: Where are you doing?

Azel: They need our help!!

Hate: Are you retarded?! You will surely die, the whole school is full of dangerous zombies and even if you make it through each floor and got out from this building, it will be already too late.

Azel: So, what are we supposed to do then?

Hate: I don't know!

Shane: I will go.

Hate and Azel: Huh?

Shane immediately grabbed her umbrella and jumped! She jumped from the school rooftop!

[3rd Floor]

[2nd Floor]

[1st Floor]

When she reached the first floor, she used the wall to jump through it and she just did a three or more 360-degree flip. The flip is crazily fast that made the swing of her red umbrella leaves a 360 bloody red afterimage that fully cut-off the arm of the zombie that is approaching the scared girl.

Hate and Azel was just speechless, making their jaw dropped!

Hate: Looks like she gained some crazy inhuman ability too.

Azel: Yeah…

[Character's progress] Shane Mayuri's Core Ability: Dragon Berserker, Talent: Lunar Sword Style Martial Art, Acquired New Skills: Dragon's Pride (Increase Speed, Defense, Recovery and Power)

A pack of zombies just came out from the few classrooms in the first floor of the school building. They came out by breaking the windows.


Shane and the girl were trapped and surrounded by the zombies.

"Don't worry. I am here for you.", Shane told the girl.

Shane closed her eyes and when she opened it, her eyes turned to a crimson red. Some of veins on her legs, forearms and her hands became visible and glows red.

[Character's progress] Shane Mayuri's First Phase: Dragon Blood

Shane: (Lunar sword style, bloody full moon.)

Shane instantly vanished to thin air with some few afterimages but mostly all we can see is a red sphere that is surrounding the girl. You could hear a whistling wind coming from it.

All of the zombies that is jumping in to the red sphere was torn to pieces. A zombie hand was flying towards the rooftop then Hate and Azel saw it in front of their faces then it slowly fallen down again towards the ground.

Azel: The hand was still moving.

Hate: Well, it's a zombie's hand.

Then after few seconds a shock wave was released from the red sphere, blowing away all of the zombies.

*WHOOSSSHH* then, *BANG! *

Shane appeared after the explosion. You can see it from her face that she is exhausted. Smoke of dust was all over the place.

"Are you alright?", Shane asked the girl.

The girl stared at Shane and hugged her while crying.

"Thank you for saving me uwaaaahh.", the girl said.

From the back of Shane, the guy that was previously bitten stood up. He turned to a zombie, his hair became longer like a rock star, the skin went darker and some creepy skin pores all over his body except for his two long arms that seems looks shiny like a steel. (I'm going to call this zombie, the String Guitarist hahaha)

The zombie started whipping his arms like a rock star. *Rock n' Roll!!!*

Shane and the Rockstar zombie were clashing in an unbelievable speed. Shane can't get near at all and all she could do is to defend. The arms were too tough for her to cut it. (I am really amaze that her umbrella can keep up with this and made me wonder where she bought that and what kind of brand is that.)

It looks like she is still exhausted from the special attack that she made. A strong whip coming from the left made her lose a grip and her umbrella was blown away.

Then the long-armed zombie quickly hit Shane from her right side, making Azel's beloved Shane thrown away to the huge tree. (It was painful and might cause Shane to death, the huge tree made a huge crack after all.)

Azel clenched his teeth and his teeth became sharp. Then his entire body just felt a beastly roar of anger. His eye sparked some green effects and then the color of his eye changed a little bit to green.

Azel was really angry that he instantly jumped from the second floor. (Looks like Love can really make any people crazy.) He felt like he can also do it. No, I think it is more like he felt like his body can do it.

Hate tried to stop him but he was too late, Azel moved so fast.

Azel jumped without any plan so he immediately decided to copy what Shane did. He is going to jump from the wall of the first floor like how Shane did it. But before he reached the first floor, he realized that he jumped too far from the rooftop that it is now impossible for his feet to reach it. (So, he is good as dead.)

He knows he is going to die from this point.

And he did die. (Seriously, he did die.)

His skull was perfectly crashed, some of his bones were dislocated and came out from flesh. Blood, too much blood coming out from his body.

The last thing that Azel saw was a cute brown bear printed in the white undies of the scared girl.

He died for sure. But for some reason he gained consciousness and he was back to life. (Did he just revived because he saw a girl's underwear?) Azel's red dyed hair almost completely turn back to black but there are some parts that is still red.

[Character's progress] Azel Blue's Core Ability: Color of Life, Core Ability's Special Effect: Immortality

[Character's info update] Name: Azel Blue, Gender: Male, Height: 171 cm, Weight: 64 kg, Hair color: black with some parts that is red(dyed)

He immediately looks up if the bear (I mean the girl) is still fine and fortunately the bea- the scared girl is still fine. Azel look at her face and saw the scared girl became more scared as she looks at Azel.

