
Yu-gi-oh Entities from Beyond

Right this is a Yugioh fanfiction taking place in the Arc-V world the main character of the story uses a Entity archetype deck (For more information on this archetype search Entity archetype on YouTube TGS anime has a great video on it.) There will be some original creations of mine (Entity archetype cards) later on in the story since a archetype with 6 extra deck 2 spells and 1 trap is hard to work with. Hope you like the story. "means Speaking out load" 'means thinking in Mc's head' Please tell me what I'm doing wrong and how I can do better in the comments.

AquaticChaos · Tranh châm biếm
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9 Chs

First Deck Edit

"Welp this solves the problem of the Entity archetype not having enough support cards, I'll edit my deck after I leave the spirit world" Max muttered as he read the cards.

"Since you agreed to become our missionary for this world, you'll need to be better dress as well," Says the figure. Max watches as some black matter detaches from the figure and floats toward him, after the matter touches his body the matter began to squirm and mold slowly forming into a suit from the Victorian era. The matter that detached didn't look like much but it also formed a half-height top hat and a walking stick made from made from unidentifiable black wood and inlaid with gold.

"Well would you look at that I always wanted to wear clothes like this... they're more comfortable than I expected," Max says checking his clothes.

"Now leave 2 people are approaching your current location." The figure says waving one of his appendages. Max passed out...

When Max regained consciousness he saw two people with very dark clothing and both have very serious expressions, but max could tell they were sad beneath that anger because of their red eyes.

"What are you doing in my house?" Shay asked very cautiously.

"Look man the worlds ending because of some interdimensional invasion so I think trespassing is the least of our worries at this point," Max says kind of speechless at the question he asked.

"How do we know you're not an invader, you aren't dressed like us either?" Shay asks still cautious.

"If you guys have dueled those guys already which I assume you have you know they only use a summoning method called Fusion." Max says opening his extra deck, "And as you can see here my boss monster is an XYZ monster, not a Fusion monster. There should be plenty of people who dress to fit the theme of their deck"

"Alright so even if you aren't an interdimensional invader, again why are you in my friend's house?" this time it was Yuto asking.

"I met this kid named Allen, we defeated 2 invaders together and he insisted we go to the Heartland duel school which I thought was too obvious of a target, so he went to the school and I chose an inconspicuous house near me to settle down for the time," Max explained.

"Alright understood but still get out of my house," Shay say pointing to the door.

"OK, I'll leave right now, I'll go stay in the house next door call me if you need any help alright? It's the least I can do after eating one-third of the food so," Before Shay and Yuto could have any reaction or any at all Max ran to the house next to them and locked the door behind him. "Right time to edit my deck."

(Junk Synchron) 2x --->(Statue from Nowhere) 2x

(Tuning) 2x--->(An the Comet) 2x

(Crane Crane) 3x--->(Outer Entity Sub-Niggurat) 3x

(Junk Synchron) 1x (Tuning) 1x (Foolish Burial) 1x --->(Outer Entity Suc'Naat) 3x

"This should do pretty well, kind of unbalanced but being a transmigrator I should have the same level of plot armor as Yuya." Max looked out the window, 'It's already dark huh? What a crazy day, transmigration then interdimensional invasion.

The next day when Max woke up he opened the blinds and looked outside and sure enough the the ground in front of the Heartland duel school was absolutely destroyed, the building was fine, but "What did I say? Staying in such an obvious building is never a good idea."

'I should go over there after breakfast and see if the Allen kid is ok or not, who am I kidding I'm going over to rub the fact that I was right in his face.' Max thinks with a smirk as he walks downstairs. 'Egg tofu, miso, fish, and seaweed again, I'm going to get sick of this quick, can't wait for pendulum universe where I can get some land animal meat.'

After Max left the house he didn't notice anything no people running and screaming not even patrolling Obelisk soldiers, "Wow the invasion really only lasted one day huh... I guess military dueling style just had an advantage over the 'for fun' dueling style." Max says looking around

'Well unless you're the main character, with them the more they try to convince their opponents that dueling is fun the bull crap they can just pull out of thin air, like when Yuya pulled 2 never before seen pendulum monsters out of his butt when dueling Sora. You know what? I have to test if I have this buff when dueling someone who doesn't enjoy dueling, free bull crap cards and will come in handy dealing with many antagonists,' While thinking this he was already on his way to the school.

As Max approached the front door of the school, "Stop right there!" he heard a yell, Max looked at the source of the sound, a kid a few years younger than him was on the other side of the fence.

"What are you going to do? Duel me? Anyway, do you know a kid named Allen? He should have come here last night, he should be able to prove I'm not a Fusion dimension invader." Max says first sarcastically then seriously.

"Alright I'll get someone to get him, but you can't leave my field of vision until he gets here," The guarding child says still suspicious.

"Fine with me," Max says with a shrug.

After a while of standing outside, Max saw Allen, "Wait is that Kite Tengo!?" Max blurted out,

"Fricken hell I saved your life once dude you don't treat the person that saved you like this and, Are there more adults back there!?"

Kite Tengo approached Max, "Hello I'm Kite Tengo, I was informed by Allen that you use XYZ, Fusion, and a previously unknown summoning method you called Synchro. I would like to see these summoning methods and, if you are friend or foe." At that last phrase, Max could almost hear the ominous BGM.

"Alright if you say so," Max said with a shrug as if he had nothing to live for anymore.

