

The Equivalent Exchange System (EES) is the reason why life still exists in this Universe! Like!? and Hate!? True!? and False!? Strong!? and Weak!? Those words are the example of opposite words, that equilibrium effect to counterpart the other one. Like the Ying and Yang in Chinese culture, the other one won't exist if the other one did not. The same as risk and power, if you want a stronger power you have to accept its drawbacks and weakness. The stronger your power you can think of, the greater the risk you will receive. The equivalent exchange system is the reason why the Virtual Reality (VR) game called Z-ONE is famous throughout the world. Z-ONE is the first VR game in the history of mankind that can fully immerse 100% into the game. Inside the game, you can choose what power you want at the beginning and improve that power along the way to the top and become the game's Game Masters (GM). And one person has an idea on what power he will choose and that was LUCK either the system can provide him with that power or not it doesn't matter to him as long as he can avoid being misfortune even once in his life he can die without any regrets. And that person is the protagonist of this story TYRO who is a very unfortunate person since birth. His childhood friends called him Jack of Misfortune, nicknaming him JM instead of Tyro. That name he uses until he reaches college. Then the game was released in the 5th year of his degree in Engineering. By the time he graduated, he ignored everything and focus on the game to change is the destiny of being unfortunate.

DEAT96 · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Guardians of Earth

The next morning, two helicopters landed on the Bot camp.



The wind blows the tents around making the scene as a Typhon pass thru the Bot camp. Then five people came out to the helicopter, 3 men and 2 women.

All of them look very ancient, their aura is like a sleeping dragon's calm but intense. Then professor Frank greeted them and guilds them towards the tent where the baby is.




"Mother Fie it looks like we've found the child that has markings on the back of his neck." Grandmaster Xuan said while watching the markings of the neck of the baby.

Then the named called Mother Fie nodded. "We have to protect this kid and guide him, on how to use his power and not become corrupted by hate and anger."

The marking looks like a fingerprint of some unknown existence. The marking is like a small circle with straight lines and curved lines, that somehow like a fingerprint of a thumb.

By the time Grandmaster Xuan touch it the marking react and repealed the hands of the old man from touching the markings on its neck. Somehow, only professor Lee and Tyro could touch the markings.

The other three people nodded, they know why they could not touch it.

"Let's go!"

Grandmaster Xuan command his colleagues and continued. "For now, we will be watching the child from afar. You can now guaranty that your higher-ups won't bother you." Grandmaster Xuan said it to professor Lee and left the camp with the two helicopters.




Then Tyro bid his farewell to professor Lee and hug her tightly and said. "Please raise the child with love and care the same as you did on our way back to the camp." Tyro saw professor Lee her love and care for the child, even she did not know how to raise a baby. She perceivers and endure the hardship of being a real mother to the child.

Then tears fall on the eye of professor Lee and she said. I'm gonna name the kid the same as your best friend!" Then she hugs back on Tyro, when they first meet she feels awkward seeing the man exposed his upper body. But as time passed she got used to it, and become more comfortable with the man on her side.

"I see! Then I hope I will see little Tyro in the future. With a smile and waving his big hands with metal-like gloves on them. Tyro slowly walks out towards the exit of bot camp.

Even Tyro wants to be with them he could not leave his duties as one of the Guardian of Earth.

Their existence is absolute for the peace and safety of both races of modern and ancient times. They are chosen people by the absolute council, to protect and become the line of both parties. They have to separate both of their needs and wants to accomplish their duties without any hindrance.

By the time Tyro saw the five people he already knew that those five are also Guardians of Earth. But their duties are on the side of humanity.

There are three kinds of Guardians, the Human side, other ancient life form side, and those who maintain peace on both sides.

Like Tyro he is the one assign on protecting both parties and only a few of them are chosen for that task. This also means that Tyro has higher authority over those five. However, except the named Mother Fie who is not categorized on these three systems. They are the ones on neither side, their purpose is to guide the Guardians on what absolute council decision or what they think the best solution on that situation.




Few years had passed, to be exact 10 years from when they found baby Tyro in the forest making him his 10th birthday today. Baby Tyro is now running wild in his room playing with toys that are gifted by Professor Frank.

"Tyro! Clean up your mess okay?" Jin Soo Lee mother of baby Tyro warns baby Tyro not to mess the room.

"Yes! Mom," with a lazy gaze baby Tyro, picks one toy one after another. Then at the last toy, he is going to pick he slip his step and make him fall.


Rubbing his head where he got hit after he falls. Then he stands up, but the next accident happens all the arrange toys he picks were hit by his butt making all the toys messy again. Then his mother shouted.

"Tyro!? Are cleaning or messing things out up there?"

"No! Mom, I just fall and things went wrong up here!" Baby Tyro replied in a lazy tone to his mother.

"Okay make sure you clean up and come down here your grandfather will be calling us in few minutes to greet you." Jin Soo said to baby Tyro while preparing the table.

His grandfather was none other than professor Frank.

Jin Soo also told baby Tyro that his father was an amazing warrior who protects them and dies together with the monster along to the forest where he got born.

Rumble! Rumble!

A running footstep on the stairs was heard it was baby Tyro who just finished cleaning up his messy room. But in reality, he did not, or let's just say he could not. The reason is every time he arranges it and going to pick the last toy some accident happens to him. Baby Tyro feels weird about the phenomena and tries to solve it differently. He tries to ignore the last toy but to no avail, he just falls and keeps the same loop happen, then he gives up cleaning and go down and go to his mother and ready to greet his grandfather. He just ignores everything that happened.