The rock star zombie is starting to attack. Azel stood up then-

A strong whip came from below and something just flown away upward from Azel. He immediately looks up and followed to know what it is. And it was his entire right arm, he also saw Hate's face having an extreme jaw drop. So extreme that made him think, "Is that really possible for a human's jaw to stretch like that?"

Because he saw Hate's impossible jaw drop, he forgot for a couple of seconds that his entire arm was cut-off. But when the moment he realized it, the extreme pain immediately followed. (It was too painful that it made him shout like that yellow-colored hair anime character. Am I allowed to say the name? Nah, I'm gonna say it, I don't care.) He shouted like GOKU!

But fortunately, the pain did not last as his entire arm just grow back from bone to skin. It was gross to see but at least it did grow back and the pain stopped.

The zombie is starting to attack again. Its entire body rotates like crazy and keeps swinging the two long arms. *Rock n' Roll to the world!!!*

It's coming towards them pretty fast and he know they might not be able to dodge or even block the attack.

But Azel saw the zombie's feet and he immediately run towards the spinning long-armed zombie then he made a slide to trip him over before he can reach the scared girl. The zombie fell down towards him and the creepy zombie was lying above him and-

And and and and...

And Azel shouted for help!

"HELP!!", Azel desperately shouted.

The zombie tried to stand up but then for some reason the zombie decided to sat on him instead. The zombie slowly moved his head towards Azel's face.

Azel: (I know he was trying to bite me but it feels like he wants to kiss me instead!)

Azel punched the zombie in the head using his right hand. The neck made a weird sound and the head twisted backwards.

"Wow, I don't know I can throw a strong punch like that.", Azel said. Then he saw his right-hand releasing some black smoke.

The flesh in his right hand just formed like a white gauntlet, it's a little bit bigger and it became heavier too. He tried putting it on the ground and it made a sound like a huge rock when touched to the ground. *TUG! *

He thought this could work and he punched the zombie in the chest as hard as he can. (It was satisfying how the zombie just flown away straight like a jelly fish and crashed to the wall.)

Azel is now walking towards Shane but then more zombies started to join the party. (This is bad, really-really bad. But he defeated a zombie so maybe he can do this; he might be able to defeat all of the zombies).

He took a boxing stance and his left hand just became like his right hand too. Now that I think about it, the white gauntlet seems looks like they are made of heavy bones.

[Character's progress] Azel Blue's First Phase: White Bone User, Acquired Skill: Cell Control

The zombies now run towards him and Azel really don't know who will he punch first because damn sure there are a lot of them. Then a man just shouted from above.

When Azel looked up, it was Hate. Hate jumped too! Azel can't catch Hate and save him because he is surrounded with zombies and the instant, she leaves the scared girl alone she will die for sure. Crossed arms Hate covered his face before he reaches the ground. He tried to jump from the wall of the first floor too.

But for some reason he jumped too far like Azel did. (He is dead for sure, right?)

Hate failed to jump but he was unexpectedly still alive. He was floating in the air! And Azel saw him smirk then safely landed with his two feet in the ground. Azel was relieved that Hate is fine. (But for me that smirk seems irritate me little bit. Just a little bit.)

[Character's progress] Hate Roshan's New Acquired Skill: Levitate

Hate pointed his hands and faced his palms towards the zombies. One for the left and one for the right. He screamed and weirdly enough his black hair wavily stood up and turned to a color blue like that anime character, yeah Goku.

The palm of his hands just glows blue (like b*tch please, how cool can he get? Isn't it enough that his face is pretty handsome and cool already? And he can even read minds.)

The zombies were surrounded by the glowing blue and the zombies stopped moving.

[Character's progress] Hate Roshan's New Acquired Skill: Esper's Command

Hate shouted to Azel, "RUN!". Azel replied, "But where?!".

Hate did not answer back, it looks like he is having a hard time using those ability in stopping these crazy number of zombies.

So, Azel grabbed the hand of the scared girl and runs toward Shane. He carried Shane and told the scared girl to follow. He run toward the school gym hoping no zombies in there. Azel shouted to Hate "I will be right back, don't die!".

Azel asked the scared girl to open the door a little bit. Azel peeked to see if it safe and It seems safe. So, they opened it and went inside. He wants to carry Shane a little bit longer but he should go to Hate so he carefully put her down.

Azel: (You always save me since we are still kids, Hate. Don't die on me, I still need to pay you back.)

Then Azel urgently run and he saw Hate was already on his knees.

(I guess his dead.)

To be continued.