

The Equivalent Exchange System (EES) is the reason why life still exists in this Universe! Like!? and Hate!? True!? and False!? Strong!? and Weak!? Those words are the example of opposite words, that equilibrium effect to counterpart the other one. Like the Ying and Yang in Chinese culture, the other one won't exist if the other one did not. The same as risk and power, if you want a stronger power you have to accept its drawbacks and weakness. The stronger your power you can think of, the greater the risk you will receive. The equivalent exchange system is the reason why the Virtual Reality (VR) game called Z-ONE is famous throughout the world. Z-ONE is the first VR game in the history of mankind that can fully immerse 100% into the game. Inside the game, you can choose what power you want at the beginning and improve that power along the way to the top and become the game's Game Masters (GM). And one person has an idea on what power he will choose and that was LUCK either the system can provide him with that power or not it doesn't matter to him as long as he can avoid being misfortune even once in his life he can die without any regrets. And that person is the protagonist of this story TYRO who is a very unfortunate person since birth. His childhood friends called him Jack of Misfortune, nicknaming him JM instead of Tyro. That name he uses until he reaches college. Then the game was released in the 5th year of his degree in Engineering. By the time he graduated, he ignored everything and focus on the game to change is the destiny of being unfortunate.

DEAT96 · Kỳ huyễn
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45 Chs

A Place to Live


Professor Lee shouted. . .

Clang! Clang!

Ping! Ping!

Weapons sound colliding each other was heard in the silent forest. The other one has gloves like metal while the other has sharp claws colliding with each other.


Left uppercut punch on the man side while a smashing momentum on the werewolf monster going downwards to the man's face.


Then a liver blow follows up using his right hand, hitting the monster.


The monster groans after it got hit on his side, with a step back. The monster retreat after a few clashes with the man.

"Hey, kid you'd better run for now while I'm still in a good mood," Tyro warns the werewolf and continued, "tell your grampa I will pay a visit to him so tell him to stay where he is right now," then Tyro released an aura that makes the young werewolf knelt on both of his knees.

By the time Tyro canceled his aura the young werewolf run without looking back like a kid who got bullied by the big guys.


Professor Lee sighs after she saw the monster run for his life. She then asked Tyro, "so do you those monsters exist in this forest?"

Tyro only smile and replied, "let's just say I'm the guardian of this forest and my purpose is to not let this monster go out and die with our hands (the humans)."

"I see, so you are not an ordinary person hmm?" She asked in an innocent face she continued. "Then what will happen to me now that I know your secrets, are you going to kill me?" In a gloomy and sad face.

Tyro could only shake his head and answer her question. "I am not a killer I'm just a guardian, so don't worry. Even the professor on that camp knows everything but they never leave this place. For only one reason they can learn more here than in the outside world."

I see then both of them look at the baby in the hands of professor Lee. "Now, what should we do about the baby?" Tyro asked.

With a disparate face professor, Lee answered I'm gonna raise the child. Then she paused, "however there is one thing that stops me from doing it, the higher-ups that give me money so I can travel and research things. They would never let me go no matter what. The only reason is I know most of their secrets." Said in a worried face.

Then Tyro replied in a relief face, "then that would be easier then." With a confident face, he continued, "I know people who can help you with that problem. Those people is the one controlled everything on this planet their existence only known by the people like me who guard the ancient place like this so that peace and silent remains."


Professor Lee smiled brightly.

"Yes! We just have to ask their assistance and we will be good to go." Tyro replied to the woman with a bright smile on her face.

Then they travel back to the camp within 6 months. The baby also grows up along their fun journey. Even did not have milk to feed the baby they have some other methods to feed it.




Bot camp everyone is surprised by what they saw. Now professor Lee is carrying a baby with a weird marking on its neck.

Then professor Frank greeted the two. "Hey, guys! It looks like some development happens along the way to the north." With a smug face.

Both professor Lee and Tyro smile bitterly and then professor Frank hugs the two along with the baby on the back of professor Lee, while Tyro is carrying a large bag full of herbs.

Then Tyro put all the herbs they gather around the crater. Then he said, "old man it looks like you will become busier with this gift we bring to you." Then Tyro looks to the other professor on the camp. "Hey, guys! Aren't you interested in these things?"

Then everyone rushes towards the large bag beside Tyro.

"Damn kid, you bring us good plants this time we never know these plants still exist in this world." A fat old man in his 60's was delighted upon seeing what is inside the bag.

A bright smile that could blind a person was shown on the faces of the professor while holding those plants in their hands. Without any second thought, they left the entrance gate going to their respective tents, and start researching the plants.

Then the three also left the entrance gate and go to the tent of professor Frank with the baby on the back of professor Lee.

. . .

"I see, so all of this thing happened on one and half years of traveling on the north until you meet this baby." Now the smug face of professor Frank vanish and a hint of sadness and happiness all he could only feel for both of them. Sad because the baby was not theirs and happy that the baby is saved by them.

Then professor Frank dialed the number on his phone.

Ring! Ring!

A few seconds later the phone was connected.

"Grandmaster Xuan, I would like to ask a favor of you." Professor Frank directly state the purpose of his call.

"What it is old friend!" The man on the phone replied, sensing the call is important.

Then professor Frank told everything to the man on the phone. A few minutes later professor Frank close his phone and said to professor Lee.

"As long as you let them see the kid in person they will help you, don't worry they are just curious about the baby and they have some clues of the origin of the child. It just to satisfy their curiosity they have to see it in person." Then professor Frank paused and continued, "you have to wait for them here until tomorrow, to look on the child and you are good to go wherever you want to live."

Professor Lee nodded tighten her grip on the baby's small hands.