
Zelda: The Man who brought Doom

What a way to die, huh? Well at least I will be able to see my family again, even if it is in the after-life. Just gotta complete, this damn 'quest' I was tasked with and everything will be fine. But then again what could possibily go wrong, if you are a human looking Ancient Doomsday with even more potential than the original..... ///////////// So I am a new Author. So if you notice something wrong or bad just tell me and I will try to change it. English also isn't my main language, so do excuse any mistakes I make. Just write a paragraph comment and I will correct it. I am also unable to promise a stable update schedule. I will try to at least update twice a week though and I will try to get the first 10-15 chapters out as fast as possible :) The profile picture isn't mine. I found it on pintrest if you want to get the link to it or if you own it and want me to take it down just message me. I also don't own anything except my mc

mkoester · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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24 Chs


"Oh goddess, I am so sorry I shouldn't have let go in alone…" Her voice sounded really sad, and I could even hear sniffling… Now I feel really bad, if I'm honest.

"I'm fine Linkle. I have very strong regeneration. My left eye should be as good as new, maybe even better, in a few seconds." And it really was about to be. I could already see a bit, although everything was still a bit blurred, but I could feel it getting better by the second. And looking at Linkle I could already see some tears that formed at her eyes. Which didn't ease my consciousness at all… 

"Come on… didn't I already tell you that everything, but a smile doesn't suit you?" Which apparently wasn't the right thing to say, as her face immediately changes to frown. 

"Cid, while I appreciate your compliments, now really isn't the time for this. Even if you say have strong regeneration, are you sure that something like your eyes will heal? Healing something like a cut, a broken bone, or even something like a whole arm is something completely different in comparison to your eyes." She says in crosses her arms still frowning. And I guess she isn't wrong, but I am quite confident that I don't have any problems with healing my eyes. My left one is already good to go. I can see everything as I did before. Maybe even a bit more, the world is just a bit more vibrant, I guess.

"Linkle, I will be fine. My left eye is already completely fine. And my right eye is getting better every second." She comes closer to and looks straight into left my eye. Waits for a bit and looks at the other one, only to see a few wood splinters popping out. Which makes her raise her eyebrows.

"I guess, your eyes are getting better. At least I can't see anything wrong with your left one… but as soon as we are in Kakariko we will have a doctor look at it."

"If that is what you want… sure." I can see her straighten a bit up after hearing that.

"But first… I am really, really sorry for what happened. I shouldn't have let you go in alone, at the very least I should have been at your side from the very start but even that may have been a bit too much. I should have shown you how to fight a bit at the very least... If you were a normal person, you would have been blinded for your whole life, or maybe even worse…" She states while doing quite a deep bow. 

This I didn't expect, if I'm honest. I thought that she would have been more of a casual person. But then again you can't become a hero if you aren't ever serious. 

"I won't say that what you said is wrong. But still… I don't think that you are completely at fault. Just maybe don't do this with others and you won't ever have a problem. You couldn't have known that I would just jump onto the skull, fall through it, land in front of a blue Bokoblin and then also stand right next to explosive barrels, which immediately get shot at with a fire arrow. I guess, I am just too unlucky, this probably and hopefully will never happen again. So please don't bow your head. This isn't something you could have known." After seeing that she didn't stop bowing. I simply grabbed her shoulder and pulled her up. Only to her see tears gathering in her eyes. 

"Linkle, this really isn't your fault. Please don't be sad… f*ck I'm really bad at this. But Linkle, I appreciate that you want to help me. Really you don't have to do anything. And maybe this isn't even that bad, at least I won't get overconfident now… And something I noticed is that every time I heal, I get stronger. I don't think anything would be able to hurt me twice… I only told you this because I think that I can trust you and really don't want to see you sad, so please don't tell this anyone else and stop looking so gloomy. Besides that, we do mistakes, so we learn from them. So? Will this happen again?" I really didn't want to tell anyone how my adaptation works, but still if we travel together then this is the least she deserves to know… 

After I finished my impromptu 'feel better' speech, she seemed to gather herself and a determined expression started appearing on her face. 

"I promise, Cid, this will never happen again, and I will definitely train you to my best abilities." Seems like she read a bit too much into this. Still at least she isn't sad anymore… and getting better training might not be the worst that could happen to me. 

"Thank you, Linkle… 

Now then do we go to Kakariko next? Or will we do something different first?" She seemed to ponder over my words for a bit and then quickly decided.

"Let's go directly to Kakariko. If what King Rhoam said is true, then they should have a doctor, so we can get your eyes looked at and it should also be a good place to start your training. But let's talk about how you did before, first." She then looked at me with an expression that basically demanded that I tell her what happened. 

And so, I started recounting what happened. Her expressions was quite something to see. 

"Ok so first, we need to talk about how you kept zoning out. It was your first time fighting, so it isn't something too weird, but still, you really should only focus on your fights in the future. Besides that, your weapon breaking isn't something too weird. It happens to me quite often, so next time, try to hold back, so they don't break instantly. And you also need to watch your surroundings more, even if you say that the explosion didn't hurt you. It still disoriented you, in some fights that can be fatal. Besides that, using your hearing like that was quite smart, maybe we can try to train your hearing a bit more, it could become quite a strong weapon if used correctly. Also don't forget that you aren't alone, next time please just wait and call for me. All in all, it wasn't really a bad first fight, you just got a bit unlucky and worked with false information. A red Bokoblin wouldn't have been able to react so fast and hit your eye like that."

Seems like she takes teaching me quite seriously, at least she doesn't hold back with pointing out my mistakes. Which is good, don't get me wrong.

"There is something I would like to ask though. Wouldn't I just be able to fight with my hands? I could easily defeat every Bokoblin in a single hit and I'm only going to get stronger." She seemed to ponder over my words for a bit.

"It isn't completely impossible, but it can be quite hard. You need to be a lot faster when fighting with your hands. But if you are right and get stronger, as well as faster, then I think it would be possible… We might also be able to get some gloves that strengthen your punches, although they would also break quite fast.

But let's see if we can find something to eat here. Most of the time Bokoblins hunt some animals in the night, if we are lucky, they might have left something for later." She then starts looking around. I soon followed her example. Both of my eyes having recovered beyond what they were before meant I was easily able to see even the dark parts of the skull. And soon I saw something like a hatch in the ground. Deciding that opening it alone might not be the best idea, what with Linkle being a bit tense after what happened, I simply call out to her.

"Linkle, I found something here, seems like some kind of hatch." She immediately came over and soon crouched beside it. Then looked at me and asked.

"Can you hear something inside?" Feeling just a tad bit stupid for not thinking about that I grimace and then simply do as ask. I first got a bit closer and then closed my eyes to contrate. But even after a few seconds I wasn't able to hear anything.

"No, I can't hear anything, seems to be empty. Or whatever is in there doesn't move much, or at the very least quietly." A nod from her.

"Then let's simply open it. I couldn't find anything to eat anyways, nothing. And Bokoblins do need to eat, stronger variant even more than normal. So maybe they simply store everything in there." She then looks at me. "You ready?"

Well here's the next chapter. And thanks a bunch to AzagalPlay for writing a review. I appreciate it, I really do :)

Have a great day and till next time

mkoestercreators' thoughts