

Our MC spencer had an unexpected death by the hands of two men and was transported to a world filled with powerhouses capable of destroying worlds. wielding powers bestowed by a god, follow Spencer in his journey to the zenith. this is my first novel, I would like to give it a try and see how it goes, please give constructive criticism. to those that are telling other people to not read the novel for themselves because of a stupid reason or some randomness, or any reason in general, and without even taking into account that they are one person and people might like what they don't is disgusting and incompetent.}}

heliumjax · Ti vi
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64 Chs

//Out For Blood//

In the shroud of night deep within an ancient forest, wails of creatures could be heard, only to be torn apart and silenced within moments, flashes of a blur could be seen flickering through the forest at unbelievable speeds, tearing apart anything it could find within its range, letting nothing escape.

This blur was Spencer, still lost in his rage, he began attacking the creatures of the forest, killing and soon consuming them, making himself stronger, much stronger.

Spencer did not hold anything back, he would attack anything he could find, assimilating them into himself, gaining the traits, and enhancing the ones he already had, each creature he absorbed, sped up the process of killing another.

His strength kept, reaching to the point, that tearing apart any normal size dinosaur would be of no difficulty to him.

"AAARGH!!"- Spencer's roars echoed through the forest.



The grotesque sounds of bones breaking and flesh being ripped apart could be heard, Spencer had released all restraints, showing no mercy, in his eyes, these creatures were only a means to become stronger.

As Spencer kept hunting, the once boiling rage he felt began to fade the more he killed, quickly being replaced by a new, more intoxicating feeling.

Spencer was getting stronger at such a fast rate, his body began to reform and grow exponentially, growing to be over 15 ft in height, Spencer grew euphoric from the sensation of raw power welling up within him, slowly becoming more feral as the night prolonged.

It had gotten to the point of him hunting and attacking by pure instincts alone, the instincts of all the creatures he had consumed, began to take over.

Proceeding for a few hours, Spencer was still on the hunt, killing and consuming, until.

"AARGH!"- Spencer

Spencer's body suddenly began to overheat, rapidly releasing steam, his heart rate peaking and his lungs contracting, Spencer's body expanded uncontrollably, this forcefully snapping Spencer out of his trans, the constant assimilation of traits did not have time to settle inside his body, as Spencer only consumed without rest for hours on end.

His eyes began to blur, an immense amount of fatigue began to wash over him, causing him to fall to his knees, fading into unconsciousness.





Spencer could be seen laying within a cave, unconscious and on moving, within his rampage, Spencer had consumed a mass majority of the smaller animals in the population of the forest, he had become greatly fatigued and had collapsed.

*Groan*- Spencer

Waking up, Spencer was disoriented, still unable to move, his body was constantly changing at a rate visible, these changes were the cause of the mass assimilation of all those creatures he had consumed, his skin was fluctuating constantly, increasing in density, while also changing itself to a more lightweight condensed material.

Spencer's body also began to shrink, returning to its previous size of 6 ft, but his body was not only getting smaller, but it was also condensing its mass, greatly increasing his overall capabilities, while maintaining all the strength of his larger form, his tail was becoming thinner, gaining a hardened point at its tip, his claws becoming smaller yet denser, gaining sharpness, the layer upon layer of scales he once had, began to fuse, becoming a thinner more dense layer of skin.

He was evolving.

Feeling the changes his body was going through, Spencer decided to stop trying to move, he closed his eyes, letting his body finish its evolution.



After some time had passed, Spencer's body had finished its changes, sensing this Spencer opened his eyes, now a bright yellow with a slit as pupils, he began to move his body.


The sounds of joints popping could be heard, as Spencer's body finally began waking from its metamorphosis.

After a few awkward movements on the ground, Spencer had started to get used to his new body, positioning himself to get off the floor, he pushed himself up.


"What the?"-Spencer

In the process of getting up, Spencer had launched himself into the roof of the cave, sinking into the walls, opposite to his goal of just getting up off the floor.

Spencer was oblivious to the changes his body had gone through, he did not know the limits of his new form or what he was capable of.


Falling from the hole in the ceiling, Spencer was perplexed, he tried a gentler approach than his previous attempt, slowly pressing himself up from the floor, examining himself, noticing how different he looked than his previous self, he was shocked, mainly by the fact that he was smaller, he rather liked his increase in height.

Seeing the exit to the cave, he took a step in its direction, as he did, his feet stomped the ground loudly, each step he took carried an immense amount of weight behind it displacing the soil at his feet.

Choosing to ignore this, Spencer walked outside the cave to examine the area, seeing nothing, he continued walking, trying to get used to his current self.

Walking out the cave, Spencer decided to test his changes, he began walking and soon running, slowly picking up speed, he kept getting faster as he adjusted, the pace soon reaching speeds beyond anything possible by creatures in this period.

Becoming excited, he began going even faster, causing a gust of wind so strong, trees swayed as he passed, building up momentum, he directed his body towards a boulder, running full speed.


Crashing through it like a comet.

He planted his feet to stop himself, his momentum dragging him through the ground leaving a trail. Spanning a few yards.

Looking back, Spencer grew even more excited, he was leagues above what he was before. Seeing how dirty he was, he decided to wash himself off somehow, searching for a river or any water available.



Finding a lake not long after, he went towards it to drink some water and clean himself. Once near, he noticed a relatively small dinosaur was already drinking water.

Choosing to not disturb, as it was not a threat to him, Spencer went up to the border of the lake and kneeled, using his hands, he began drinking the water.

*Rustle Rustle*

the rustling of bushes could be heard.

Spencer turned around to see what it was, what he had seen was a massive dinosaur that seemed familiar to him, but he couldn't remember why.

The creature crept up on the smaller dinosaur that was on the other side of him, opening its jaws and snatching it up by its neck, shaking it violently.

*Crack* the shaking continued until a crack was heard, indicating that the neck of the creature was broken.

The bigger dinosaur placed the smaller one on the floor and looked at Spencer, seeing the creatures face, Spencer recognized it, how could he not?, It was the one that had eaten him on his arrival.

Seeing it again, Spencer grew excited.

"YOU, I finally found you, or should I say you found me, doesn't matter, you'll be dead soon anyway"- Spencer


The creature snarled and rushed at Spencer.

"You read my mind"-spencer

Spencer rushed at the creature, this was the start of an epic battle for revenge and dominance.


Minor fixes

heliumjaxcreators' thoughts